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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    Wow... quite the shocker.
    First off, Botar's death. Just... wow. Didn't see it coming. At all. He seemed so... powerful... and then, he just get's beaten down. Tragic.
    Second, Trinuma. I hope we'll be seeing more of him, I like the sound of him. Although, I gotta say, Trinuma would have been a cooler name for MoMN >> but that's just me.
    And then there's Tren Krom. I always liked that name, and now we finally get to meet him... sweet. Gotta love serial crossovers
  2. Dorek
    I just went rock climbing today, first time in about three months.
    I am -so- out of shape. I need a workout regiment. Any suggestions?
  3. Dorek
    Have nothing to do with this blog. Deal with it.
    Still haven't gotten the Magazine yet, and Bionicle Legends#9 ships today, so it's gonna be at my house by Wednesday. So if I see any spoilers... Ima drop kick you in the face.
    Also, Limits suck.
  4. Dorek
    Well, first off, I saw Jumper. Before you kill me for blasphemous treason, I have to tell you that it actually wasn't that bad. Samuel L. Jackson was the saving grace of the acting portion, but the movie itself had a sound plot, and brilliant special effects.
    Secondly, I'm going to revamp my blog. You'll see. You'll all see...
    Thirdly... thirdly... dang, I forget >>
    Fourthly, I bought Icarax off toysrus.com, but UPS keeps rescheduling his send date, so I need to have words with them.
    Fifth, I went back to school today, so all that testing, collage searching etc, resumes as per usual.
    Sixth, if no one has started one yet, I'm going to make a Mistika fanclub.
    Seventh, my Debit Card came in the mail, so awesome.
    That is all.
  5. Dorek
    And I quote:
    "Hawaii Pacific University is the largest independent, accredited, coeducational, nonsectarian, career-oriented, postsecondary university in Honolulu"
    Say that five times fast and I'll give you a Blog Approval Stamp.
    Regardless, it's most likely where I'll end up in two years. Sounds like a really fun place.
  6. Dorek
    Word to ma homies, I'm back. Got a haircut, new glasses, and a debit card, busy day. A girlfriend would pretty much be the only thing I need right now. Or at least a date for Prom.
    Current Favorite Song: Beautiful, 10 Years. I am sooooo psyched for the new album
    Latest MoC: Varon
    Current Me Status: Pretty good. I need to get out of the house a bit more, but that'll be easy enough soon. New semester of school, which is going okay so far. New hair cut+new glasses=awesome me.
    Current Book: I need to pick up some more books once in a while, but currently His Dark Materials, by Phillip Pullman. I'm about halfway through The Amber Spyglass, so I need to get reading it again.
    Latest Set: Chirox. The arms are real funky, but work surprisingly well. I love the two toed Piraka feet, but they're kinda unstable.
    Current Favorite Movie: Superbad. There is no denying it, it is awesome.
    Current Game: Kingdom Hearts 2 >>. Hadn't played it in forever. Awesome.
    So yeh, that's me, premier again and all through the magic of paypal. and this -won't- go on my new debit card X3

  7. Dorek
    Yeh... I revamped ma blog ^^; Dunno why. Just felt like it.
    Edit: Not that it did me much good XD. My Premier Membership just ran out, so apologies to all if I cannot reply to any messages, I shall work my best in clearing out my inbox. If you really need to get in contact with me, feel free to email me, or post a comment in this blog, or in my BZP Page, I'll be sure to find it. I'll work on getting ma premier membership up and running.
  8. Dorek
    Or not. But yes, it's snowing! Good times, good times. Decent amount too. 4-5 inches. It's even better in some parts of the state, so I'm happy. Moreso, this means there's snow in the mountains, which means I can go boarding =D. In an unrelated note, I made a MoC. I should post it. My camera seems to be working again, so coo.
    Tis the season to be jolly... *dons traditional Santa cap*
    I'll probably be signing posts wif a santa smiley now >>

  9. Dorek
    My teacher pointed us to this awesome website. Basically, you answer vocab questions, and for every vocab question you get right, they donate ten grains of rice to a starving family somewhere in the world. It's free, it's awesome, and it's a step to ending world hunger. Check it out yo.
  10. Dorek
    Was -amazing-. I cannot believe how amazing it was. Ozzy actually performed "Iron Man", for the fourth encore. Amazing experience. Once in a lifetime kinda thing.
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