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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    Is the Rob Zombie and Ozzy Osbourne concert. Am I excited? You bet I am. Will he bite off the head of a bat? If I'm lucky.
  2. Dorek
    I had the joy of being able to attend this years Brickcon, which is apparently always held in Seattle round this year. How I didn't know this is beyond me, but we'll ignore that. I took my camera and filled it up with pictures, which I hear are all the rage these days, and now I'm passing them on to you.
    I'll do this walkthrough in mock BZP Set Review style, just because it's funny. And I'm a funny funny man. Right? Yeh?
    The Entrance is the thing you see first, so it should stick out the most, right?

    This years convention was held at the Seattle Center Pavillion in Seattle. I've never actually been there, so this was a new experience for me. The lack of signs to the place at all coupled with the fact that theres a place right next door called "Fishers Pavillion" didn't help. Regardless, I got there. It was fairly simply decorated, with a simple sign of "Brickcon07" hanging over it, but it did the trick. And the hundreds of screaming kids was a bit of a giveaway, but I digress. Entering the building was fairly simple. Pay a nominal fee of 4 dollars (with the nifty coupon my mother randomly acquired) get a stamp on your hand (still on there) and you're in.
    The Contents
    This is what we came here for; to see the various creations of Lego fans from around the world
    Amazing. It's really the only word to describe it. The hundreds, possibly thousands of creations are really quite overwhelming. So I took a deep breath, climbed up off the floor, changed my pants, pulled out my trusty camera and snapped away.









    Apparently this year was pirate themed. Explains the cute little flags along the saftey line that keep the children from breaking things.

    Do what you want cuz a pirate is free... you are a pirate...
    And of course, nothing would be complete without Bionicle. While not overly a major theme in the Con, it had a fairly large table devoted to it, and seeing as it's just one brand, I think that's pretty decent. Before you guys see what was there, I'd just like to encourage BZP readers to cut off all their hands because nothing they make will ever be as good as what Roa can do, and any attempt is shameful. Just a thought.

    Roa riding her Pit Scourge to victory.

    A little early for christmas, but it's a nice thought.

    Ca'Gerrin's eponymous MoC (cuz he told me to)





    Sure, there's plenty of MoC's so good they make you want to climb the building they scaled it after and jump off it, but what else does the con have to offer?
    Well, once you leave the main room, you enter the buying chamber. Here, they have plenty of sets and collections and keychains, and everything Lego you can imagine for sale, along with "Pick a Brick" bags for $5 each, a sweet sum compared to the store itself. The best news (for Washingtonians at least) is that they said that, once a month, they'll do a super "Pick a Brick" thing like that, all they needed was an email. I also picked up a Jango Fett set for a sweet price, nice deal.
    Final Thoughts
    Overall presentation, and fun...ness...
    I'm seriously glad I went, and I'm even happier that they hold it here every year . I learned a fair bit of information too, and recieved a bunch of souviniers, such as specialized bricks advertising the new Lego MMORPG, Lego Universe. It was an amazing experience, and my only complaint is the lack of advertising for it, but there was a great turnout despite this, and it was overall awesome.
    Did I mention how awesome it was? Because it was.

    Seattle representin' G
  3. Dorek
    9/16/07: I just scrapped the entire BrickCon MoC I was working on, took the head, and rebuilt it into a semblance of a body. That's about 10 hours of hard work shot down the drain.
    Update 9/20/07: Finished preliminary version. Peice shortage is gonna keep it that way for a while. Plans to re-do the Legs and make custom lower arms in place.
    Update 9/26/07: Refined Torso, Constructed Lower Legs, Refined Upper Legs. Lacking Partage to do lower arms >_>.
  4. Dorek
    ...Ozzy Osbourne and Rob Zombie? That would be just about the best thing ever...
    if I had the money >_<.
    Edit: Turns out I had 350 some dollars. I'm going to see Rob Zombie and Ozzy Ozbourne, October 18th, Key Arena, Seattle, Washington.
  5. Dorek
    I'm goin' to Brickcon baby X3!
    Now I need to build something special for the occaision. Mebbe something -really- big. Or this awesome fusion thing I've had planning for a while. We'll see.
  6. Dorek
    I'm home ^^; I start school on tuesday though. Unfortunately. Ah well.
    I've built Maxilos. Awesome set, but way to many gaps, specially in his legs. I love his torso though, it flexes, like a real torso. And you can't go wrong with Slizer legs as shoulders =3
  7. Dorek
    Natural Life
    Breaking Benjamin
    Hold still
    All of my life
    All of my time
    I don't wanna come back around tonight
    And all that I need
    Is serenity
    I don't wanna feel your new disease
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life
    You're wrong, you're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life's a lie
    All of my lies
    Swallow your pride
    I don't wanna come back around tonight
    And all that I need
    As serenity
    I don't wanna feel your new disease
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life
    You're wrong, you're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life's a lie
    You're right
    I can never lie
    Let me go
    Try to find a home
    I can't wait
    Try to stay awake
    Dead inside
    Bothered by the lie
    You're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life
    You're wrong, you're right
    The natural life
    You're born, you die
    The natural life's a lie
    A lie
  8. Dorek
    ...What? Edoshi does Works in Progress? And speaks in the third person? Who knew? I knew.

    That's about. Mostly just to distract you. From what?
    I dunno. What I -do- know is that Fusion and Color layering at the same time is a pain.
  9. Dorek
    Until when are Lego orders not "In process"?
    Edit: Oh, -now- they ship it. Lesse... 5 days after the original order? Yeh. So much for that wonderful "1-2 Business days" after the order is recieved.
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