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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    Ok, four things things:
    1. Yay updates. Feel free to click anywhere on Jesse Hasek's body. You never know where it might lead.
    2. The new 10 Years CD is due out soon. I want it.
    3. I'm thinking of stopping posting in bold... am I insane?
    4. Don't follow Kame's example. Feel free to give this blog say, a five.
    Edit: Also, my compy kersploded, and now I'm using my mom's comp, and my dad is out of town for the next few weeks. So ignore the spazztic internet connection.
  2. Dorek
    Spiderman 3 roxors my soxors. Almost literally. I don't remember coming out of the movie theater with socks on.
    In order to save your souls, I'd go see it.
  3. Dorek
    Is it fair, when your phone breaks, and your parents just replace it with the exact same (very bad) phone, and two months later, your sisters (exact same one as yours) phone breaks, and they get her a Razr?
    Is it?
  4. Dorek
    . The spiffications are all done. A big thanks to Shine, for help with the content blocks, and being blissfully unaware that I ripped off allowing me to use his PBZP Content Block idea.
    Shazam. Green.
    And cred to Rebel Toa (though I don't think he goes on anymore XD) for the nifty av.
  5. Dorek
    Deer Dance, System of a Down.
    2007 Progress: Squid Ammo: 1/1 Matoran: 2/2 Hydruka: 2/2 Barraki: 6/6 Toa Mahri: 0/6 Titans: 0/3 Special: 1/3 Books: 0/3
    |A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L L2| M|N N2|O|P|Q|R|S S2 S3|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z| Completed In Progress Taken Topic PM with Requests
    Update 2/2/07: PBZP E Topic Added
    Update 2/4/07: Matoran Defilak Aquired
    Update 2/10/07: PBZP K Topic Added; PBZP J Topic found
    Update 2/17/07: PBZP L2 Added; PBZP T Finished; Barraki Pridak Aquired; PBZP U added
    Update 2/25/07: PBZP N2 Added
    Update 3/12/07: PBZP T Added; PBZP U canceled.
    Update 3/25/07: PBZP T transformed to PBZP M2
    Update 3/26/07: PBZP G Added
    Update 3/27/07: PBZP G Topic Added
    Update 3/27/07: PBZP C Added
    Update 3/29/07: PBZP S3 Added
    Update 3/30/07: PBZP R Added
    Update 3/30/07: PBZP C Completed
    Update 4/2/07: Hydruka Thulox Aquired; Hydruka section completed. Barraki Ehlek Aquired; Barraki section completed.
    Update 4/4/07: PBZP C Added
    Update 4/10/07: PBZP R added
  6. Dorek
    Mearhghreumgerfug. There. Needed to get that outta my system. So. PBZP's. Stands for Project Bionicle Zone Power. In essence, where you sculpt a likeness of a BZP member. But, I have been seeing some things about it that irritate me. Maybe this is me being narrow minded, but when people PBZP any old member, it irritates me to no end. Because in the end, all they do is first, PBZP the *drum roll* admins! Of course? If you're gonna have people in your list, why not do the most important people on the site? That'll get ye popular, right? Sure totally. I PBZP and admin, they promote me, s'all good. Except it doesn't work that way. Then people say "oh hey look who's in my PBZP. All the important people! And others!" and they get to finish off a PBZP line too. I don't even know if this is how PBZP's work, but in my mind, people have to ask you to be in your PBZP line. They didn't ask for it. They have no prior knowledge as to it's coming. They can say, "oh yeh, thanks" but in the end, they didn't ask for it. They had no control over it. So in the end, I can build 26 MoC's, slap some random BZPower member names on there, and be done with it. Now, MoCing people you know, that's different. They can be friends, or aquaintences, or you can have true inspiration to MoC someone. But slapping on names is different. It defeats the soul of the PBZP line. In my opinion. So yeh. Thats me letting of some steam. I encourage people to share their opinions on said matter, but if this turns into a flaming contest, I'll have to lock it. Then again, I approve all comments on this anyhow. So please, feel free to share your opinions on this matter, but remember. I control everything you say. Muhaha.
    [Dr.Bstyle] >< Edoshi ><[/Dr.Bstyle]
  7. Dorek
    Happy Birthday to me.
    Happy Birthday hooray.
    It's a bit late, but who cares
    Because it is my birthday!
    I missed it XP. I had a plan for an MoC release and everything... ah well. I'll do some post thing for that later . Huzzah for being one. Goo goo gaga.
  8. Dorek
    Saturday only at the Bon Edo hey! XD Yeh. A me status update. Cuz I'm bored. And feeling crummy. Kinda. So Yeh.
    Current Favorite Song: Pain Three Day's Grace. Emo to the point of awesome. Word.
    Latest MoC: PBZP N: NSBT
    Current Me Status: Eh. I've been better. Way better. In between my job that doesn't pay and my schoolwork, I'm just not finding much free time. It stinks.
    Current Book: None. Last book I read was A Spot Of Bother by Mark Haddon. Strange book. Adult rated, so watch that.
    Latest Set: Kalmah. The Piraka body throws him off somewhat, as do the backwards jointed Hordika feet, but the the Tentacle and Head more than make up for it. Hope to get Ehelek and/or Nocturn soon.
    So yeh. Finals comin up. Dang...
  9. Dorek
    Before you all beat me to death for animal abuse, I would like to point out a few things I noticed in an emerging trend. Have you people noticed the sigs saying "every time you give a number rating, a kitten dies"? Well they're the ones killing the kittens. Not me. I've just noticed this, and am urging fellow forum browsers to not follow this trend. Cuz then it's you killing the kittens. Not me. Instead, y'all should put something along the lines of "every time you say some form of creature dies because you did something, some form of creature dies" or some such. Basically, a petition against "every time you do *insert action here, a *insert form of bad thing here*". Yes, two blogs in one day. I'll post a Firefly rant tomorrow. Look forward to that.
    Save the *insert creature here*'s!
  10. Dorek
    Good song. By Korn. But anyhow, I just realized that Kalmah was our red of this year. Which explains why he wasn't at my semi local other Target. So I nabbed Takadox instead. Still can't fire polyps. Ah well. Also got contacts. Makes life fuzzy. I should post a pic of myself. Nah. BBC entry is officially at 55%. I really outta get crackin' on that. Word.
  11. Dorek
    What with all the BBC entries going on, I didn't want to intrude with a PBZP, so I figured I'd exercise my new bloggin powers and present it here. Not my best, but certainly my biggest PBZP, I present: Arkasha! Arkasha requested at first, a Green and Black Color scheme, and a green Kakama. Lacking a green Kakama, I asked if Teal was ok, and 'yes' came the answer . Also requested were twin Mantis Claws that could open and attack. It works, but I failed to get a pic of it working ^^; too much power in those rubber bands... so, hope y'all like it, and let me present... Arkasha!

    ^Click For Gallery^
    Thats about it, comments, criticsms, giant fruit eating demonic aardvarks, etc.
  12. Dorek
    Well, not really. Just mine. So what's the special surprise, you might ask? Indentured servitude of course! That sounds like fun, doesn't that sound like fun? I think that sounds like fun... So, my Christmas gift to you guys is to give you the chance to help make MoC's for my Epic! Wooo! I dunno what the heck I'm gonna write, so if you'd like to help out with that too, be my guest . Or maybe an RPG would be more fun... I dunno. PM me with suggestions, or post them here. So this isn't a Christmas gift per se... more like a request for help with an Epic/RPG/whatever XP. If you can spare some time, try and help a fella out. The writing probably comes beforehand XD. But we'll see. Thanks in advance yo.
  13. Dorek
    Well, I happened to pop down on over to ma somewhat local Lego store, and find... tada! Nothing. Nothing but Squid Ammo. Being a nut, I purchased one XP. Even checked back before we left. But I happened to stop on by at Target and nabbed the only two types of Barraki they had: Carapar (or "Karapar" according to the instruction booklet) and Mantax. Carapar is fun... I have yet to built Mantax. My one gripe is that... I can't fire polyps for the life of me XD. But truly, I reccomend. And will get some pics up soon.
  14. Dorek
    Until I watched Firefly. One of the best shows ever. For those of you who don't know it, perhaps you have heard of the movie "Serenity"? Allegedly it is based of Firefly. I haven't seen it, but now I REALLY want to. It's basically based off after earth's demise, but before that, China and U.S. were the only real countries left, so chinese sayings get mixed in here or there. It's just a seriously awesome show about a group of... well... space pirates more or less, who go around with various escapades or another. It's very comic. And also inherently creepy. I recommend it.
  15. Dorek
    Well it happened. Edoshi went premier. Sweeeeeeeet... I like the blog title. Could be better, but it's cool. I'll do bigger blogs in the future, but for now, and Intro is good .
    Current Favorite Song: Wish I May by Breaking Benjamin. Kinda soft in some parts, but a truly great guitar solo at the beginning.
    Latest MoC: PBZP P: Pridak-X
    Current Me Status: Relatively ok. Waaaaaay to much homework. Winter Break begins in a week, but I'm leaving Tuesday, so I have tons o' stuff to do early XP.
    Current Book: Bionicle Legends#5. Really Good book, I reccomend it. I want Botar XD
    Latest Set: Dekar. Good coloring, I like the Kiril in Keetorange
    Thats all for now folks, look forward to more.
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