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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    The thirteenth finally came. Division. The long anticipated 10 Years CD is finally out.
    Not that I get to hear it, of course. The USPS system hates me, so neither copy I ordered has arrived yet. Ah well. One more day won't kill me. Maybe.
  2. Dorek
    I ordered two copies of Division, one with a (seperate) signed booklet, and one with bonus tracks. I planned keep the bonus tracks version, take the signed booklet from the regular version, then sell it. (Kame says he can get me moneys for it).
    Guess which version came first?
  3. Dorek
    Concert posters (will do this later)
    More clothes (I just chucked out about 2/3rds of my wardrobe cuz I've grown so tall >>)
    Random Posters (Comic book shop just opened, so I'll go find stuff)
    CD Rack (Just got Ozzfest 01 and 02 CD's, my collection is slowly expanding)
    More bookshelves
    So. I can has money?
  4. Dorek
    Saving the earth can't be encompassed in a day. Good try America. Good try.
    Fun fact: They though Earth day was a Russian conspiracy, as it occured on what would have been Vladimir Lenin's 100th Birthday (now what would have been his 138th).
  5. Dorek
    Aight, I tell you guys my awesome idea.
    It's the Night On Bald Mountain scene from Fantasia. So with the Chernabog and the volcano, and mebbe some little skeletal warriors scampering through the picture.
    It's gonna be sweet.
  6. Dorek
    No fancy shpeel, I'll make it spiffy later, but...
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