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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    Been a while since I've MoCed. I haven't really improved. But I still had fun! Might as well use this space for assorted musings that I didn't want to clutter the topic with:
    *Placed a few Bricklink orders, but most surprisingly was just stuff from my collection.
    *Crown was I guess vaguely inspired by Game of Thrones? Wanted something ornate but not too over the top. Taller than I expected, given that, but I still like it.
    *Weapon was meant to be either A. way more complex, or B. a reference to his original 2003 staff, but neither ended up happening. Laziness! There was also a shield, but didn't like the final product, so I ditched it.
    *Also super happy with the waist, in particular; it's got the spin, and the hip pads were a fun choice.
    *Piston legs are completely unnecessary, I just wanted that as an homage to 2006-2009 titans, and it was interesting getting them to work with the Unity piece (that I just covered up, ugh).
    *The butt area is unfinished. Conveniently, cape!
  2. Dorek
    Hey kids (or not, since kids get the magazine). Want to read that BIONICLE magazine insert in a high quality PDF version? Me too! So did LEGO, apparently, since they put up a listing for the digital version.
    The catch? They uploaded the wrong file! Lovable scamps. Star Wars is great and all, but they also have a separate listing for that insert (and no, it doesn't have the BIONICLE file).
    However, this was also like two weeks ago and they haven't changed it since. I emailed them about it and got the standard "we'll forward your complaints to the right department" nonsense. So more people should email them about fixing the file, because I want that PDF. Go on. Do it.
  3. Dorek
    Pseudo-traditional gift posting:
    *DualShock 4 - Magma Red (imported at the same price as a normal one, if you can believe it; there's a scam in there somewhere)
    *DS4 Charging station (because I'm lazy and they have terrible battery life)
    *Books! Too many to list, but a Robert Ludlum novel and Amy Poheler's newest book spring to mind
    *iPhone charging cables (yes, plural; these tend not to last...)
    *Oh and a new computer
    **Also Microsoft Office which I was unreasonably excited about because it's been forever since I've used a proper word processing system
    Wasn't expecting the new computer, but I definitely needed one. Still haven't set it up yet, though; too busy setting up my dad's new soundbar, which is half for me anyway
  4. Dorek
    So they restocked a few Kingdom Hearts 3d: Mark of Mastery editions in Amazon, so I decided that I should snag one. Free shipping and the like, and if worst comes to worst, they are pretty generous with their return policy. Regardless, it is something I'd like to have, even if that case doesn't work for the XL =P.
  5. Dorek
    Or Merry, or whatever unfathomable adjective synonym can be used appropriately without slaughtering the meaning.
    I just like the way Happy sounds. Not to mention everybody in my family goes "HAPPY CHRISTMAS HARRY" to which I respond: "I'VE GOT PRESENTS".

  6. Dorek
    So apparently I have a root canal. It's one of those things that makes perfect sense scientifically, but when it's happening to you, it's "oh dear god how is this actually possible paaaaaain".
  7. Dorek
    (best song on the album, the rest of which sucks, but not the point of this blog entry)
    Saw Alice in Wonderland tonight. It was really good, better than what I was expecting given the mixed reviews. The acting was amazing, and the interactions between the characters worked very well. Johnny Depp was totally boss, and was pretty darn convincing as an absolute whacko.
    The visuals were also fantastic. Nothing earth-shattering like Avatar, but it definitely matched Tim Burton's creepy psychadellic post-70's vision. Didn't see it in 3D; the ladyfriend tells me it sucked, so I guess I'm not missing anything. What'd you guys think of the 3D?
    All in all, the celebrity performances, stunning CGI-work, and overall story telling make it a great movie. I recommend.
  8. Dorek
    All Talk
    Where will you be when it all falls down?
    Where will you be when it all comes back around?
    Where will you be at the end of our days?
    Just following the footsteps let the liars lead the way
    I could talk about love, I can talk about hate,
    I could try to teach a lesson but I doubt it penetrates,
    I can give you all excuses till I'm blue in my face,
    I could talk about serenity, but it doesn't mean a thing anyway
    Who will you blame?
    Who will you blame?
    Who will you blame?
    Who will you blame for the soot-filled days?
    Who will you blame for the hurricanes and tidal waves?
    Who will you blame for the riots and the anger?
    And just cryin' in the corner wishing you would have had a say
    I could talk about love, I can talk about hate,
    I could try to teach a lesson but I doubt it penetrates,
    I can give you all excuses till I'm blue in my face,
    I could talk about serenity, but it doesn't mean a thing anyway
    Like a monster hides in your closet
    It's creeping closer but we don't care
    Are we all insane?
    If it's just a game, well I don't want to play...
    I could talk about love, I can talk about hate,
    I could try to teach a lesson but I doubt it penetrates,
    I can give you all excuses till I'm blue in my face,
    I could talk about serenity, but it doesn't mean a thing
    I could talk about problems, I can talk about sin
    I could talk about trial, but what do we really win?
    I could talk about forgiveness, though I'd probably be condemned
    Or I can talk about!
  9. Dorek
    It's mostly my own fault, but whatever. Apparently my account was actually linked to a friends email, so his account is the one that's been getting all my trophies.
    Ah well. I've been meaning to go back and replay BioShock anyhow, before the sequel. And this gives me an excuse to start Assassin's Creed II from the beginning (I had gotten a little into it when a friend brought it over, and now I have the game for myself :3)
    Still somewhat obnoxious though.
  10. Dorek
    | Matoran: 4/6 |

    #8607 Nuhrii
    #8608 Vhisola
    #8611 Orkahm
    #8612 Ehrye

    | Toa Metru: 6/6 |

    8601 Toa Vakama
    8602 Toa Nokama
    8603 Toa Whenua
    8604 Toa Onewa
    8605 Toa Matau
    8606 Toa Nuju

    | Vahki: 6/6 |

    8614 Nuurakh
    8615 Bordakh
    8616 Vorzakh
    8617 Zadakh
    8618 Rorzakh
    8619 Keerakh

    | Titans: 3/3 |

    8621 Turaga Dume and Nivawk
    8622 Nidhiki
    8623 Krekka

    | Special: 2/2 |

    8811 Toa Lhikan and Kikanalo
    10202 Ultimate Dumerator


    #8608 Ahkmou
    #8611 Tehutti
  11. Dorek
    | Agori: 6/6 |

    #8972 Atakus
    #8973 Raanu
    #8974 Tarduk
    #8975 Berix
    #8976 Metus
    #8977 Zesk

    | Glatorian: 6/6 |

    #8978 Skrall
    #8979 Malum
    #8980 Gresh
    #8981 Tarix
    #8982 Strakk
    #8983 Vorox

    | Glatorian Legends: 6/6 |

    #8984 Stronius
    #8985 Ackar
    #8986 Vastus
    #8987 Kiina
    #8988 Gelu
    #8989 Mata Nui

    | Warriors: 1/1 |

    #8991 Tuma

    | Vehicles: 5/5 |

    #8992 Cendox V1
    #8993 Kaxium V3
    #8994 Baranus V7
    #8995 Thornatus V9
    #8996 Skopio XV-1

    | Special: 3/3 |

    #8990 Fero & Skirmix
    #8998 Toa Mata Nui
    #20012 Click
  12. Dorek
    | Matoran: 6/6 |

    #8944 Tanma
    #8945 Solek
    #8946 Photok
    #8947 Radiak
    #8948 Gavla
    #8949 Kirop

    | Toa Nuva: 6/6 |

    #8685 Kopaka Nuva Phantoka
    #8686 Lewa Nuva Phantoka
    #8687 Pohatu Nuva Phantoka
    #8688 Gali Nuva Mistika
    #8689 Tahu Nuva Mistika
    #8690 Onua Nuva Mistika

    | Makuta: 6/6 |

    #8691 Antroz
    #8692 Vamprah
    #8693 Chirox
    #8694 Krika
    #8695 Gorast
    #8696 Bitil

    | Titans: 3/3 |

    #8697 Toa Ignika
    #8698 Vultraz
    #8699 Takanuva

    | Vehicles: 3/3 |

    #8941 Rockoh T3
    #8942 Jetrax T6
    #8943 Axalara T9

    | Special: 5/5 |

    #8952 Mutran & Vican
    #8953 Makuta Icarax
    #8942 Jetrax T6 (Special Edition)
    #8954 Mazeka
    #20005 Klakk
  13. Dorek
    | Matoran: 2/2 |

    #8929 Defilak
    #8930 Dekar

    | Hydruka: 2/2 |

    #8931 Thulox
    #8932 Morak

    | Barraki: 6/6 |

    #8916 Takadox
    #8917 Kalmah
    #8918 Carapar
    #8919 Mantax
    #8920 Ehlek
    #8921 Pridak

    | Toa Mahri: 6/6 |

    #8910 Kongu Mahri
    #8911 Jaller Mahri
    #8912 Hewkii Mahri
    #8913 Nuparu Mahri
    #8914 Hahli Mahri
    #8915 Matoro Mahri

    | Titans: 3/3 |

    #8922 Gadunka
    #8923 Hydraxon
    #8924 Maxilos & Spinax

    | Special: 3/3 |

    #8935 Nocturn
    #8939 Lesovikk
    #8940 Karzahni
  14. Dorek
    | Matoran: 6/6 |

    #8721 Velika
    #8722 Kazi
    #8723 Piruk
    #8724 Garan
    #8725 Balta
    #8726 Dalu

    | Piraka: 6/6 |

    #8900 Reidak
    #8901 Hakann
    #8902 Vezok
    #8903 Zaktan
    #8904 Avak
    #8905 Thok

    | Toa Inika: 6/6 |

    #8727 Jaller Inika
    #8728 Hahli Inika
    #8729 Nuparu Inika
    #8730 Hewkii Inika
    #8731 Kongu Inika
    #8732 Matoro Inika

    | Titans: 3/3 |

    #8733 Axonn
    #8734 Brutaka
    #8764 Vezon & Fenrakk

    | Special: 3/3 |

    #8625 Umbra
    #8626 Irnakk
    #10204 Vezon & Kardas
  15. Dorek
    | Rahaga: 6/6 |

    #4868 Gaaki
    #4869 Pouks
    #4870 Kualus
    #4877 Norik
    #4878 Bomonga
    #4879 Iruini

    | Toa Hordika: 6/6 |

    #8736 Vakama Hordika
    #8737 Nokama Hordika
    #8738 Whenua Hordika
    #8739 Onewa Hordika
    #8740 Matau Hordika
    #8741 Nuju Hordika

    | Visorak: 6/6 |

    #8742 Vohtarak
    #8743 Boggarak
    #8744 Oohnorak
    #8745 Roporak
    #8746 Keelerak
    #8747 Suukorak

    | Titans: 3/3 |

    #8755 Keetongu
    #8756 Sidorak
    #8761 Roodaka

    | Special: 3/3 |

    #8762 Toa Iruini
    #8763 Toa Norik
    #10203 Voporak
  16. Dorek
    | Matoran: 4/6 |

    #8607 Nuhrii
    #8608 Vhisola
    #8611 Orkahm
    #8612 Ehrye

    | Toa Metru: 6/6 |

    #8601 Toa Vakama
    #8602 Toa Nokama
    #8603 Toa Whenua
    #8604 Toa Onewa
    #8605 Toa Matau
    #8606 Toa Nuju

    | Vahki: 6/6 |

    #8614 Vahki Nuurakh
    #8615 Vahki Bordakh
    #8616 Vahki Vorzakh
    #8617 Vahki Zadakh
    #8618 Vahki Rorzakh
    #8619 Vahki Keerakh

    | Titans: 3/3 |

    #8621 Nivawk
    #8622 Nidhiki
    #8623 Krekka

    | Special: 2/2 |

    #8811 Toa Lhikan
    #10202 Ultimate Dume

    #8609 Tehutti
    #8610 Ahkmou
  17. Dorek
    | Matoran: 2/6 |

    #8582 Matoro
    #8586 Macku

    | Bohrok-Kal: 6/6 |

    #8573 Nuhvok–Kal
    #8574 Tahnok–Kal
    #8575 Kohrak–Kal
    #8576 Lehvak–Kal
    #8577 Pahrak–Kal
    #8578 Gahlok–Kal

    | Rahkshi: 6/6 |

    #8587 Rahkshi Panrahk
    #8588 Rahkshi Kurahk
    #8589 Rahkshi Lerahk
    #8590 Rahkshi Guurahk
    #8591 Rahkshi Vorahk
    #8592 Rahkshi Turahk

    | Titans: 4/4 |

    #8593 Makuta
    #8594 Jaller & Gukko
    #8595 Takua & Pewku
    #8596 Takanuva

    | Special: 0/2 |

    #1441 Orange Fikou
    #8581 Kopeke
    #8583 Hahli
    #8584 Hewkii
    #8585 Hafu
    #10201 Takutanuva
  18. Dorek
    | Bohrok Va: 6/6 |

    #8550 Gahlok Va
    #8551 Kohrak Va
    #8552 Lehvak Va
    #8553 Pahrak Va
    #8554 Tahnok Va
    #8555 Nuhvok Va

    | Bohrok: 6/6 |

    #8560 Pahrak
    #8561 Nuhvok
    #8562 Gahlok
    #8563 Tahnok
    #8564 Lehvak
    #8565 Kohrak

    | Toa Nuva: 6/6 |

    #8566 Onua Nuva
    #8567 Lewa Nuva
    #8568 Pohatu Nuva
    #8570 Gali Nuva
    #8571 Kopaka Nuva
    #8572 Tahu Nuva

    | Titans: 6/6 |

    #8556 Boxor
    #8557 Exo–Toa
    #8558 Cahdok & Gahdok

    | Special: 1/1 |

    #10023 Master Builder Set
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