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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    If you cancel an order on Amazon, do they still charge you for it? Or have they not charged you yet?
    Help please.
  2. Dorek
    Screw every PBZP I ever made, most were complete junk (ignore the fact that I actually liked them). I'm starting over.
    PM me with new requests, or post em here. I'll flesh out a full entry later, but for now, please, only one letter of every alphabet.
  3. Dorek
    I promised I would rant about it, so... *flashback*
    It's April 1st. To be more precise, it's been April 1st for three hours. Those were the only three hours of sleep I had. So, being forced to wake up at three in the morning leaves me in a less than desirable mood. We were taking an early morning flight to Arizona, so I accepted it.
    I didn't have any breakfast, and had an early dinner the night before, so I was understandably hungry. None of my family was really hungry, but after getting to the airport, I convinced them that I needed food, and so on the way to the terminal, we made a stop at a bagel joint. They happened to have cinnamon rolls, so my dad ordered three bagels, for him my mom and my cousin, and a cinnamon roll from me. We waited for about ten minutes while they heated up the bagels, all the while my dad kept asking if they had included the cinnamon roll. The crazy chinese ladies who worked there kept insisting that they did, though I doubt they understood what my dad was saying at all.
    So we get our order, and my dad asks for a fifth time if they had included the cinnamon roll. The lady at the counter paused for a moment, added a few dollars to the price she had given, and said yes.
    I figured that we could go back. Our terminal was really close, and I was all ready to eat, but my mother insisted we wait until we get on the plane. We get on the plane, which leaves fairly quickly. I had taken a brief nap while I waited for takeoff, and I woke up just as we were leaving. I opened up the bag to distribute all the food, and what do you know?
    Yup, no cinnamon roll.
    It wasn't so much as they forgot an order (though they did, in essence, swindle me out of one), I can understand that, but it's that they forgot -my- order. I was the hungry one, I was the one who insisted we stop for food, and yet I was the one left hungry.
    I got some food later though, but I was really hungry for the next few hours.
  4. Dorek
    I still need to rant about the cinnamon roll thing, but...
    Hey, wadda ya know, I'm a Premier Oustanding BZPower Citizen! Thanks to the wonderful purple penguin who made it all happen, Kex! Muchas gracias, dude.
    In other news, I'm home; currently reading the OGD to see what I've missed, then I'll handle PM's and whatnot. Currently trying to fix the CD slot on my computer, as it is being silly.
    That's about it, so... yeh, I'm home.
  5. Dorek
    I'll rant on the cinnamon roll thing later, but as for now, a random update.
    1. I'm in Arizona. Nothing to whoop about, but it's a nice hotel, one we've been to before (and unintentionally came back to this time), so I can at least navigate my way around it. Already have a sunburn, so good day, good day . As my overall internet connection is... tempermental, at best, I'll handle all PM's, Blog Comments (yes Bfahome, that means you), and Profile Comments and anything in that vein of things when I get back, which will be Saturday.
    2. I hope the Blog Approval thing is a joke, though I can see the reasoning behind it, they have gotten rather out of hand lately.
    3. Sevendust's new album came out today, unfortunately, I was not able to procure a copy. I instead ordered it off Best Buy, which gives me two bonus tracks. If they offer bonus tracks for Division, I will be very angry, as I already purchased that off Amazon. I also just bought Disturbed's new single, Inside the Fire, but I'm waiting till I get back to the hotel room itself (I'm in the lobby) to give that a listen.
    4. I have a -really- good idea for the BBC, but I'm waiting till I get home to sample out piece structure. Mebbe I'll order a few parts while I'm here.
    That's about it, feel free to leave me comments and such (unlikely), and like I said, I'll address them when I return.
  6. Dorek
    Nothing stranger than being called by your ex who's convinced you stole something from her, resulting in an increasingly bizzare conversation ending in "talk to you later"
  7. Dorek
    Apparently. I have -no- idea why, but it started snowing today. Mostly melted by now, but still cool.
    Slightly related, my Spring Break starts today . I'll be heading on over to Arizona on Tuesday, so just a heads up. Mebbe I'll bring my compy along.
    Segueing on into my next point, I recieved my first actual piece of college mail today; University of Arizona. This heralds some dark times indeed.
    Signing my Debit card now, so spiffeh.
  8. Dorek
    Superman's Dead
    Our Lady Peace
    Do you worry that you're not liked
    How long till you break
    You're happy cause you smile
    But how much can you fake
    An ordinary boy, an ordinary name
    But ordinary's just not good enough today
    Alone I'm thinking
    Why is superman dead?
    Is it in my head?
    We'll just laugh instead
    You worry about the weather and
    Whether or not you should hate
    Are you worried about your faith
    Kneel down and obey
    You're happy you're in love
    You need someone to hate
    An ordinary girl an ordinary waist
    But ordinary's not good enough today
    Alone I'm thinking
    Why is Superman dead?
    Is it in my head?
    We'll just laugh instead
    You worry about the weather and
    Whether or not you should hate
    Doesn't anybody ever know
    that the world's a subway?
  9. Dorek
    Ok, so.
    I have this new computer. Not brand spanking new, but fairly new nonetheless, a very nice HP computer, purchased at Staples. The charger broke (HP has zero clue as to how to properly make chargers in the first place, but that's a rant for another time). So I figured hey, it's still way under warranty, I can get a new one.
    So I walk into Staples. I look for the charger, see it, only to spot the price tag. 110 dollars.
    So, I continue walking, and come to the server/person in charge guy. I ask him if he could replace my charger.
    He can't.
    Apparantly, I need to order one directly from HP. Ridiculous? Absolutely. It's hanging right there, easily pluckable off a shelf, but no, I have to go spend time on the phone with people from HP. I was going rock climbing at the time, so my mother kindly offered to do it for me. Good thing too, as she says she spent forty minutes on the phone with them. I complain as the the ridiculousness of the system, and get my head bitten off for it.
    So yeh, I have to wait a week for a charger now. My computer still get's charged right now... if it doesn't move, quite literally, a centimeter.
  10. Dorek
    No, this isn't another silly R.I.P thing.
    Our beloved class pet guinea pig, Chuck "Hamster" Norris, passed away today. My connection to the adorable little critter is complicated, so I'll condense it by saying I'm friends with his owner. In fact, I was due to take care of him next year, as she will be going off to college. Regardless, it's rather sad. I liked the little guy. I'm gonna miss him.
    Aside from that, I had a better than average day. I excelled at school (apparently I'm a math genius. Go figure) and afterwards, I hung out with some friends, had lunch, came home for some cake, as it is my mothers birthday. No homework for tomorrow, as most of the tests have been postponed. So apart from the aforementioned unexpected, but not untimely death, I had a good day.
    We'll miss ya Chucky.
  11. Dorek
    They're actually fairly interesting.
    Currently Rocking Out To: "Bleed" - Meshugga
    First off, my compy randomly installed Safari for me, so I'm trying that out. I like it. It's a little laggy, but the special features more than make up for it.
    Secondly, relating to the currently rocking out bit, I've discovered about 400 or so new Channels on my TV, including the music ones. I'm on the Metal Channel right now ^^
    Thirdly, my life has reached a semblance of normal, I'm hanging out with friends, exercising (need to do a bit more of that), and in general having a good time. Lots of school stuff on top of that, I'm slated to take the SAT's in May, and my Drivers test (only for my permit; sue me, I'm lazy) next weekend, so wish me luck with both of those.
    So yeh, I'm good.
  12. Dorek
    Having actually played it, I can finally give my opinion on it.
    It.. well... fails.
    First off, the controls. The Wii-Mote fails as a game controller; a Gamecube controller is needed to even hope to have fun with this game. Which makes it rather pointless as a Wii-exclusive, as it doesn't even utilize the basic functions of the Wii-mote.
    Second, the gameplay. New characters are great and all (and I'm pleased they added some Kirby characters), but in the end, there is no -wow- factor about any of the gaming itself. It's relatively unchanged since Melee, as are the stages. The stages themselves transform or move about, but again, nothing special about it, very standard. Seems like something Melee would have had.
    All in all, it's fun, but absolutely no different than Melee, cept for some new characters.
  13. Dorek
    Along the same vein of TKMOL's Welcome To BZPower entry and Valenti's No Mocking Of Other Members entry...
    I've noticed that a lot of BZPers preface their posts by saying "dude". Whether they realize it or not, this sounds extremely condescending. It's not the friendly "dude, sup?", it's more of the "dude, why did you do that?" style of speech. The overall sound of it is very negative, and it's not even directed at me.
    I'm aware I lack the necessary influence Valenti has to persuade you to stop doing this, but I'd just like to implore BZP members to be kind to one another, and to not use such negative words.
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