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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Javi


    I hate these flashes of depression and happiness. Everyone always tells me I'm negative, and it never occurs to anyone that maybe I'm depressed? Bleh.
  2. I know, I'm really happy with my Christmas list for this year. It's really an amazing album. I couldn't resist but listen to it on Grooveshark, and some of the songs were just...amazing; very emotional. Fear almost made me cry, and I don't even know how to explain the emotions in Marchin On...I think it's gonna be worth every cent. And yeah, The Script's album is really good, too. I was looking for another album that wasn't going to be too expensive, and The Script was perfect. Bleh, I always feel bad when I ramble on about myself, even on my own blog - what're you getting for Christmas?
  3. By some incredible miracle, all six Stars were available, either in Toys "R" Us or at the Lego Store. So I have them all for Christmas and I can still get the three albums I want without exceeding budget (the albums are Waking Up by OneRepublic, Hot Mess by Cobra Starship, and The Script by The Script). And for the first time since 2001, I'm going to have all six sets in a lineup at once, all under the Christmas tree. And just to add irony to that situation, the ones I got in 2001 were the first line, the Toa Mata...and the ones I got now are the last, the Stars. Kinda cool, eh?
  4. Javi

    New Title..

    Sure. It's all yours, buddy. B)
  5. Javi

    No Más

    Thank you, Carakki. I really didn't wanna translate all your blog entries every day and then translate and reply to them. Takes too much time and I'd probably get the wrong translation anyway. xP
  6. You can do whatever you wanna, man. I know you're feeling down...but man, things are looking up. You gotta weather the storm, you gotta make it to that place where everyone told you you couldn't, but you knew you had it in you and you made it. *voice cracks with emotion* B.STRONG
  7. I asked for all six for Christmas, hoping to take advantage of the Toys "R" Us sale. My mom's going to Toys "R" Us today. I know the sale's going on - but I'm really scared that they're gonna be out of stock. Cross your fingers for me, please. Also, on an impulse, I started rebuilding my Toa Mata. I'm missing one heart-ball, Kopaka's shield, and one large gear. I have to say, though, 9 years and only three missing pieces is pretty dang incredible to me. Update: Spoke too soon. Both of Onua's claws are missing, too.
  8. I made maybe...2/35 shots?
  9. Javi


    We are the devils...demonized, destructive, deadly devils. Or...desensitized, destroyed, dead devils. No, reading Speak did not help my depression.
  10. Javi

    Oh, I Hate Being Sick...

    I feel better now, actually. Here comes the next challenge - makeup work. Dx
  11. I was having stomach cramps through 1st period, so I went to my mom's room and she called my dad and now I'm waiting for him in the office...he hasn't showed up yet. I can't wait to go home and just take a nap.
  12. Javi

    Making A Website Help?

    Actually, I'll still have that $200. I think my mom's willing to pay for the domain and such (I know it needs to be a domain). GoDaddy seems like a good builder to use...thanks! This should help me out a ton.
  13. So here's the deal. My mom's willing to give me a pretty thick wad of cash to make a website for my dad. Talking around at least $200. The problem is, I'm not sure where to host or how to get started. I'm sure some of you here must be able to offer some help. Could anyone? I really need to get started on this so I can get some of my friends Christmas presents.
  14. Yeah, I wrote this before I read the whole story.
  15. I went to Andy's place yesterday and crashed there, then we woke up at 9:30 and walked around town for a while. We went to Blockbuster and got Catch Me If You Can, and then to Hollywood Movies and got Role Models and Eagle Eye (which didn't work, he's gonna return it). We checked in the music store to make sure they'd definitely be closed tomorrow, and then went to Taco Bell and had a pretty decent meal for $6. Then we went back to his place and watched Role Models. Then Matt called and asked if we wanted to play basketball at the park. After a lot of confusion, I got a ride and we went. It was pretty fun. We played these street players 5-on-5. They went easy on us for a couple minutes, and then they went totally insane. I couldn't shoot for my life, but I played D okay, I think. Then my mom picked me up and I went home really happy. Of course, God just had something against my happiness - I get on here and read that Bionicle's ending...
  16. That's...oh wow, I can't remember the name of that song. xP Not usually. Usually he's a really strict pain in the butt, but he's lightened up because we're coming up on Thanksgiving break (except apparently we skipped Thanksgiving).
  17. Well...don't get me wrong, there are some solemn ones I like. But I really like the more inspirational-sounding ones, like Silver Bells - songs like that really get me in the spirit of Christmas.
  18. I absolutely LOVE Christmas songs. That make me feel so cozy. But today in math, my teacher was playing some really pathetic Christmas songs...I'm gonna get together a better Christmas playlist together. Like, really...songs like Mary Did You Know aren't that wonderful. Christmas should sound happy, or at the very least inspiring. I get the message to the song and all, but I don't like how sad it sounds...and almost all the songs that played were like that.
  19. So I went to Andy's place. Matt didn't show up, but we hung out in the Wal-Mart plaza, and that was fun even thought it was raining. We bought Tropic Thunder and watched it (forgot how funny that movie was). Fun day...and I only have to live through two days this week before Thanksgiving break.
  20. Javi

    Stars Get!

  21. Songwriting's my hobby and my way to vent about things. I just wrote another one now...I don't know why I'm dishing them out all of a sudden, but I'm happy about it anyway. I'm getting some practice with melodies and hooks and lyrics.
  22. Javi

    The Table

    Then get a collapsible, love. I don't really have room for one either but it works because I can stuff it in the corner.
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