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Everything posted by Javi

  1. If you didn't know from any of my earlier blog entries (I don't think I made one on this), my school initiated MacBooks to all the students in the district. Pretty sweet, eh? Yeah. I was just thinking about it, and I could be using BZP in a lot of my classes after I finish my work. Considering how little time I'm able to spend on here otherwise, it would be a good idea to try to use it during the school day...
  2. Yeah; I guess you're right. I told one of my friends about it today, and they just sorta said it was cool and shrugged it off. I'm sure everyone else would take it that way... Haha, that's cool. My friends would never accept my whole lunch - they're too nice - but I don't think I'd give it away anyway. I'm a pig.
  3. Javi

    Half A Kaxium

    Nope. I recommended him to BZP once, but he was never too into Bionicle. Lego Star Wars is usually his thing.
  4. Javi

    Half A Kaxium

    Heh, yeah...I guess so.
  5. Javi

    Half A Kaxium

    I was at Wal-Mart with a friend who had $30 to spend on Lego, and he decided to get us both something. But the only thing that looked even remotely appealing was the Kaxium. When I told him it was two bikes and two figures, he decided we'd each take one of them. I took the bigger bike (mostly because it had more pieces I could use) and the figure that went with it. So I now have 1/2 Kaxium.
  6. Don't play dumb. You know what you did!! That really is kinda weird. That flag's so cool.
  7. Pride. No one really wants to go on a free lunch program because they're too proud. We've been eligible (in times when it could have been more useful), but my mom only just decided to swallow her pride and put us on. I'm not sure I really have, though.
  8. Heh, that happens to me all the time. I usually think of something in a couple days, when something interesting actually comes to mind...
  9. Javi

    Oh My God

    That's cool. And clever. Wonder who the MOCist is...
  10. We're going on free and reduced lunch. Pros: -No more brought lunches that get crushed under all my school stuff -HOT FOOD -Saves us money (which we really need) Cons: -After bringing for almost three years, people are going to ask why I'm buying all of a sudden -I don't want to tell anyone, out of pride (you guys don't count cuz I can't really shame myself too bad on BZP) -God forbid anyone does find out, I worry that I might be subject to teasing The pros definitely outweigh the cons to me, though.
  11. Javi

    Motion City Soundtrack

    Honestly, I don't know if you're right or not. I only just started listening to I Am The Movie and Even If It Kills Me yesterday, so...but I think I Am The Movie's their oldest album, and My Favorite Accident is on there, so if it was a hit, it's not so much now. I do remember hearing Everything Is Alright on one of my brother's sports games (first place I heard the band). I have no clue, though. I'm pretty sure none of their songs actually received radio airplay, as far as I know. Indie really deserves more airplay. So much better than mainstream...
  12. I can be a whole lot lazier than that.
  13. I personally gotta say that they're the best pop-punk band I've ever heard. But no one knows who they are. Seriously, they're punk but they didn't lose the pop sound either. It's brilliant...lyrics are fantastic and the songs are really just infectious, with Commit This To Memory probably being the best album (the other two are great, though). How many people would agree that they're one of the most under-appreciated pop-punk bands that's been around for a decent amount of years? Or, a better question: how many people even know who they are?
  14. Javi


    Hah, wow. That van looks 2 years old, maybe newer. And it still runs well, too? Really great car you got there. Doesn't look half bad either. Heh, this is my mom's van: Pretty black boxes are there to obscure personal information. Real easy to drive, but I'd hate to be caught in it. 15+minivan=no. Great car to learn in, though. And yep. Unless the truck is stick-shift... We can only have a full license by 16 1/2. Learner's permits are limited, but the stuff you can do goes up each year. Like when I first start driving, there has to be a parent/guardian, no one else can be in the car, and you can only drive during daylight hours. Then you get extra conveniences every year (after driver's ed and a test) until you reach the full legal driving age. Can you tell I've looked into this a lot?
  15. Javi


    Oh, hah, the age isn't what bugs me. The fact that it's a van does. I want a van sometime, but I know my first car has to...erm...my first car has to be a truck. By the way, I admire that minivan. Oldest car I've ever seen working well was a neighbor's fifteen year old Honda. Can't believe your van's still got it at 20! O.o Yeah; well, he's always been a nice guy. Nicest neighbor we've ever had. By the way, I don't actually have the truck yet - he said he'd let me have it when I started learning to drive, which is a good four or five months away.
  16. Javi

    A Milestone

    200 posts in 3 years? Why so not-posty?
  17. Javi


    North Carolina law lets me get a learner's permit at 14 1/2. Which I'm conveniently coming up on in a few months. So I'll be learning to drive on what I think are the country's worst roads (generally, NCs are terrible drivers). Good experience, right? Only problem is that I don't have a car. My dad won't let me drive his truck, and I'm not gonna drive my mom's 10-year-old Odyssey. So I was car-less up until yesterday. My dad was talking to my neighbor - a really nice old man who does a lot of community service. He has five cars/trucks, and they only use two. My dad was joking about taking one of them, and our neighbor said that he could actually take his old truck - free - and fix it up. It runs great still, it just needs to be cleaned up, really. Paint and all that. Once I'm able to drive, we might ask him for it and I'll have a sweeet old truck that I can pimp out. I forgot the model/make...it was F100 or something like that. Pretty decent-looking truck, though. So I'm excited.
  18. So can I. Like I said, I was just too lazy.
  19. Javi

    Wow, She Can Talk

    If it did, it might be about 2 minutes longer. I keep BZP/Bionicle a secret from people I know in real life.
  20. I can too. I'm just too lazy.
  21. Javi

    Wow, She Can Talk

    Very. Nope. She called me. D=
  22. Javi

    Well, Um

    Heh. If it really was always non-existent and it had more views and a better rating...that would really suck.
  23. Javi

    Wow, She Can Talk

    I was just on the phone for an HOUR talking to some girl who decided I'm her new best friend. 'Bout half that time she was talking to other people in the room, though. I had to make up an excuse to get off the phone - I couldn't sit there talking until 12. Mostly because if I did, she would pretty much know every detail of my life up to today. Which really isn't that much. I can tell my life story in about 5 minutes.
  24. As long as you don't care about being called Bricky, Bricky. Thanks. xP Everyone likes my hair. It's the only awesome thing about me.
  25. Javi

    Am I The Only One

    I think I just say muh-TOR-an...my-tor-ahn sounds kinda funny. I've said muh-TOR-an since the beginning, in '01, so...I dunno.
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