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Everything posted by Javi

  1. He can revive the dead!? :o xD Don't we all wish?
  2. Javi


  3. Javi

    Kaxium V3

    YOUSIR You shall review. NOW.
  4. First football game of the season was last night, Blue Devils against Bandis (we're the Blue Devils). 'Course, we lost all our seniors, and they were the first string and all that, so of course we sucked. Baaad. 40-22 by the end of the game. :/ Meh, I wasn't watching anyway. The football game isn't nearly as fun as the back-alley football game. All I mean by that is that I was way far from the game in a patch of grass near the football field with all the...well, y'know. Hood, pimpin' kinda people, for lack of any better words. I was hanging with my best friend Zach, some little kid called Kellen, and a guy named Brad. Well, I had a half-liter of soda on me (it was gone about fifteen minutes into the back-alley game). So I got pretty, y'know, awake. It was Mountain Dew, too, and Mountain Dew gets me really crunk. So I was maybe doin' some stuff that I wouldn't have usually - getting in little fights and flirting and stuff. I'm probably gonna regret the flirting come Tuesday. The fights too, I bet. *snickers* Some guy got knocked out. Stupidstupidstupid kid. Zach's been tryna go out with this one girl for a couple years now. Really, he's wasting his time...first off, she's a flipping seventh grader...he's an eighth grader...and he's been rejected SIX TIMES already...and he goes around telling people. You do not tell people you got turned down six times by a seventh grader. But anyway, yeah. He's kinda stalker with her, so I guess I see why she doesn't wanna go out with him. Hmmph. Personally, I'm glad he isn't going out with her - if he gets a girlfriend before me...-.- Brad didn't hang with us too much. He wound up on the wannabe-back-alley football side of the field, breaking up wannabe fights. His ninth-grade girlfriend refused to be seen in public with him, I think... Kellen was a cool kid, even though he's a sixth grader. I pushed him down the hill a few times. Hehe, he almost got beat up cuz he knocked into a big kid (football player big, I mean). The flirting was fun, too. By what I overheard (I'm not stalker, but this girl talks loudd), the girl I like likes me. Maybe I heard what I wanted to hear, but hey, I was kinda caffeine-high. Blame it on the a-a-a-a...xP Even if she doesn't like me, she's just my first choice...after my fall-hard with the other girl (anyone remember that?), I've been trying to keep my options open so that doesn't happen again. Flirted with a few other girls too. So...yeah. Fun night.
  5. Terakk and I just spent an hour and a half talking on an MSN videochat (my Skype was acting up). Mostly him putting masks over his face and me trying to grab stuff from his room. Aaanyway... Anyone game for a videochat Sunday night? It'd be awesome to get a huge group of BZPers together in one chat. xD Or as huge as Skype allows...
  6. Javi

    It's Depressing...

    It's a good two cents; you're probably right. Still, from my point of view, it did seem kinda rude, especially after being singled out before. It seemed like she'd decided we were her worst students already.
  7. *groans* I wish I was wrong. Oh well.
  8. My brother's in occupational education, and he came up today saying he wanted to move back into regular education. One of his biggest problems before we moved him to occ ed was Algebra I, which I'm taking for high school credit. So we decided to see how he'd do out of my algebra book. We tested him on writing a problem from words (like "the sum of j and 12"). Then we tested basic problem solving, stuff like 3*5-4^2 and all that. Then we did very basic algebra, where you just replace variables with constants. I had to guide him through the order of operations step-by-step, and tell him where and how to keep his thought process on the paper. He struggled on every problem. My brother's 18 (formally 17...18 later this month), in 11th grade. I got really emotional, just seeing that I could do what he couldn't, three grades behind him. I don't understand how my mom dealt with it for 18 years, head-on. I've only touched on some of my brother's most basic problems. I really admire my mom for how remarkably gifted she is with autistic kids; I'm glad she's going back to college to get a job as a special needs teacher. --- Well...I got reaaaally mad at my history teacher today. Three people in my class didn't do homework - me, a kid I call Stewie, and another kid named Nick (I keep saying here when they call his name for attendance; I haven't had another Nick in my classes since 5th grade). Well, anyway, Stewie and Nick didn't do any of their homework. I spent an HOUR doing her insane workload. I forgot to type in "Do Vocab" on iCal. So she was up there, literally singling us three out and explaining how important it is to do homework and using us as examples. Then she called on me to answer a question, and I said that I wasn't totally sure it was right, and she didn't even give me a chance to ANSWER before she moved onto someone else. I really hate her. xP All the rest of my teachers I don't HATE - actually, all my teachers are pretty good. Except her. She's really terrible - it's all bookwork and nothing interesting. At least in math, language arts, and science we do cool stuff that still gets the concept across. No originality in her teaching. It's just a really dull class. Ah, well. Can't expect to be babied with fun projects and things. Math and language arts in high school's probably gonna be mostly bookwork; may as well get used to it. At least science'll stay pretty fun; labs are still pretty important in high school from what I've seen. Well...this is a long entry. xD
  9. Haha, it's fine. =)

  10. Javi


    =( I hate being sick; I really hear you there. But I don't mind missing school for any reason other than that the work starts to pile up. Bad. And I have a crazy guess that that's not the reason you don't like missing school. Hope you feel better - well, today.
  11. Javi

    A Trip

    I'm here. I still have your blog favorited. Ooh, I know the feeling too. xP I actually had my pupils dilated a couple days ago at the eye doctor, too. I wasn't really paying attention to how blurry everything got - I was just trying to keep the sun outta my eyes, cuz it made 'em hurt.
  12. It's only eighth grade...I shouldn't have 3 1/2 hours of homework. But I did, and I probably will every night. Honors LA and Math give a ton of homework by themselves - I had to read three chapters of Lord of the Flies (which is actually a pretty good, if a bit sick, book) and answer questions, do three pages worth of not-so-easy Pre-Algebra review, and do about an hour's worth of stupid history homework. The history's what's getting to me. That SHOULD NOT be a subject I get all that much homework in. But heck, what am I complaining about? This is probably gonna get a whole lot worse come high school. Am I right?
  13. What tortures YOU in the night, Javi? Sick things. Things too sick for yo' MIND. exactly, that's why I made it up. I'm pretty sure Carakki's aware of that, or he probably would have already "apologized for his foolishness" or something along those lines. Though I was interested to find this on dictionary.com: 1. an imaginary wild animal of fierce disposition. 2. a person of uncouth or unconventional habits, attitudes, etc., esp. one considered a menace, nuisance, or the like. xP
  14. Your nights are so much better than mine...
  15. Ever tried stroking it and talking to it? Itworksitworksitreallyreallyworks xP
  16. I'm sure some of you figured out what that title means. I can't be the only FOB fan here. xP But yeh. New title. I'm working on a Folie a Deux theme for my blog...I really like that album. While Fall Out Boy might not be my favorite band, they're one of the best I know (with my other favorites being 3OH!3, All Time Low, Cobra Starship...). I always find something new and impressive about that album...it's definitely one of my favorites, right behind Want. Well, that would be: 1. Want - 3OH!3 2. Folie a Deux - Fall Out Boy 3. Hot Mess - Cobra Starship 4. Nothing Personal - All Time Low 5. Swan Songs - Hollywood Undead Anyway, yeah. I'm sure I'll be doing some themes on those albums, too. My favorites.
  17. Javi

    G. I. Joe & Queen

    I usually get the bacon turkey bravo when we go for lunch, but I think I'll try the bread bowl on your recommendation next time. The movie was pretty good. Not the best, but pretty good. Actually, she's the reason I asked if we could chat later not too long ago. We were on AIM. Ah, the good old days... Not that I ever did that. It didn't look like the best movie, so I doubt I'd have been extremely disappointed. OK, gotcha. I was wondering - you rarely turn down a chat unless your parents are around. xP Of course you didn't, my 15-on-50 friend.
  18. Oh, yeah. Wow. That's one sturdy computer - I can hardly believe it stills runs...I had a 5-year-old laptop last year that had been running great. Then I got a bunch of errors and stuff and it just died. Then I invested in this HORRID Satellite. OK, maybe not so horrid, but there were better investments. I could've had a Mac that would still run sweet with no problems right now. But of course, I had to be a Mac hater back then. :/ Oh, well. I'm hoping to get a Mac somehow. But yeah. Wow. An eight or nine year-old computer that still runs. That's really something.
  19. Well, I've been thinking about it, and I'm definitely gonna angel. From the Statue Of Liberty's torch. You know why? BECAUSE I JUST FOUND OUT I'M A WEREWOLF FOO (they're still werewolves, shapeshifters my... ... Yeah. OK. I'm gonna do a total Vista restore. Completely erase my Toshiba Satellite M300 Series' hard drive. Why, you ask? Because I'm having speaker problems. Dumb reason, right? But oh well. It's been EXTREMELY laggy as of late. I think I have too much junk on it. All those downloads could probably do that. Better than my friend with the 100GB hard drive and 7GB free space left, though...packrat much? Oh, nobody can stop me because I won't be able to get in Touch *cough* with anyone. I mean, if the computer's being restored...>:] If you actually understood this entry, then I will pay you. not really I'll post a real entry in a little while. EDIT: I just reread this...I think I'm a geek again. =( But no sweat, I'll let you guys get the real me and the rest of the world get the act. xP O.o No, I'm not a geek. I just read through some of my old entries. Oh God...
  20. You should seriously lifetime if you're anything like me (and considering our odd coincidences, that's either a true statement or you're a stalker ). I leave and come back a lot - always come back - so it was a worthwhile investment.
  21. Javi

    G. I. Joe & Queen

    Meh, I would go see GI Joe - except that it doesn't appeal to me, and with a concert and all-nighter coming up, I really don't have much money to spare on a movie. Good to hear that you met your old friend again. You'll have to IM me more. I LOVE PANERA BREAD xD You don't know how many times I played the lil' boy card and got me some awesome pastry from that place. Parents give in to "MOMMY I DONT WANNA SHOT" so easy. I mean, not anymore, not now that I'm 14, but y'know. They used to. xP
  22. Javi

    First Entry From Touch

    It's Apple. They overcharge for everything. You have to update, no matter how new it is - unless it's 3rd gen, which I assume is coming out in September. Lucky. I know they had a stop in Charlotte, but I never got the chance to look into tickets.
  23. Hey Bricks! (Hehe, did I call you Bricks? If I didn't, I'll start now >:]) What's been new with you? Oh, all these old people I forgot I remembered. xD
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