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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Javi

    School Tomorrow

    Hahha, the only difference is that I do have glasses...I just refused to wear them.
  2. Well, I'm hoping to go to an All Time Low/We The Kings/Friday Night Boys/Hey Monday concert. See, my sister really likes All Time Low, and we just got an update telling us they're performing in Charlotte on the 20th? 15th? The concert's actually pretty cheap, I think (I've never been to concert, so I wouldn't know what reasonable is). Tickets are $20, but it's four shows. So there was the issue. I have all of ATL's music - literally ALL - but I've only heard Skyway Avenue by We The Kings, Suicide Sunday by Friday Night Boys, and nothing at all from Hey Monday. So, naturally, I had to go and get at least some of their music. Lucky for me, We The Kings had one album and one EP, Hey Monday one album, and Friday Night Boys the same deal as We The Kings. So it wasn't too hard to get. I was kinda surprised that Hey Monday was a girl band - and a girl band I LIKE. O.o I'm really liking their music. A bit of Paramore with an upbeat, less emo-punk rock style. So I'm happy with them. We The Kings was good, which I was expecting. Friday Night Boys I'm not sure of yet. I've been trying to use Bluetooth on my recently updated to 3.0 iPod Touch 2G. But it's not working. So I'm very annoyed. Anyone got a suggestion? All it does is search and search for my already discoverable/unsynced Bluetooth headset. 8XXPlantronics is the name the 'set has on it.
  3. Javi

    School Tomorrow

    *sighs* I'm not ready to go back. But I have no choice, of course. It'll be nice to see my friends again, but the workload isn't very appealing to me. Which reminds me...I need to work on my time management. I really can't get behind in homework. Or schoolwork - though the only reason I didn't last year was because I refused to wear glasses. Hopefully I'll have an eye doctor appointment soon so I can get contacts. It's easy to get behind when you can't see the board.
  4. Pretty boring day...had a checkup and got stuck clothes shopping at Old Navy. We did get Sonic milkshakes, so I guess that made it worthwhile. I joined a legit, invite only prize earning site, too...hoping to get a MacBook. School laptops Are great, but the website blocks and program limits make it barely worth anything for personal use.
  5. Javi

    First Entry From Touch

    Thanks! It was triple layer icecream cake and Mountain Dew! And 3OH!3 is a hip-hop/alternative band...doubt most BZPers would like them.
  6. Well, today's my birthday...and I got an iPod Touch! It's awesome. My sister got me a 3OH!3 shirt, too, which is suh-weet! I've got open house tonight, though, which kinda sucks. UPDATES: I went to open house, and we picked up pizza and soda on the way back home in celebration. My sister made me a cake (man, she loves this birthday stuff xP) and I'm stuffed to bursting now. I'm planning on buying some apps on a $5 budget, and I also hope to update to 3.0 software. A lot of features there that I need, especially landscape keyboard...it's so easy to use. Cut-Copy-Paste, Shake To Shuffle, and Stereo Bluetooth would be awesome for me, too. Only suckish thing is that it's a $10 update. That plus the app budget plus the cost to replace my sister's nylon guitar strings so I can have the steelstring to myself (did I mention I'm learning guitar?)...totals $22. Which really isn't bad, though I'm assuming it's going to be more like $25, because I'm sure I'm gonna go a couple bucks over the app budget, since I want Bejeweled and Scoops, which are both over $0.99. Sorry for the length. xP I guess it's not too bad...but don't expect too many huge blog posts on here. I'll probably be doing most of the posts from my Touch from now on.
  7. Javi


    Oh, I didn't even notice you weren't premier anymore. O.o Well, good to hear anyway.
  8. I know...that's why I said sorta. And actually, we don't. It was pretty surprising for me, too. But hey, I'm not complaining. xD
  9. Thanks, Turakii! =)

  10. I lied. I'm gonna comment here, too. xP Awesome review - makes me want Baranus, or at least the Spikit. I still want Kaxium more, though.
  11. Javi


    Man up. xP Kidding, it is a pretty long walk, though I've done 3 miles straight before at a sort of fast-walking pace...the biking's easier. I'm gonna go read your old posts, but I'm probably not gonna comment. I'm way too lazy.
  12. OK, umm...well, not exactly. But anyway. One of my girl friends told me that one of her friends said something like "You're friends with HIM?" (in reference to me, hopefully that's obvious). Well, apparently, her friend doesn't like me because of my looks. =/ And her friend definitely isn't a very pretty girl to begin with. I'M UGLY xD My standards just went down, along with my already low self-confidence. Oh, right. And I picked up my MacBook today. Our school got a check from Lowe's for 250K, and they used it to buy laptops to "further the learning process for students" or whatever. Anyway, yeah. They're pretty useless. Almost everything's blocked - thankfully not BZP, though, so I'm happy about that. Some video sites aren't blocked either, which is kinda strange.
  13. Javi


    Hey, Protosteel! Awesome to see you again. How've you been doing? And very weird coincidence. O.o And haha, yeah...hmm. I probably don't need a bunch of those. You restarting your blog?
  14. Javi


    Eh, I've been meaning to come back for a while, actually - since the beginning of summer. But, what with vacations and friends and all that, I never really got around to it. And when I finally was ready to come back...the forums went offline. So...I'm back. Not that I think many people would be interested to hear that. I talk to Carakki and Terakk on AIM and another site, so I don't have to worry about that. Well...time to reread the rules. Again. I should really keep a print-out next to my computer for every time I come back. Hopefully, this is the last time.
  15. We should make her a life-sized model of Wall-E. Complete with waffle, of course. ~Javi
  16. Javi

    Sand Stalker Wip

    I prefer two-legged Sand Stalkers, but that's because I envisioned them as more raptor-like. I still check it out. ~Javi
  17. It's totally a conspiracy, maaaan. :P

  18. Javi

    Lol; You Gotta See This

    Ohnoyoudidnt ................O ...............h ..............n .............o ............y ...........o ..........u .........d ........i .......d ......n .....t ....b ...a ..d .! Ohnoyoudidnt YOU MADE ME WRITE MAI TEXT IN A ZEE FOUR-MAY-SHUN! ~Javi
  19. Mmm...sounds good. Are they available at Walmart? ~Javi
  20. Javi

    Happy Day

    Welcome back! ~Javi
  21. *gasps* The war begins. Where you shooted the awesomeface, I made a Lego mosaic of it and found a pic of its hypnotic powers. Don't look at mai blog. ~Javi
  22. Javi

    Michael Dorn

    I wish I knew who Michael Dorn was. I'm hopeless with celebs. ~Javi
  23. March 1, 2009 MOCs Four hundred pieces. Item #LFH002. $28.36. This would make whoever designed the Disk Fad siggies proud. This took forever on LDD. I made it for a school project. xD But it was really fun. If I had thirty bucks, I would soo buy it. I might just have to make an Awesomedisk category at this rate...
  24. Javi


    Now who do we love, NM? AWESOMEDISK! Awe...shum...dissssskkk... ~Javi
  25. Javi


    The takeover isn't over. Go on, just...keep...staring.
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