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Wise Whenua

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Status Updates posted by Wise Whenua

  1. Hello, Admin! You are so awsome!

  2. Hello! If you need help with anything, PM me!

  3. Hey BCJ!

    You're back...?

  4. Hey Gata! I sent you the PM back. Thanks. :)

  5. Hey LK! I'm a big fan of your art. I draw a lil' myself. Not as good as yours, by far. You're awsome! PM me some time, maybe you could give me tips. :)

  6. Hey tigs. Yes, it is me, the WW on Xecha. Where do you get the sprites? Could you make me?

  7. Hey, B-CJ! Are you back? Oh, and I changed my name. I was TN. ;)

  8. Hey, EW. Remember me?

  9. Hey, Lady K.! Its TN, or WW. =D

  10. Hey, nice review on Radiak!

  11. Hi Gata. I sent you a PM on you-know-what. ;)


  12. HI MATT =P

    Tis Sean...

  13. Hi me. Lol. Yes...tell the whole world my name is Sean... :P

  14. Hi ppls!

    I'm still on the dang script...

  15. Hi SPIRIT! I love your Library!

  16. Hi thar Janus. =D

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