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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Blog Entries posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    You know, on par, I think the closing ceremony was a little more barking mad than the opening one. I think when you have Eric Idle dressed like something from Captain Scarlet pretending to try to dance with a group of bhangra performers who just swamped a stage previously occupied by a bunch of line-dancing Romans, you have topped giant inflatable Voldemort being attacked by an army of Mary Poppins
  2. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    This is the problem with living in a village; nothing to do and all my friends are far away
    Can't wait until uni starts up again.
    Quick, someone do something amusing to entertain/distract me!
  3. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Busy few days. On Thursday it was my graduation ceremony, so I am now officially a Bachelor of Art in the field of archaeology with a degree and everything. Though I still can't shake the feeling that 'Bachelor of Art' sounds like a really lame supervillain
    Speaking of supervillains, on Friday I went and saw Dark Knight Rises. I can recommend it. Not as good as Dark Knight, but then really, were you expecting it to be? I'd put in on par with Begins, with a nice conclusive feel to it, rare for a movie franchise, especially one based on a comic
  4. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    BZP's, obviously. Not me, I haven't got new skin. Though wouldn't it be great if we could just change our skin like we could a suit? "Hello I'd like a size 5 in Sightly Bronzed please. And another in Vampire White for evening wear."
    Sorry, what was I talking about?
    Oh, right. BZPs new skin in shades of bluish grey with red highlights...erm, is anyone else reminded of VahkiPower? Has Hapori Dume taken over again?
  5. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Alright, purely for fun, lets try and create the raggiest, taggiest bunch of misfits ever put into a team.
    Suggest a character, gives them a headshot (lets say 150x150 pixels) and a short description of their skills
    I'll start!

    Connor Temple: Genius in the fields of quantum mechanics and paleobiology. Enough survival skills to survive the Cretaceous for a year. Inexplicable ladies man
  6. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    If there's one thing we Brits do well, its a bit of pomp. Oh and eyebrow-raising titles. When the Queen is getting on a barge manned by the Royal Watermen and the First Sealord you have to wonder just how big our collective ego got during the Empire years.
    We're not the only place in the world with a monarchy, not even in Europe. Why are we the only ones who make such a big fuss?
  7. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Huh, didn't see Sweden winning it. Thought those grannies from Russia had it in the bag. Our own low score didn't amaze me though. Englebert Humperdinck was famous years ago, with little relevance today (compared to the well-known pop stars the other countries send) and he just isn't a showman. His act consisted of him standing there in the dark with two people waltzing. Look at what Turkey did with those elaborate cloaks that could be turned into a boat. You need some sort of look or gimmick to make you stand out, and we just can't realise that for some reason.
    Hey, how many of my American readers know what I'm talking about without resorting to Google or Wikipedia, and how many think I'm spouting gibberish?
  8. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    A 1500 word essay on slavery in Classical Athens and how it tied in with ideals of democracy? Well sure, I've got all the Easter holidays I can knock that up no prob-
    Oh, and a 3000 word essay on the Gundestrup Cauldron and the interpretations of its iconography? Okay, I mean, its a bit harder tracking down sources for that but-
    And a 10000 word dissertation on the differences in artefacts found in natural and man-made water sources in southern England with regards to votive offerings...
    My brain just melted
  9. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    I get one of these now I'm premier for a bit, don't I? Going to have to do something with it. Maybe some kind of comparison between the two current adaptions of Sherlock Holmes in the media...
  10. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Do you think a BRPG where everyone plays as a Matoran, yet wears mood rings that let them control an element dependant on what state of mind they're in could work?
    How about a strategy based BRPG revolving around the Conquest of Visorak island?
  11. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Just a space for some RPG concepts that I feel should be entrusted to more than just my memory. Also so people can comment on them
    March of Progress: Some Matoran from Mata Nui left the island to seek out new territory. They found an island, scarcely more than a big mountain sticking out the sea. Those from Ko, Le and Ga took refuge near the top of the mountain, which suited their needs (ice, water source, and tundra), those from Ta, Po and Onu settled at the bottom (for the rock, lava ports and mining potential). Years pass and they remain cut off on Aqua Magna, developing a social system where the Akamai at the bottom of the mountain are subservient to the Wairuha at the top. To keep order amongst their proles, the Wairuha are using "the Art" to create Toa (known as Academics). Unable to combat the elemental powers of Toa, the Akamai are forced to remain second-class citizens in the society. Then the Onu discover something (presumably EP, I have yet to figure this out entirely). Their discovery lets them build great war machines to deal with the Toa, and the revolt begins. The Akamai are working to capture the Silver Spire, where the Art is used to create Toa, and the Wairuha are trying to seize or destroy the wellspring of the Akamai's technological advancement
    Clock Work: Put simply its about an organisation in the future that polices time travel. Time travel has become something of a business, with companies springing up that organise tours into history. The time police (really needs a better name) make sure no anachronisms are left behind on these jaunts. Also prevents time-terrorists (not a faction name, just a description) from changing things. Potential other factions include the Society of Concrete Chronology, nicknamed 'Blockheads', who believe you can't change the past because by definition anything in the past has already happened, so the time police (really really need a better name) are pointless/corrupt/etc. Also a cabal who want to change history in precise ways so it suits them, or kidnap great strategic figures to help them, might go with the Illuminati for that, cliched though it is.
    This could work as a BRPG, in which case I'm having Sidorak as the leader of the latter villain faction, but I would prefer COT. Simply because Bionicle past and Bionicle future aren't too different, but setting it in our world means expeditions into the past have to be stealth-orientated as you have to blend in. So no futuristic disintegration cannon in Roman times
    Unnamed Labyrinth RPG: Wealthy benefactor has purchased an island with a set of ancient ruins on it. Has converted ruins into arenas and has opened them up for combat. If you and your team can fight your way to the central temple you win. Kind of Tournament of Shadows meets Mortal Kombat. That's about all I got
  12. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Well with the anniversary perks back up, I can make use of this again.
    In case you hadn't found out, BionicleStory has a new serial: The Powers that Be
    I don't know whether to be thrilled because my username finally becomes relevant, or apprehensive because it looks like I'm thieving ideas (I was here first dangit!)
  13. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Well I mentioned exam results coming up, and it's good news. I got high enough grades to get into the University of Sheffield, my #1 choice. I will be studying Archaeology. Fun fun!
    Oh yes, and has anyone else been to Barcelona? If you have do you have any places to recommend? My mum's already heard of a place that does great fish and pizzas
  14. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Hooray the boards are back online!
    Hooray on the 23rd August I'm going on a family holiday to Bareclona!
    Wait...that means I only get a few days of BZP back...Darn.
    Ah well at least on the 20th it's my sister's birthday and the day I get my v.important exam results back.
    Hang on.
    That's not good at all!
  15. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    The contest in this entry has now been closed. Sets won with that Surrender picture of his
    So now I'll have a new one. A Caption competition this time round, for the picture below:

  16. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Hot...it's so hot.
    Normally I'm pretty thick-skinned when it comes to extremes of temperature but sheesh it is scorching round my parts. It's making it hard for me to sleep and everything...
  17. Wyrd Bid Ful Araed
    Ah the summer holidays (which I am now on BTW). They give me time to relax, enjoy life...and listen to that plumber we have in hammer and drill away at our pipes ><
    At least I have some new books to take my mind off it. Jingo/The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett and Superior Saturday by Garth Nix.
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