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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. If you're trying to comb your hair in your p-pic, let me be the first to tell you that you're doing it wrong...

  2. Is puzzled by the below statement...

  3. It's a sponge party, not a giant bath

  4. Who said anything about soaping up? O.o

  5. Nah, we're just all enjoying this sponge party

  6. 'Infiltrate' always sounds like such a crude word...

  7. "It really makes no sense to ramble on about yourself, even if you ad tid-bits"

    Spot the mistake yet?

  8. Well Duck's latest comment has been pushed right off, so technically no we don't have any women

  9. We don't really have a giant sponge either you party-pooper. Oh, and my abs are insulted and wish to challenge you to a duel

  10. But he's not even used your current name

  11. Blame Allen, he's the one who went and dropped a giant sponge on us

  12. If you keep blocking comments like this, you realise it's going to look like nobody cares about you?

  13. You really should update that blog of yours actually

  14. Then it's back to the wet t-shirt party idea

  15. Anyone else considering using this sponge attack as a device for a wet t-shirt contest?

  16. Now that's just silly. Neither would get the required amount of protein if we did that!

  17. Doesn't involve cows in any way

  18. Or bears, bears can swim too

  19. All the more reason to make them more like sharks then :P

  20. I so should have copyrighted the term "Fiar Truck"...

  21. They probably could if they tried. Wildebeest manage it and they're bovidae

  22. Well while we're on the subject I think I'll make cows more like bears. Or sharks. So that hilarity will ensue...

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