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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. Is that Cyclops in your av?

  2. He's starving, what do you expect?

  3. Was that cartoon by any chance based off the film of the same name?

  4. No Pokemon in this profile, Leonard there is just a regular platypus

  5. Nice non-sequitur you got going there Sanger

  6. Pah, I'm still in with a chance

  7. Wait, how long have you been in orange?

  8. It's from a comic not a cartoon, so animated doesn't really sound like the right word to use

  9. Perhaps he has only just noticed Xerry's avvie

  10. You make snide comments that no-one pays any attention to?

    I'm quaking in my boots [/sarcasm]

  11. Except it's neither anime nor a duck. That statement is 100% innaccurate

  12. Are you going to return to TSTW?

    Because you have people entangled in your plot

  13. It has about as much in common with a duck as it does with a beaver, or other such mammal. but it's still not a duck :D

  14. You're just sore that your RPG failed to get off the ground, Sanger :P

  15. Sorry Sanger, but I think you'll find its a platypus not a duck ;)

  16. It's a tin of food...

  17. I wonder how many "City of _" entries there have been...

    Munks had City of Fear, you've got City of Ruins, ToD posted City of Steam...

  18. It's a platypus (hence the beak). He's called Leonard

  19. Well it was hardly a big change now, was it Zy?

  20. Hey, FD, just giving you warning in advance that my new P-pic is -also- not a duck :P

  21. I was wondering why I got that migraine

  22. You already have them it seems. Unless you had a mishap with that "comb" you're currently wielding

  23. Well -there's- your problem. That could well be a useful investment

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