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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. That didn't stop Mary Poppins, it shouldn't stop you

  2. A Cyclopus interesting...

    Do you still have three hearts?

  3. Well give him that one then...

    Do it!

  4. When was the last time Xeriak commented here?

  5. The Hahnah Crab? Why would I want it to? It's adorwable!

  6. Oh don't pull that face at me

  7. Hahnah crab! Sic him!

    Yeah, I got Jaller...

  8. I prefer the Ood personally, but Daleks are pretty unstoppable

  9. *burns and pillages AIM*

  10. Oh great Xerry, now you've made it worse...

    I wonder what the scientific name for a shark-plate would be?...

    Ceramicus Carcharak?

  11. *burns and steals Keyblads*

    Oh c'mon, could you not see that coming :P

  12. I thought Hahli was pretty good actually. Not just because of her wings but because of that light thing on her mask. And the cool claws

    Jaller is the next one I'm getting. I just dig that crazy crab of his. I'll probably get Hewkii or Nuparu after that, leaving Kongu till last

  13. *burns burn scabs*

    P.S. *and Sora...again*

  14. *burns and steal Sora*

  15. Wait if you've got no head, how can you see what your typing?

    Wait if you've got no head, how can you see what your typing?

    Darn two-halvesiness! It's making me type everything twice!

    Darn two-halvesiness! It's making me type everything twice!

  16. Ohez Noez! My shiny glaze finish (well I am still a Plate right?)!

  17. Is that a Yo-yo that only goes down?


  18. *lodges uncomfortably in oesophagus*

    Whatcha gonna do now?

  19. Look over there! A Distraction!

  20. Whoo, I think I've finally escaped Nid

    *Looks at Profile he's just jumped into*

    Oh shazbot

  21. Yeah, it didn't have any over-used spelnig maskites (replacing a C with a K...honestly)

  22. Hah! I've got you know sharky! All I have to do is stay out of water! Hey look a swimming pool!

    *dives in*

  23. *Poisons Toast*

    I really wouldn't eat things off me. You have no idea where I've been

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