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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. "Yah I Am Canadian..."

    Taken from her Profile

  2. No I don't know the Hare Hare Yukai. It sounds like some sort of soup to me...

  3. I wouldn't, no

    My hungry pet bear on the other hand...

  4. Surely someone you know must live in Canada?

    VF comes from Germany, and I'm from the UK, so I'm afraid we're no help...

    What about LK?

  5. I'm only a child at heart Ranna

    Now what on earth is the Hare Hare Yukai?

  6. *Pulls out a power hose and turns it on, simultaneously cleaning the Comments and blasting KK back to his own Profile*

  7. Ah, but you didn't have your Five Fruint'n'Veg a day, did you?

  8. Stop pouring fuel all over my nice clean Comments KK

  9. Ya, that is pretty awesome :D

  10. If it weren't for Time Differences then the server would be clogged by everyone going on BZP at the same time

  11. The easy version is great fun. Just hacky hacky hacky :P

    What's your favourite weapon? I prefer the Medusa Shield/Sword myself...

  12. Change of form or clothes? Because if it's clothes I can avert my eyes and gouge out KK's to give you some privacy

    *Starts messing with long, sharp-looking implement*

  13. Personally, I don't like the look of the trap. I may just use that for salvage

  14. It's spelt Fowl...


  15. *Pours water over Ranna, Petrol over KK*


  16. Nice Personal Photo.

    Have you actually played the game that shot comes from , or did you just think it looked cool?

  17. You win Zords?

    Weren't they those robot thingummies from Power Rangers?


  18. *Opens hatch in stomach and walks out* (You are a low-budget shark after all)

    Well that was unpleasant...

  19. *Shields himself with an 0 then uses a 9 as a lasso*


  20. I'd say yes. He's got a decent design and I found it fun to build him

    Hewkii...seemed a little thrown together, but I do like his Cordak arm

  21. That joke is so last page...

  22. *Digs himself out with that lousy unreliable 7*

    Yay for suureality!

    *Throws a 5 and a 2 at Xerry like shurikens*

  23. Phear your what-now?


  24. I was refering to a Robin Hood spoof film called Men In Tights, Sora

    One of the lines in a song is "We're Men, we're men in tights"

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