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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. My comment said:

    Necro has big head

    Which was meant to mean that you are smart, but I don't know the greek for smart. Only wise

  2. Yes, John Simm's Master...

    Funny old world isn't it?

  3. I know its true Necro


    Necro eisin megalon cephalon


    And THAT my friend, is Classical Greek

  4. I'm not dead yet!


    But give it a couple of minutes

  5. Dogs are alright, but I prefer cats myself

  6. Admittedly they were a bit pointless, but if one person had those thoughts then why not another? Wouldn't it be best to deal with them all?

  7. He's just showing off how educated he is

  8. Or it could elevate the problem

    *Melts golf club. And then, for good measure, Nid's hands*

  9. *Burns Kiwi Feathers and skewerz Sora*


  10. Why do I get hit with a tire-iron?

    It's EU who should be hit with a tire-iron


  11. Where are those art updates?

  12. *Draws moustache and glasses on Zyrox*


  13. Ei ei oh!


    Am I doing that wrong?

  14. *Bashes a guitar over the head with Nid*


    *Is skewered*

    Ow my everything!

  16. Gasp! You can't smack a guy with a tire-iron on his own Comments!

    *Looks at gathering pile of foam*

    On second thoughts, you do what you like

  17. *Hold congratulatory party for your saving of Dokuma's life*

  18. *Deletes your Comments*

  19. Explosion? Where? I'll call the Fire Brigade! Everybody out!

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