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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. I get birthday prezzies then Christmas prezzies the next day.

    My b-day is treated just like any other b-day

  2. I don't know what I'm supposed to be being responsible about... Was there an arguement?

  3. Its my Birthday tomorrow! Whoo!



    Oh yeah, and then its Christmas

  4. Alright, we broke his brain!

  5. "I never apologise. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am!"

    You can't beat a good bit of Homer Simpson :D

  6. Does it stay true to the book. I doubt it 'cuz from what I've seen he's got a pet dog in the film, whereas in the book...

  7. I am merely correcting you.

    If I was making fun of you I would have thrown a couple of 'Nyeh nyeh's in for good measure :P

  8. You want New Members Q&A. Greg isn't a Moderator on BZP, he works for Lego and graciously takes the time to answer questions sent to him by members

  9. Relatives and presents! :P

    I think my resolution shold be to pdate AEC more frequently. The problem I have is time or lack thereof...

  10. Whoo! Anti-anime!

    *helps Nid while obviously still obeying the laws of physics*

  11. "Little early for Christmas greetings? I've not yet finished my Christmas shopping... :P"

    Most likely the Board will be offline on the 25th, and I'll be busy on the 24th that being my Birthday and all. So I may as well use any day if I'm using the 23rd, so I did it before I forgot

  12. *Claps hands*

    Nemaides! To my defense!

  13. *Adds Brandy Butter to himself*

    This makes it easier for the both of us

  14. AAAAHHHHH! My everything! I am the chair you fool!

  15. Well I can't wish you Merry Christamas on the day itself because the Boards will probably be offline. And I probably won't get the chance on Christmas Eve because thats my Birthday. And if I'm going to wish you Merry Christmas on the 23rd I may as well use any other day

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