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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. AAAAHHHHH! My upholstery!

  2. Thanks for the compliment Ranna. If it wns and you want to play it all you have to do is sign up

    And Nid is talking about Terminus Xeriak,

  3. Thats right, gaze in admiration! Gaze I tell you!

  4. He means the posts have been deleted, not the actual topic.

    And I still can't see any difference...

    *puts on a thicker pair of glasses*

  5. Has it? I can't tell the difference...

  6. How do you know? You've never met (in real life) any of the people on here.

    I'm pretty resilient to the cold myself. Thats what comes of being ludicrously exothermic...

    No really, I produce so much external heat, I once 'melted' a key and managed to snap it in half...

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