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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Kudos for the signature! :D

  2. ladidaa...*random profile check*

  3. Ladies and Gentlemen I present you the EEE leader psy, the little kid that can't handle the fact that his favourite Sushi Carapar has bitten the dust.

  4. Let's start throwing his LEGO Bricks out of the window...wait...this is me talking. *mwuhahahahaha*

  5. Long time no see ^^

  6. Long time no see-talk!

  7. looking forward to 11111 :P

  8. Looks like there's plenty of time now again since I'm gone ^^

  9. Markus from Indiana jones..."Anyone who speak ancient greek around here?"

  10. Maybe that'll lift my mood :P

    Nothing like trying to phail-dance.

  11. Me, I like someone friendly, open minded, caring, someone to trust in completely...intelligence is needed of course and good looks as a bonus only. :)

  12. Mech-fingers would only be able to handle a certain power before damaging themselves...I think I prefer tendons and bones...

  13. Money itself...some people can make a living off their comission prices -.-;

    like...100 bucks for a completed print illustration (adding a high quality print price to the effective production cost I think can add 20 bucks to the price, so an effectice price of 80 bucks for these people)

    Don't worry ^^ I am not drivin by avarice.

  14. Munki goes masked revolutionary?

  15. Munki's Avatar+Banner=Epic WIN!

  16. Mwuhahahaha. We're such a borderliner species.

  17. My goodness! I am perfect!*muscle+brain*=win-win

  18. My goodness! One whole week without some weird comment-war going on on your page? What's the world coming to!?

  19. Na Nuhrii ^^ Schau mal auf meinen Member status XP

  20. Na, wie is Berlin so?

  21. Naja, noch net ganz, wa. ^^

  22. Never hurts to pick up the pencil again ;)

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