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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. ´Stay as long as you like.

  2. :) Then welcome back ^^
  3. OH and welcome here ^^

  4. You might want to change your signature. BZP guidelines state that advertising isn't allowed.

  5. ^^ I didn't even think much about what i was saying ^^ You must show me when its done.

  6. Hmm...name imitation and trying to confuse people. I sense an inferiority complex ^^

  7. ^^ After all I haven't posted new art in quite a while...

  8. "he didn't teach you that!"

    "Nope. figured it out myself-Skadoosh."

  9. "Don't start with that head, it makes the victim all...fuzzy...oww"

  10. *takes out razor* Oh we can change that...forever. Let's put a smile on that face...!

  11. The spammy Nihz I know...the zombie part must be new...

  12. How come they didn't hire you for the Joker in Batman?

  13. Looks like there's plenty of time now again since I'm gone ^^

  14. Your blog is right, batman was awesome^^ welcome back btw, and sorry for me lack of talking.

  15. Gah! I had to drop to congratulate you on this one ^^ sorry for the lack of communication. I hope i get to be a little more social soon.

  16. *hums the song tune* We've got the powah!

    ok...hmm...seen dark knight yet tpti?

  17. *Looks previous comments.* *Notices barfing smell....**leaves again*


  18. I am not sure if you were around then Nihz...

  19. SHUDDUP FOO! I love the mr t commerical ^^

  20. Internizzle. Serizzle bizzle.

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