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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Sallah is a great charie too. ^^

  2. Nothing much, but I am starting to form and shape the ideas for BK right now to get the first story arc to a conclusion before the next step.

  3. argh, havent you on my list yet. that has to be changed. like, right now.

  4. I'm all good. Wouldn't bout what's going on back home, since I'm not there, but over here it's definitely alright!

  5. I got darkness in the morning, grey heaven during day with rain. Nice orange sunsets...if the sky is not grey then. very occasional rain and the strange feeling of standing up way to early in the morning.

  6. Nono, I mean Killzone 2 ^^

  7. Yes it was one one of the old episodes, incidentally listed as one of the top 20 "Most awkwards ways to die"

  8. That only means someone took the time to read through all that :P Thanks for taking the time.

  9. Hey, it's not in the dictionary and us germans even write it with Z and I was hungry so don't get me hooked up on that. ^^

  10. Actually I was referring to LK.

  11. Thanks for backing me up Jord :)

  12. No! You shall not feast on me! Away foul demon!

  13. Thats the final prrof for the justification of the little pink man next to your name. :P

  14. ^^ I didn't even think much about what i was saying ^^ You must show me when its done.

  15. By chemical definition, caffeine counts as poison. And when I was 5 or 6 years younger I had a little overdose where I was sick for three days. I dont want to try worse.

  16. Btw, Resev, are you dropping by here every second day to keep an eye on me because you are afraid or do you wait for me to make a move that you can use against me?

  17. Naja, noch net ganz, wa. ^^

  18. I will need to do something about my childhood pictures sometime...oO

  19. The spammy Nihz I know...the zombie part must be new...

  20. Emperor, what is thy bidding, my master?


  21. How come they didn't hire you for the Joker in Batman?

  22. Ohh, it comes along nicely. Except for homwork beeing an obstacle.

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