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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. *takes out razor* Oh we can change that...forever. Let's put a smile on that face...!

  2. I could ask the same..where have you been?

  3. Now what goggleman might that be? ^^

  4. *sidesteps, lets you fall on a table with glasses* good, but not convincing.

  5. And suddenly, a Grizzly comes from the woods to give you a bearhug! :)

  6. Evil alien lego overlord Tpti?

  7. Ich brauch ja nicht mehr viel. ^^

  8. Just so you know, I am still working on the Predalien ^^

    I should get it done this week.

  9. I could have given you a concert of that a few hours ago ^^ I was pretty upset.

  10. Heya, what's up? I felt like checking up on here.

  11. Happy Birthday! And Merry Christmas ;)

  12. *hugs back* Hi ^^

  13. I want to finish some artworks, but first I need to fix up some other things, organisation wise.

  14. Depending on the return offer, yes I take comissions. ^^

  15. A bit too serious for my taste. Probably the "darkest" series of them so far. Well, I'll see what happens in 5.

  16. *hides Xenomorph egg in a dark corner of your profile* :P

  17. Hey Xenronn, don't blame me, even if I am a ghost.

    On another note: I guess your account was hacked then...

  18. Give em to me. I'll put them in that locked cupboard next to my copy of the necronomicon.

  19. *whispers* I think she knows...

  20. I didn't say that you wanted to.

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