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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Ah, so glad to see you back around here ^^

  2. It's eerie how you people are tying that nice girls character to a bell of the neitherworld...

  3. Good to hear, sounds like fun ^^

  4. *is extremly ninja-shocked*

    HUGs back!

  5. So I know Annatare and Lufina closely by now..

  6. Ahh, that's good to hear ^^ Make sure you stay in one piece, espescially don't loose your head, that's really bad for hand-eye coordination in drawing ;)

  7. Say what!? Das is ja geil ^^

  8. "Great Scot!"-"Yeah, I know this is heavy."- Marty McFly and Doc Brown^^

  9. *Moonwalks in* Sup`? *Moonwalks out*

  10. Definately not the toes.

  11. Hey, how you're doing?

  12. Happy new year as well folks!

  13. I should start harassing the people in my buddy list some more to not let them forget my everlasting eternal presence.

  14. You're comment box is utterly...disturbing :evilgrin:

  15. If you don't atch out we'll turn it into a post-traumatic stress disorder. ;P

  16. I find it funny that the Mass Effect 2 DLC installer reads "Extracting: Bio D" when in use :D

  17. Farewell my friend. We'll remember you.

  18. Actually you DID post that lot in RPGs ;)

  19. Its roller-skates. Nothing else. WHEELS for the win. w

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