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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. We could use your help in BK...Calin is in some deep trouble ^^

  2. You will find me to be an emotionally detached guy. Like Kopaka so to speak. *waves at Ranna*

  3. I could tell you what really fails here...:P

  4. Long time no see ^^

  5. I second Raia's comment ^^

  6. Hehe...I never forgot your charies. ^^

  7. Twice. Sucks big time.

  8. RayG will be enough, but only if it's not making things too busy ^^

  9. I know Mikado, have leathery wings can breathe fire and am a good 10000 years old.

  10. Baldrick, your brain is like the four-headed man-eating haddock-fish-beast of Aberdeen. It doesn't exist!

  11. Epic Signature is epic btw!

  12. Got it from a trailer screenshot.

  13. Mech-fingers would only be able to handle a certain power before damaging themselves...I think I prefer tendons and bones...

  14. I sense the presence of Jollyjack...

  15. Long time no see-talk!

  16. Heavy metal plus opera.

  17. Did we get a chance to exchange instant messenger contact infos yet? ^^

  18. The madness will continue! I promise

  19. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire...

  20. Wolverine from X-Men. brad pitt was cool in oceans 11. ^^

  21. Too true. Things start to get realy complicated though when I don't even know what's wrong.

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