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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. I'm addicted to caffeine.

  2. Everything is just as I've foreseen it.

  3. Profile check-up...

    Nope, looks like the mental ward will stay closed for another couple of months.

  4. hmmm. I dont care much for Rap...unless there is something original about some songs.

  5. Not too much fun, but yes, it keeps me busy...-.-

  6. Well, I want to be able to further my drawing. I need it for my career, but it seems my dad doesn't really realize the importance of that.

  7. Hmm...name imitation and trying to confuse people. I sense an inferiority complex ^^

  8. Your avatar is the highlight of my day ^^ Go awesomely Pink Spartan!

  9. Ohhh that...I took that metaphorically. *reanimates you*

  10. The huns invade your profile! Ruuuun!

  11. *remembers there's no RayG 2.0 sheet of me yet* Dark-blue body, feet and hands, Blue arms, Nuva armour (including Pohatus feet) but golden Lhikans Hau.

  12. ouhh nutin right now..

  13. Hmm, a little bit boring beeing home all day only doing choires'n'co., but otherwise pretty fine ^^

  14. Tanning+Brit= lobster. At least, thats what my 5th class english teacher told us ^^

  15. ´Stay as long as you like.

  16. nuthin Anna....I have been ot my grannies place! And I missed AHC end...

    ah well

    I have two Mahri and Gadunka. They are really worth it

  17. They do that in a novel called "brave new world" by aldous huxley. The book is supposedly a utopia, but all the inhabitants of it are on drugs to achieve this level of happyness. Plus they are indoctrinated with a strange philosophy as kids.

  18. I finally found a great Desmond Miles sweater :D

  19. I yo hablo espanol, je parle un peu de francais, speak english und spreche Deutsch. And I know some stuff in other languages as well, though I dont speak them.

  20. Just awesome. And pretty holy. Geddit? :P

  21. *Uses telekinesis to pull you back.*

    You aint going anywhere.

  22. Is the similarity in profile pictures a kind of online-pair of rings :P?

  23. Twee Frikandel spezial met patat :P

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