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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. lulz lucky, I still work for it, and man if I had been at Brickfair... I probably would've asked if I could do anything which... may result in an loud and simultaneous "NO!", but still... *next year... I come... maybe...*


    But still Congadumafications, and all that shtuff...


    I wanna purple Huna <<


    I'm gonna pay someone to make me a purple Hau first to make sure they're good at it... and then bring up the Huna... hehehehehheh


    Purple beats bronze =P

  2. Law breaking is a very bad thing if you get caught, it's a bad thing anyway, but it's all worse when you get caught.


    Meh, I deleted it off my comp sometime back, it was taking up too much space ><


    I was known as Julie Underwood however, (Based off of my Halo CE: TBRPG character)

  3. AT RSD: Meh My approvals are just text saying "Approved by Spink" until I decide to go off and make one...


    And yes it was realleh kewl with missiles, nukes, explosions, bullets, moar missiles, plane going BOOM, following missiles blowing shtuff up, and a really weird girl who I can't say much on cuz it'd ruin the movie =P


    I liked the ending <3



    It's a great book, reading about murders, and drinking fresh blood from wounds, and airships, and a big abyss with a city above it suspended by chains, cables, and ropes, along with asassins, oh and a kewl poison dude.


    I like those things, no it's not with Vampires, but more with Angels of Ulcis (Ulcis be god of chains) and some demons and such are thrown in.


    So much fun to read <3

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