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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. I didn't like the movie, although I did like all of those details they put in (The different hairstyles for the clones for instance) and I liked a handful of their side characters like the droid Commander and droid Sergeant, along with Rex.


    Those three were the highlight of the movie if you ask me, it was well... bleh.

  2. -Spink doesn't have an approval piccy yet, but until he gets up and goes makes one, you're gonna have to settle with text saying that your blog is purely awesome-


    If only, if only I had photoshop, or a working version of paint

  3. Something odd is happening... everyobodeh gets all happy and lucky when I get all sick and unlucky... why must the world be so cruuuuuuueeeeel to me?


    Anywayz... are you positively sure you have never been happier... as something so awesomely amazing happened that diverted my attention that is so awesome and amazing?


    *joins in on the high fiving*

  4. I've done that last year at my school... except I didn't have anything medically wrong with me, I just had the wrong time on my watch =P


    Whatever it is I hope you get better, and in a way at least you get better food than the food from a cafeteria and you missed all the classes I'm not a big fan of =P

  5. Yeahz,

    eh nevermind...


    I don't think I'd murder in a certain situation... that's just a bit far for me... maybe fight... but not to the death of anyone.


    Although I'll write about people and characters getting killed and enjoy my time while I do it. *I enjoy trying to write sad stories, but I never know if I succeed or not*

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