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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. Ah Omi, I would like to say "DON'T LEEEAAAAAAAVVVVEEE!" but at the moment that doesn't sound like the possible avenue, so I'd only be hurting my throat. Well, hope things work out better and that you're able to come back soon, as things would be different around here without you, and this blog won't be updated.... and that means.... aw geeze boredom.


    Hope you come back though.

  2. For the most part the U.S. is North America (Meh, I tend to be suckish at these things :rolleyes:) aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnndddd that make me a North American versus South American, or Central American =P


    Despite these things I still call myself American... cuz I dun like typing "North" and "United Statesan" is too long, and I just dun feel like remembering the dots in between "U" and "S" =P


    *Yes I am that lazy =P*

  3. No limits, and I have seen things with RPGs based solely on a made up religion, one won the Bionicle RPG contest titled "Truth" and I don't think it'd conflict with actual religions and cultures because it's all fantasy and therefore not real.


    Putting a limit on age in not fully necessary, keep out those few things that need to be kept out, switch some names around and anyone would be able to actually play it; there's Halo, Mass Effect, along with a few other M rated things that were turned into RPGs and would not be considered R, but PG-13.


    I was gonna go with the actual plot in the story, and if need be continue. It may not have the same flair of Alan Campbell, but at least it is something... and it's not if it fits the author's writing style, it's if it fits a writing style that appeals to the players and keeps them around. Oh and dun think I will be doing stuff with the Maze, I love the Maze.


    I believe that through enough work and effort, and switching things here and there it can become something fun (And we don't see many RPGs like this one would be, if we had something similiar I would not have considered thinking up one to be made.)

  4. Actually all you would have to do is calm down on the harsher parts (language, and some other minorish things)


    Even though there is religion in it that religion does not exist in our world and therefore does not count towards religious discussion. As well there isn't much racial discrimination, there is against a group of people (the Heshette tribes for instance) and blood and gore could stay the same.


    I've noticed that I pretty much go into a slight less detail than Alan Campbell does, but still. And there are several places that one could venture and several groups one could explore. The tougher things would be the realm of the Maze and Ulcis's abyss which I suppose would become playable places in due time. In those two there would be a few options to choose from in what to play as, and some rules of the Maze and what Menoa does would have to be toned down.


    As in- No randomly shapeshifting PCs into whatever Menoa wants, although that could happen as a reward or punsihment.


    Archons and such would be kept down not for players, everyone would go for one and that would ruin playing experience.


    However there are several factions to choose from, and RPing as a Spine, or a soldier for the church, or as a poisoner, or even as a Heshette would be interesting. Mercs and such would also be acceptable.

  5. It depends on how they're decorated of course =P


    If it's those pretty napkins from the store and they are there, the only ones there and you need to use one... use it of course =P


    If someone hand decorated them... then I'd take my chances with washing my hands or slipping in a different utensil to be on the safe side.


    That's just me being weird :rolleyes:

  6. Yay for randomly thinking of something and actually making it... randomly!


    I pretty much go about MoCing when it falls under characters and such, so I don't make up random new things that have never been seen before, knowing me if I ever posted a MoC I could seriously care less of comments and such. Although I always welcome Constructive Criticism ^^


    I only know things form the creative side here on BZP through Short Stories, and some epics, and if things work the same way there would be said "List of Tips" that turn into rules for someone. Of course Tips are just things that can help out of you're struggling somewhere and you need a tip to get out of it. That's the only time I go for tips- when I think I need them to improve.


    Of course the Tips in the writing forums help much more than the Tips in BBC, although some are pretty good and do help with the creative process ^^


    - I MoC for fun which is why I don't post any of them on the site because, I don't care so much what people think about it exactly, I only care if I'm proud of my own work, I have been tempted to post one on BZP, but I haven't cuz I'd of course get a single post either saying.


    "This isn't good." or


    "OMG AMAZING KUTGW 11!111!!"


    Of course I've never gotten those two word for word, but still.


    - Creativity, that's the harder part in a MoC IMO as coming up with a really unique way to use pieces always presents as a hard thing for me, but then again that's only me for the most part =P


    People think you're an "Anti-breast" because of that one thing going about the Nuva armor, and making things unreasonably unproportional (I probably misspelled that... I'm kinda tired...)


    Of course I don't because it was completely reasonable to say something about it. But that's for the most part why...


    Just some of my own thoughts on the matter knowing the creative forums and having MoCed a bit in the past.


    It came out much longer than I expected o.O

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