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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. The new idea for the story interetss me, although yours is equally as interesting. I would think that the mainland would be a more... prosperous and have that "Metru-Nui feel" to it *I don't know much about the Mainland, as I haven't been keeping up with late 07 and most of 08*


    The idea of switching universes had interested me and the one thing I hoped they wouldn't do would be mecha units *even though the Exo-Toa and Boxor were interesting sets*, and well they didn't. By the looks of things it would seem that perhaps it will go back to the "Mata-Nui primitive feel" that so many of the old fans *including me* miss.


    I didn't mind Metru-Nui either, the only thing that bothered me were the large "gun-like" projectile weapons, as well melee weaponry had been with Bionicle for too long to simply switch *coughKopakaneedshisshieldandswordbackcough*


    Either way, I look forward to what 2009 has to bring and simply can't wait for it to arrive. *even though I kinda wish they stuck with "matoran" as it sounds a bit better than "[leaked name removed]"[


    Oh, didn't know that name was leaked as I found it in OG...

  2. For me the score's considered to be good ^_^


    The place was pretty much deserted today except for afew groups of people who seemed to be having a very fun time.


    AT-TE has many kewl parts, I love those moveable gun turrets and I can work those into so many MoCs of my own...

  3. Eh... age and such never means anything to me, the people I've been around are either overly blunt to the point of being rude, and those stuck up people who are half my size and think they're the most important person in the room...


    Ah well, what can ya do? Maybe I'll get lucky, maybe I won't... heck the only reason why people knew me in my last school was because everybody enjoyed my stories and such... mainly they would be my partner to ace language =P


    I have some hopes for the new school, but my nervousness and being naturally shy kinda tend to get to me with new faces.

  4. I agree, well I'm not in the art forum as much as I once was *commenting wise, my scanner is a piece of junk so I can't post things I am proud of* Perhaps I should think about going back into that forum and do just as you suggested.


    I like this idea, and helping someone out by handing out a review would be a great way to spend some of my extra time ^_^

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