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Everything posted by -SZ-

  1. Ya know what it's from? :P

  2. -SZ-

    I think it's that time again for me to remind you how jealous I am of your benner. :P

  3. -SZ-


    ... no way... Yeah. Hey, maybe boobs do scare him/her.
  4. -SZ-


    At first I read the title as "boobs."
  5. -SZ-

    Columbine Massacre

    I missed this on its second time around. But that first photo kills me every time I see it. My goodness. :|
  6. -SZ-

    So Hi!

    Miss me, miss me, now you gotta...
  7. Whoever wrote this episode should DIE!

  8. Uh...hi guys. They're telling me that the, uh, engines...they can't take it... The ship is falling apart. Just F.Y.I.

  9. "Sure, they're like three years old."

    "Miners, not minors!"

    "You lost me."

  10. -SZ-

    Coming Soon....

    I hope it runs more along the line of Once More With Feeling and Dr. Horrible than, say, Greese or HSM.
  11. -SZ-

    Finished Firefly

    Yes, Serenity is awesome. River Tam's character got to be fully realized. My favorite Firefly episode was the last one, Objects In Space, mainly because it focused around River. But the Jaynestown one was was awesome too. The only character I cannot stand is Inara. Just bleh. Luckily, she had hardly any lines in Serenity.
  12. It turned inside out...and it exploded.

  13. -SZ-


    hay this needz moar commentz
  14. It's a rock monster! It doesn't have vulnerable parts! ... lol love your name

  15. me likes your name :D

  16. -SZ-


    Alyson Hannigan FTW.
  17. -SZ-

    Thursday Five

    Yes YOUR MOM No No >.>
  18. I like your banner.

  19. Oh, I loved that game. Wish I could play it again...never could figure it out back then. Too bad I'm no good with computers.
  20. -SZ-

    I'm proud of you for sticking with the Flyleaf theme for so long. I would've got bored long ago. :P

  21. -SZ-

    Certavus Finished

    Looks kinda fat. How does he move? Meh, I'm no good at reviewing MOCs anymore.
  22. Yes! Jason's here. :D

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