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Everything posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-

    No U

    Tell me ONE person who doesn't actually look at spoilers! [SZ]
  2. La-la, la-la, la La-la, la-la, la La-la, la-la, la La-la, la-la, la [SZ]
  3. -SZ-

    Bbcc 52

    Worst idea ever. :annoyed2: THERE AL DA SAME PEEPZ [SZ]
  4. -SZ-

    I L O V E Y O U

    Melissa Farman... Will you be my valentine? ... If not, I'll just stick with Summer. [SZ]
  5. -SZ-

    Something Rational

    Yeah, and it also doesn't help that I have a classical guitar. Darn me and my lack of moneys! [SZ]
  6. Or, to save on postage, I'll just poison him with THIS. Ooohh, take it Kronk, feeeeel the power. ... Oh. I can feel it. [SZ]
  7. Fruity Oaty Bars Make a man out of a mouse Fruity Oaty Bars Make you burst out of your blouse Eat them all the time Let them blow your mind WOW! (Random Chinese guy) Fruity Oaty Bars Fruity Oaty Bars [SZ]
  8. Fruity Oaty Dalek YES! :D

  9. I like the sound o' that :D

  10. -SZ-

    Top Movies Of 2008

    National Treasure 2 was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. [SZ]
  11. Uh..."Dalek, the man they call DALEK!" :P

  12. -SZ-

    Power Chords!

    And the guitar solo too? [SZ]
  13. You can only blame your problems on my world for so long Before it all becomes the same old song... There it is folks. Actual Fall Out Boy lyrics that make sense. [SZ]
  14. No, no, pick a character! :D Like Jayne, the man the call JAYNE!

  15. It seems like it's been a while since I've posted something rational here, so I figured that tonight's as good a night as any. Am I the only one who is driven crazy by how hard it is to play the guitar solo in My Chemical Romance's Dead!? I mean, that thing is insane. It starts off nice and easy, sure enough, then it hits you with all those low notes that I can't even hear! Good grief! Then, to make matters worse, it gets unbelievably fast. MY FINGERS DON'T MOVE THAT FAST, GERARD! (Or whatever his name is with the poofy hair.) Sure, I bet they hammer, but still. Gosh people. Any help, pweese? [SZ]
  16. -SZ-

    Name Change Successful

    Yes. YES. YES! [/jinzo] [SZ]
  17. Don't be afraid. That's what it says, don't be afraid... But you are afraid. You're afraid we're going to run out of air. That we'll die gasping. But we won't. That's not going to happen... ... We'll freeze to death first. [SZ]
  18. Oh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight -SZ-
  19. -SZ-

    Moc Contest?

    I think I'd like to host a MOCing contest, except I has no idears. SO U DECIED kk plox -SZ-
  20. -SZ-


    Or create money. -SZ-
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