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Heir of the Chronicler

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Heir of the Chronicler

  1. It's been awhile, hasn't it?

    1. doodleloot


      You still around making stuff? Loved your customs back in the day

  2. Way I remember it, albatross was a ship's good luck, 'til some idiot killed it.

  3. Once more, I stoke the forge's fires...

  4. Taking a fresh look at the Forge & Foundry.

    1. Chro


      Good to hear. :D

  5. Findin' his way around the new BZP. It's all so different! I'm in shock! Aiiieeeeee!

  6. Alright, cool. I sent your VMKK on it's way this morning, and got delivery confirmation on it to boot. It's going First Class, so you should have it by next week.

  7. Thanks! And yes, yes it is.

  8. My PMShip just ran out, have to renew. Do leave a comment like this on my profile to confirm you got my PM and that your address is correct. Thanx!

  9. Hey hey, how've you been?

  10. I see you shed that "Bad Trader" title, eh? :D

  11. Howdy, stranger. Long time, no see!

  12. So, wait... are you Dokuma's Grandfather? :3

  13. Sounds good man, thanx fer lookin' :)

  14. Pft, I doesn't afraid of anything.

  15. I replied to ya - check it out!

  16. Capt. Kangaro, its "Port Cannons", not "left".

  17. So what I thought I'd do was...

    ... Aroooooo

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