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Everything posted by Ruhannitasticness

  1. I winner!! Yay! Go Gakagu! WOOOT! The MOCs all look really cool now. Awesomeness. Broken R~
  2. That's not true! SZ: The Non-Flawsome is gone "possibly forever". -SZ- Oh. I just realized that you were talking about your name change. Broken R~
  3. Since when was 'possibly forever' 1 hour and 11 minutes? Broken R~
  4. It feels good to be called awesome. Thanks, Kex. Maybe I won't take that leave of absence during the summer after all. Broken R~
  5. OOOOOO! =o ! Roa's looking for a boy friend...Good luck and have a safe trip home! Broken R~
  6. Ruhannitasticness

    So Close!

    Very. Brilliant. Genius. Broken R
  7. Llamas! *drifts off* Hoo ha!? It was a tough one, having all of those big MOCists in there. Good luck. Even though Seran is winning. *runs off to go work on uber cool MOC that is in final stages* Broken R
  8. I ABSOLOUTLEY HATE skateboards. Now I guess I have a new reson for my distate of these useless 'skateboards', when half then time you aren't even ON it! Sheesh. Broken R
  9. Ruhannitasticness


    THat is pain...True pain. Sometimes these people just need to get edited. *pulls out gun with pencil sticking out the end* Hehe. Broken R
  10. Hehe. You know, me being me, I had to read that a second time to get it. Yay for laughter! Broken R
  11. Aww... You entry already SOUNDS like it will totally demolish my tire-shaped Venom Shrimp. Broken R
  12. Ruhannitasticness


    It looks like someone has bestowed unluckyness on you. And boy I'm glad I don't have a laptop. Broken R
  13. Lucky bunny. The only sets that I have from 2001 are Toa Kopaka and Turaga Nokama. *crawls into corner and cries* Broken R
  14. See ya soon. I can't wait for the MOCs! The Iron MOCist has returned! (well, not yet, but soon!) Broken R
  15. Did you read my reply on the first page for the Results topic?? Hehe. Congrats. But two winners? Odd contest. But, if Tufi haden't put it up, it would never had made history. Biggest entry list, AND A TIEBREAKER?!?!?! Broken R
  16. I'm glad that everything is going good. Everything seems to be going better now. *waves good-bye to italics * Yay for oddnessness! But it is quite strange... >>>R
  17. Yay! It's used on a MOC that is so horrific and ugly that it's awesome! I'll send you a sneak peek soon. >>>R
  18. Wow. That must've been hard to hear. Feel bad for you. In this sorrow, I will go back to using italics. >>>R
  19. Oh my... You are one of those people, who thought my Barraki were redos. Oh you wierdo... Sorry, but they were just getting the shape of the sets. They weren't redos. And if you want to see Mantax, you can look in the Project Barraki blog entry. A link is in my important entries content block. He changed a little since I took the pics, but not much. BtB Me? A weirdo? Now that's an oh my to say to you! Me? Me? Okay. I posted that before I saw the title of the topic. The new Mantax you made looks awesome. Also, I was wondering about that thigh build on him. Could I use it on an upcoming MOC? >>>R
  20. Join the tall club. I remember when I could stand underneath the lip of the kitchen counter too. Every one is so...short. It's quite scary. Everything below you, is...small. Can't wait to see the MOCs that you plan to post. They'll be awesome! And hopefully the Barraki redos are better than the ones that you posted back in November. >>>R
  21. Yay! I'm not cheering about the depressing stuff and the date, but that you'll be coming back! Can't wait! (Please don't commit suicide) >>>R<<<
  22. I can't wait for 2008! But if the 2009 books are under a different series title...then...that means that 4 of the books have been taken from the lineup, because you said that there would be 15 Legends books near the beginning of 2006! >>>R<<<
  23. I haven't used a smiley since I posted in Kimi and Kumi's topic! That isn't that long. >>>R<<<
  24. That laptop is annoying. It's a good thing you found yourself again, Seranikai. Can't wait to see what you have in store for BBC #42!! Next books...? Sounds interresting. >>>R<<<
  25. Ev'ry body dance! Bring out the Smiley Dancers! >>>R<<<
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