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-Dr. Horrible-

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Blog Comments posted by -Dr. Horrible-

  1. That was definitely my favorite episode.


    I knew they had to make an episode about genetic animal hybrids eventually, and they didn't disappoint.


    And the monster itself looked suspiciously like a Dodongo from the N-64 LoZ's.


    Regardless, it was an awesome episode.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  2. Well sometimes it's a bit violent, even gory, but it's usually brief and it's much milder than shows like Bones or CSI.



    Yeah, like that one where the woman's head EXPLODES. WHAT THE CARP.


    Also the parasite that guy had looked suspiciously like a piranha-plant from Super Mario Brothers.


    Dying by headcrabs with trans-orange chainsaws would be probably one of the most awesome deaths ever possible.


    But still, it seems a little excessively gory at times... like that episode you mentioned with the razor-butterflies, and how that guy slit his throat by hallucinating.


    Yes, I am mentioning these things partially to gross out Letagi...



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  3. That is why I love Fringe so much.

    Abrams takes seemingly improbable scenarios, and makes it real enough for them to actually be terrifying.

    Though midway through the season, they start not really explaining how the phenomena happen, which annoys me. But they get back to the probable, easily explained stuff in season 2, so don't lose hope.


    Yeah, Fringe is my favorite show. Moreso than LOST... err... Maybe. They're pretty close in their awesomeness.

    But still. I'm indignant that they still haven't released the season 1 soundtrack of Fringe. Cuz the soundtrack is the awesome.


    Anywho, I'm glad you are addicted as well.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  4. ;_;


    What ever happened to your obsession with Halo? I really miss that.


    Mainly because I don't like Pokemon all too much; it's not nearly as epic as Halo.


    I much prefer Bungie.


    I miss the Bungie Bunda.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  5. I love that song...


    I just wish I had the iTunes money to buy it.


    United States of Eurasia is awesome too, but I really don't like the awkwardly long piano solo at the end... sort of anticlimactic.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  6. Yay! Regular Bunda again!


    Also, at least you weren't using IE... >.>


    ...They have to have ADVERTISEMENTS. That's how desperate they are.


    Even worse, they come as a default with all Windows-running computers. And they still need ads.




    Speaking of Monorail cat, I'm using said picture for a black/white graphite art project. So far, it looks like carp. Hopefully, it will look better when finished.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  7. Spindliness looks like (or can arguably be) laziness. Laziness isn't good. Neither is reusing a concept over and over. Just something to think about.


    And I'm guessing that this entry was directed mostly at me.



    Yes, but spindliness is, as I see it, Primus's main style.


    Just like CzaR with making big MOCs, or ToM with awesome flowy design, or Cag's alien/mechanical/whatever-it-is MOC's.


    It's essentially his MOCing signature. And I believe he pulls off spindliness quite well. Normally, spindliness is produced by a new MOCer who is trying to make a "custom" MOC. I did the same thing a while ago (never posted it); and in that case it looks terrible.


    But this makes it look fantastic, surreal, and it almost reminds me of steampunk structure.


    Sure he uses it over and over. But DV uses fusion a lot, and while that is definitely not lazy, neither is this.


    You want lazy? check out MY MOCs. Of course, all the topics are dead, but you can still find them with a little digging.


    I know I kinda came out of the blue, but I used to read Primus's blog before his premiership ended. And I felt it necessary to defend him.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  8. Dangit. I never am on BZP when you bump this entry.


    I wonder if I can subscribe to it or anything... >.>



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

    Lol I don't think I have your FC anyway. o_O


    Just check the blog page constantly like I do. :P


    I gave you my code a while ago. Check the comments on your profile.


    I can't wait to pla-- OHMYGOODNESSYOUHAVE9007VROHCARP.


    ...I only have 7000-something... >.>



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  9. You guys are just full of bad advice. :P



    Here's a good idea:


    Place a sweet substance (like honey) on your driveway where the bees can easily find it.


    Hide somewhere nearby with lots of clothing (no skin exposed) and a can of aerosol and a match/lighter.


    Once they take the bait (or maybe just a large amount of them) hold the lighter/match up in front of the aerosol can and SPRAY FIRE ON THOSE DANGED CREATURES!


    ...I really hate bees...



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  10. That's a good idea...


    ...My hobby involves destroying the status quo, because the status...is not quo.


    The world is a mess, and I just...need to rule it.


    But, in the meantime, I will do as you have suggested.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  11. That will be all.


    Also, I miss Bundalings the Bunny. Why can't you just go back to that name?


    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

    I like how you went from "that will be all" to "also." hehe.png


    I haven't gone back to it because... uh... Lapras is infinitely better than all bunnies. Well, maybe not all bunnies, but some. Lapras is better than some bunnies.



    I was originally intending to just say that, but then I realized that'd be rather spam-ish, so I added the second sentence.


    I use "also" way too much in posts/comments.


    Lapras can't be better than you, and you're a bunny. So there.


    Oh, and I realized you're one of the few people who read your blog who knows I'm not one of those out-of-the-blue commenters.


    EDIT: The above sentence can't be grammatically correct. There just seems something... askew about it.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  12. * Who do you admire?


    * Who admires you?

    ...Probably Moist.

    * Free hugs! Do you ( a ) run away or ( b ) hug?


    * Free concussions! Do you ( a ) run away or ( b ) hug?

    ( c ) Shoot you with Death Ray.

    * Play MNOLG and compare 2001 to anything after 2006. That is all. : )

    I miss the MNOLG storyline.And the old narrator. And the old everything.


    06 was the only exception because the matoran designs were unique and poseable, and Jaller & co were Toa.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

  13. You needed a gold Kaukau?


    I would've given you one for free.


    Cuz I'm never gonna use mine.


    If you need anything, PM me and I'll see if I have it and if I need it.



    Peace, but not literally,



    -Dr. Horrible

    There's a list of all the masks I need over there. <



    I have 9 of the Nuva masks on your list.


    Now let me make sure I wont need them and I'll send them to you for free.



    Peace, but not literally,


    -Dr. Horrible-

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