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Everything posted by Palm

  1. Also tonight I'll be working Gukko Force NPC's in response to these entropy beetles. We'll need some help from some players to deal with things. Including the fire approaching on the horizon!
  2. Zaktan is virtually invincible. My money's on Zaktan. Jos is gonna turn tail and run unless he convinces Zaktan that he's one of the recruits or there's a trait Joske has gained recently that we don't know about or other plot reasons. Those are my personal predictions.
  3. IC: Agrona Agrona left Toros to his fight, diving towards Echelon as the whole team shifted places. She got lower to match Echelon's height as the crystal shower began to fall, "Eisen!" the healer yelled.
  4. New chapter is up! Sorry it's been so long so thanks for your patience! This one was short, but here it is anyways!
  5. Palm

    Bionicle: Moirai

    Chapter 4. . Drop and Go Chapter Select Review Topic Kongu passed in and out of sleep for an hour. His dreams were disconnected and erratic. Not to mention full of strange and dark things. Each time he awoke with fright and in a manner of seconds he had dozed off again. But Kongu would not slip into a sleep again when the team’s doctor shook him awake with a warning, “Quick-awake new-leaf! Rama swarm heading this way!” Tora shoved into his arms a pack, tied closed. Kongu wasted no time in scrambling for his spear and knife before pulling himself out of his resting place in the knot to follow Tora upwards. Maro was coming in the opposite direction, quickly allowing Tora to pass while stopping Kongu. “Can you leaf-run?” Kongu was about to answer when he was interrupted by the sound of tearing wood and breaking branches, muffled by the sound of buzzing wings. Maro’s expression remained as grim as it had been. Kongu nodded reluctantly, “Yes. I think so.” Maro squeezed his shoulder and with a stern finger pointed to him, “Good. Then go find Kana. Make north together. Meet with Boreas’ team if we give no signal.” The buzzing grew louder as more Rama grew interested in what their brothers were scraping at. “What of the rest of you?” Kongu began, “What will you do?” “We will disperse into the jungle. Now go!” Maro turned him around and gave him a push, “Maro will help you outside. After that, you are on your own until you find Kana.” Kongu began crawling downward. Protocol was to drop out of a knot under duress as to distance yourself as far away from whatever might be attacking as possible. Before he reached the lowest entrance Maro had already joined him. He had never been in this situation, “A lot of firsts for you tonight Kongu!” He said too cheerfully over the sound of more Rama. He could see the nest being pulled and prodded, making the walls breathe. This accelerated Kongu’s already pounding heart before Maro added a traditional goodbye, “May the high-winds fly in your favor new-leaf!” Kongu was about to respond before Maro kicked forwards, sliding down against the trunk, pushing Kongu out with him. Into the branches they went, being swatted by Rama wings as they fell. It was only after a second of chaos that they hit the mossy jungle floor. Kongu was disoriented but quickly regained his footing and began running. He looked back to see that Maro had uncovered a light-stone and whipped it southwards into a small clearing to distract the swarm that was now in view. There was countless bugs tearing apart the knot now, the lightstone hardly distracting them long enough for the clear image of Kongu’s captain dropping into the branches. The child in Kongu wanted to stay and watch her fight for her team, but his rational mind and instinct both screamed for him to continue running and to find cover. He turned away and began running harder. Under his breath he responded to the doctor, “And may the branches lead you safely home.” The Le-Matoran constantly had to remind himself not think about what might be happening at the knot, or what was to come of the team. It wasn’t until Kongu found himself in the branches again that he took a moment to rest and clear his mind. He leaned against the trunk to breathe heavily. He ached and shivered. With a glance behind him he suddenly remembered that Maro had given him a bag. Kongu fit his spear under his arm as he opened it up to see its contents. He found a small medical kit, a wrapped lightstone, and some rations for Kongu and Kana. Just how long did the doctor expect the groups to be split up? He counted them out. If spread out according to protocol this would give Kana and he at least a week. With a frown he closed the bag and did up the clasp. Having now caught his breath Kongu started up again, skillfully moving through the trees of Le-Wahi praying that his friends had managed to hide in the jungle before being caught by the nightmarish bugs.
  6. I got a sun vampire who might be interested.
  7. IC: Agrona Agrona stepped in front of the others snapping to her side to indicate Toros to stay at her side. "Aren't you cute." She whipped off her cloak, revealing a bouquet across her. Flowers sprouting head to toe. She smiled a kind warm smile, revealing her yellow mouth and sharp incisors, "Make your peace meat," she cooed, "You may not stand before me with such defiance. Kneel or be killed."
  8. IC: Pae "Similar goals," Pae said simply. He wondered for a moment if this risk would pay or work against them. "Unless you'd rather add to those who oppose you." He finished with a look to the guard now almost mobilized, "Choose."
  9. I did this before. That's why Pae exists.
  10. IC: Pae "Hold." The Toa of iron vanished from the others for a moment before returning about 15 seconds later. "Correct. A tower was collapsed. Mid-sized group moving towards Sanctum. I recognized one. Echelon is here." Pae nodded, "We will appear to be working with them. Be fast. We can take the building with them if we are comfortable with contributing to their killing." He looked to his companions, while taking his protosteel hammers from their loops, "Regardless. Stick together."
  11. IC: Pae Pae turned his head to look out the window. Under his hood he remained, but he craned his neck to hopefully see something. Nothing. Wherever it came from came from the direction the inn wasn't facing. But Pae could see people running away from whatever it was, "No involvement. We could use the opportunity to complete or objective."
  12. What did the doctor say after she gave her patient a shot? I hope thistle make you feel better! Who wants to help Agrona test out her new powers?
  13. IC: Agrona - Ko-Koro The Lesterin walked through the streets with her head held high. Her face was painted like a skull, and her eyes were softly glazed. The witch doctor had begun to sprout flowers ever since she adopted antidermis at the vault into her body. Agrona glanced to each member of the group as they turned away from the collapsing tower. Her vision was a little different than it once was. Her vision saw in pastels now, and she took the time to marvel at the colors of those around her. The flowers that grew from her body were the only thing that retained their original color. She turned to the mouthless Toros who moved alongside her. The Lesterin spoke to him over the screams and shouts within the village, "Remember what I ask of you Toros," she began, the faint sound of a slight buzzing staring and stopping as she spoke, "Stay by my side and you will be fed. Defend me with your life," her face broke out into a smile and her breath smelled of nectar, "Not that I will need it."
  14. IC: Pae Pae checked exits with a few flicks of his eyes while pushing past Nika towards an appropriate seating space. It was close enough to the fire, but still within range that Pae and the others could quickly escape if they needed. They were next to a window and only a few meters from the door while still sitting next to the fire place. Pae seated himself, "You two decide when we leave. No wasting time."
  15. IC: Utu Kotore "I know there's more krillactum somewhere. I just don't know where yet," I started, still rather quiet, "I remember Echelon took me somewhere before using some to do... whatever it was he did." I didn't really feel too inclined to move on, but it seemed a little more than important, "Maybe we could find him? Unless there's something else we could do to uh... trigger some memories again."
  16. The Dasaka civil war has already started! We skipped all the backdoor junk and got right to the meat of it all. Assassinations. Riots. The Mata-Nui groups never got past the secretive stage so nothing ever happened! But yeah, me and Ty got some fun things planned soon here for yall!
  17. IC: Libro - Coliseum District "Stop it!" Libro's voice could hardly be heard over the sound of weapons clashing and shouting, "Please! Every-" One of the glass explosives went off near her, causing her to instinctively shield her face. She stepped back away, once more yelling indiscriminately, "Stop fighting!"
  18. I'd say such a Toa of Stone DECIDED to throw it at that specific place, knowing that if it continued on its path it would hit the true target. He aimed for what it first hit. That's what I see.
  19. IC: Tuara Drigton Tuara leaned against the railing for most of the ride, looking from each member of the group to another. Utu was clearly disturbed and sat quietly, staring at nothing really as he gripped the Mark of Fear with one hand. She pushed off the railing and started talking, "I'll come with you Cael," she turned from her navigating responsibilities to look at Tuara, "Shaddix..." she stopped slowly, trying to sort out her words, "I can't go after him. I committed to something here, and I plan to finish it." The Toa of fire glanced at Utu who looked up, with angry tears in his eyes, "Maybe one day you'll come to understand that the two of you are one and the same. And that's why you're worth saving," his facial expression continued to show how overwhelmed he felt but Tuara continued, "To me at least." She breathed in, "I'm ready to help somebody for once. And if that means Shaddix is off on his own for a while, then it's something that has to happen. I'm not ready to abandon what we've all worked so hard for," Tuara sighed, "I'll follow where you lead Cael."
  20. IC: Pae Pae turned back up the mountain path, agreeing in silence. For a few minutes, the three traveled without speaking until Pae added rather quietly, "Nika, we can stop at a tavern to warm up."
  21. IC: Pae "Both," Pae continued, "We are traveling mercenaries and found something in the drifts only Korzaa must hear about," he finally looked to the others for the first time, "We demand her assembly. Whilst in her office we locate and read the file." He paused, "Unless you two have a better plan," Pae then looked directly at Nika shivering in his cloak, "Nika."
  22. IC: Pae - Ko-Koro Pae had positioned himself amidst some shipping canisters just above the docks. It was there that he had been waiting when he spotted Jin and Nika, coming up the street. The pathway winded up the mountain until it reached the actual village itself. Pae decided this walk would be a good time to collaborate quickly. He sidled up to the two Vortixx and spoke softly as they moved, casting no second glances to either of them, "I had a colleague in Makuta's cult. I hoped to ask him about this while in the drifts but without luck. Echelon's base vanished." The Toa pulled his cloak tighter and continued, "I know how to get into Korzaa's office."
  23. IC: Tuara Drigton Tuara took over and jumped into business mode, "We got what we came for. Or what we could get at least." She stepped forwards away from the temple door, "Let's get to the surface Skyra. We'll sort out this mess when we're topside again." Tuara gave Skyra a quick approving glance, "Good work."
  24. IC: Utu Kotore Leaving? So he's here to save my life, and the next thing I know he's walking away. "Hey!" I shouted, playing right into it all, "What do you mean you're leaving?" I moved closer to the top steps, "Hey!" "You were supposed to-" I felt a strike to my head like a bullet passed through my temples. I stopped mid-sentence and pressed my hands onto my skull. With this pain came a series of flashes. Before me was no longer ruins darkened by the sea, but instead a temple covered in wild fauna. And the men and women that stood before me were replaced by eithed past versions of themselves, or former companions of mine. Before me was the body of Yuru, covered in his own blood. Tank stood next to me, with wounds I enflicted on him with my own hands. Reaver crouched above me. The Salamander was there, bearing my own Mark of fear himself. And in the middle, walking away from all of us was Dorian Shaddix. Too proud, too infatuated with the Toa of Shadows to give us a second thought... to give me a second thought. What were we? We were friends. I look past him, the body of Echelon, laying there. Chest open, metals pooling around him. Was he dead? No, I rememebered. It was a trick. Next thing I knew, I was being carried into an icy cavern. Echelon looking over me. Metals, metals pouring into a stone. Metals being siphoned into a tattoo needle. What? I came back to reality. My jaw was locked open and my head pounding. I winced, and in that moment I looked up again. And in the middle, walking away from all of us was Dorian Shaddix. Pride broken and scarf left behind. What were we? "Dorian, wait!" I stepped down the stairs, pushing past Tuara and Krayn. But it was too late. The man that killed me was already gone, kicking up to the surface. I stopped, watching him. I give Cipher a glance before looking to Joske. He was sort of staring at me. My brow furrows in something resembling disgust, "What are you looking at?"
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