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Everything posted by Palm

  1. IC: Tuara Drigton "What?" Tuara's voice was ice cold, "You left us behind to do your dirty work - which isn't even done by the way, because Utu's dying now! - in the middle of doing your dirty work and after all this time you walk back in just to tell us you're leaving?" Utu added again, "That's Joske?" "You're not the center of our universe! Very few of us owe you anything that we couldn't have figured out on our own!" "This is Joske." She scoffed, "Some of us grieved Joske! We thought you were dead at first." Tuara made no move to get closer to him, "So you'll have to excuse the rest of us when we don't welcome you back with open arms." She turned around and looked at Dorian, "Go on Dor."
  2. This is definitely how I see battles happening. But two seasons ago? Boy, learn to count... We're still in our second arc, by my calculation. Two chapters. I meant two chapters.
  3. Congrats to the new staff members! I'm extremely excited for this new chapter to begin. Also, the Kentoku Archipelago is about to get absolutely insane. If you want your clan to join the side with more resources, money, and better fleets (the side that's going to WIN) PM myself and pledge your clan as a Dastana supporter! If you think Dastana Arsix is going to let the people who were handed power because of their blood rule over the REAL hard workers of the Dasaka Empire, you've got another thing coming. Liberation or Death! :warcries: I understand many of the gripes about the Akiri player set up (which in theory was an awesome idea) but this is going to be different. No more backhanded under the table politics. This is all out WAR and if you don't pick a side, I can promise your character is going to find themselves caught right up in the middle of it all anyways. Anyways, yeah, get ready for some crazy stuff to go down. Maybe even some "special war tasks" where anybody can take part in the form of the Hive-Battle two seasons ago! We're talking step by step outcomes defined by anyone taking part. LIBERATION OR DEATH
  4. IC: Tuara Drigton Tuara felt the slight shockwave of another body disturbing their bubble as it shot through the outer layers. Much like the others - Tuara got lower to the ground as if preparing for the collapse of their only real safe place on the ocean floor. The soon-to-be-angry Toa of fire heard feet hit the soft ground, "What the-" She turned around to glare at the intruder who very well could have killed everybody. There he was, standing proudly with the same dumb grin she'd seen standing next to her at Guard school. "Son of a ." Utu chimed in at the top stairs of the temple, "Who's that?"
  5. IC: Taoki Taoki's face lit up, "Awesome! So it's a trip? The whole team?!"
  6. IC: Pae Pae weighed his options. He knew he needed to be back in Ko-Koro by the time his associates arrived. Otherwise it'd all make for some pretty terrible management. But he also knew that if Echelon had no information about Matoro, he could at least point Pae in the direction of others that might. He simply didn't have enough time. Pae stood up and began to walk back up his iron ramp. It wasn't a total loss though. At least he knew that Echelon's lab was no longer there. He paused mentally. That gave him an idea about the Polzin woman's operation. He began the long ascent to the Ko-Wahi driftlands above. IC: Agrona Agrona took the journal from her pack, looking to Echelon for confirmation.
  7. Remember guys, it's better to address some playing you're concerned about through PM. Calling people out in GD isn't as fun for everybody.
  8. IC: Utu Kotore I moved where Dorian pointed, watching him work. I crossed my arms as I stood motionless, waiting for the Iron Toa to finish.
  9. IC: Akiri Kongu "If I may," Kongu began, "Collapsing the dark-badwalk may provide us with time, but it will provide them with it as well. I would also question what good it may be to simply know where they might be tunnelling out. Toa-heroes Maru, I do not doubt a single one of yours power. But I must express my concern with planning a win upon simply fighting them again." His brow furrowed, internally scanning old war strategies from his own experience. "During a darker time, fighting Rama proved especially difficult as a result of their number. Many teams that fought Rama adopted plans that isolated a single buzz-flier before ganging up on it." He looked to Koreo, "If it was possible to isolate one of these thugs in a similar way, I suspect there may be less difficulties in apprehending them." Kongu gave Jaller a glance. "Keep in mind that such a plan was not without risks. And like Jaller has said, I am not in control of the Toa-heroes Maru. What you choose is up to you. And If what you decide requires fliers, I am happy to give what is needed."
  10. IC: Pae The Toa of iron discerned calmly. This was the place, there was no doubt about it. He felt confused for a moment while considering if he had perhaps made a mistake or something had changed. Pae approached the edge and knelt down. He examined the ice, still rugged and clean. While comparing it to the entrance, Pae found the other ice was much smoother and worn from the weather. He knew that this edge was newer than the rest. Either it had fallen away or Echelon moved it. Or - less likely - Pae simply was in the wrong place. But just to be sure, Pae looked over the edge again. Maybe he could find some information to confirm whether or not he was in the right place. Pae tightened the clip around his cloak and stepped out over the edge. The cloth he wore whipped in the wind, but before he hit the curve of the rocky valley, he used his hands to create a sort of slide of iron. His feet kissed the vertical plane before sliding along it as it bowed out. Coming to a stop safely above the roaring glacier waters Pae leaned over the edge, hoping to find the large door somewhere in the basin of freezing water. Without any luck, he crouched, scanning up and down the glacial hill, hoping to spot some detail. IC: Agrona Agrona gave Toros a glance, "Did you hear something?"
  11. Exactly! Like sealing somebody's mouth totally shut before cauterizing it!
  12. Yeah. I didn't mean to suggest the mask could cause damage where it wasn't already damaged. But that could FIX things WRONG on purpose, or choose to only do a partial job which could cause further damage.
  13. That's exactly what I'm getting at Zox. I should have explained further.
  14. A good note for me as far as being creative with mask powers or elements is focusing on how you use them, not what they can do. If we constantly expanded what they could do, that isn't really being critical. That's just broadening and broadening the limits instead of working around them. For instance, a Toa with a mask of healing could be used to heal a particular injury in the incorrect way. Causing further damage instead of fixing something. Like purposfully connecting the wrong muscle tissues together. Or a Kakama user could propel a raft at high speeds using their legs. Those actions are already within the limits of what one can do, what HOW you do what you can do is what you're really aiming for. That's how I look at it anyways.
  15. Again, it'd be impossible to teleport into something because you couldn't see inside of it.
  16. That doesn't make any sense. First of all, you can see through air. That's why you can teleport into it. You can't see into bodies. It's only partly about material displacement, and moreso about your eyes. Also if you tried that trick you can bet your boots staff will be on you in three seconds flat. We aren't allowed to manipulate or create matter within another characters body. I'm willing to bet a lot of money that this move (even if it could work which it couldn't because of simple visual/teleportation logic based upon what we know about the mask) would fall under the same ruling. So no, you can't telefrag. Interesting thought though. It's good to try and play creatively by working from expectations.
  17. IC: Pae - Ko-Koro As he entered Ko-Koro, Pae plotted out his stay in the village of ice. The team would certainly spend some time consulting criminals in the city to see if the underworldly knew anything about the kill. The quiet toa hoped his partners had begun thinking past that. He'd have to ask the others about their own previous contracts so they could begin constructing a list of potential offenders. Pae mulled. The man had lived a life without a desire of payments. Drifting from one world to another with only wit and skill. He had no contracts. Only contacts. He considered asking Echelon. Pae mused. He had abandoned Echelon and his people. He considered whether or not ths Dark Toa would harbour harsh feelings towards Pae for it. He filed it away. It would have to be done eventually he was sure. He knew of a variety of Echelon's hideouts ala Fist of Makuta. Next to contacts and consultants, they'd need to uncover the details of the death. Pae felt strongly about getting their hands on official documents. It shouldn't be too hard. With a simple plan they should be able to access a filekeep easily enough: If his partners were truly competent. Pae stopped. Maybe he would have time to check Echelon's Ko-Wahi cave. With his mask it wouldn't take long to get there, and he could be back in time before Jin and Nika arrived. But, if the fourth was in proximity, they might miss one another. He silently waited for his mind to decide what to do. Pae turned around, and walked out of the village. * * * * * He took a road unmarked. It was slow going with the snow, but by the time he reached Echelon's lair it had only been about an hour. Pae approached the entrance.
  18. No it didn't. And yeah, it'll be in Le when I get off my butt and actually write the darn thing. Also, fun times with the twins in Sado's market. Go bug them
  19. IC: Dastana Arsix Dastana Arsix and Dastana Jasik stepped onto Sado's docks following their own honor guard. Both their mother and Arsix insisted on the accompanying party, for their own safety. Especially Jasik, who had been under "public scrutiny" ever since a hole had been punched through the Rora at Yumi's party. They had of course expected it. Arsix normally would have made the trip to the market herself had the twins not agreed never to part until the situation blew over. Arsix had adamently fought against sending servants to retrieve her goods on some notion that "It would appear downright atrocious" to the merchantpeople, the majority of which were Dastana. She had told her brother and mother, "I refuse to turn my nose up to them." Arsix had made it habit to fetch her own things in from the markets, claiming it set her apart from the other heiresses. Despite her own assertions, Arsix wasn't too sure about their visit. They wore matching attire. It was much more casual than their usual garb with fewer fine threads and less clasps of metal and crystal. Arsix looked at her brother, "I'm going to ask again in case you ignored her. What did mother say about public accusations." The first born asked, as if it was hardly a question. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Yumi is still a ." Arsix scowled. "No, that's what I said." She rolled her eyes, turning away to walk up the docks, "She said to ignore them and let the guards take care of it." "Close enough. You two sound alike. Never let me have any fun." "If you want to get lynched, be my guest. It'd sure take some weight off my shoulders." "And a lot of weight off your list of friends." "You're the one who needs the guard. Not me." They were close to the market now, nearing the end of the docks, "We won't be too long anyways. I've kept the list much shorter than usual. Unless there's something you'd like for yourself." OOC: The Dastana's have entered the market! Dastana twins open for interaction!
  20. IC: Akiri Kongu Walking proud and - if Kongu knew his friend - a stern anger, kept under control and likely directed. His heart fell to see the Akiri in such a way. "Jaller!" Kongu's voice rang out in the street. The Matoran of air spotted the Matoran of fire in the small crowds. Kongu immediately turned away from Shu and Ka, and began towards Jaller without waiting for his companions to join him. He pushed through the people in the streets to greet his brother.
  21. IC: Agrona "Very good." Agrona stood up, "We'll do more later. We'll have to start basic and work up to more complex words and phrases." IC: Pae The trip from Ga-Wahi was satisfactory in that it was uneventful. Pae's route took him to the Mangaia's base, preferring to skip all usual roads between the villages and wahis. The Toa of iron opted onto the main roads only upon entering Ko-Wahi. The chill winds of the ice wahi reminded Pae that he was wise to invest in a new cloak to carry with him. He thumbed the clasp that held it together to check if it was tight enough. It was as normal looking as any other travel garmet. A worn tan color, and with many pockets. Pae wore his satchel around it to keep the material closer, hoping to keep warm. Pae looked up as he rounded up the frozen pathway. Ko-Koro stood before him now. He'd have a few hours before Jin and Nika arrived.H was happy to have the time to himself to scout ahead. A part of him wanted to go ahead and steal the official documents on his own, but despite his distrust in his associates, it would be best to have their support in his endeavors. But, it would be some time before they found him again. In the mean time, Pae would look up all the potential locations they'd need to access. he wanted to see if there was any special requirements or potential complications they'd have to work around. If Vera could truly give him what he asks, Pae figured it was worth a try. This life had begun to wear on him. Truth be told, he was tired of it. But he shrugged that thought from the fore-front of his mind. He - as always - had a job to do. Pae was here for one reason: To begin building connections that surrounded the death of Akiri Matoro.
  22. IC: Pae Pae showed a rare sign of emotion as his eyes narrowed ever slighty. It was hardly an expression. Something more akin to a micro-expression. Chances are his associates hardly noticed it, "I cannot. Not without a description." Pae gave a final visual regard to his companions before turning away. He took two steps before ducking his head, and activating the Kakama on his face. In hardly an instant, the Toa of iron vanished into the shade of the trees and cliffs. Pae - as he ran - reached into his pack and removed his cloak. It whipped wildly in the wind, but Pae's strong grip held fast. He reached back and clasped the other shoulder with his free hand before tying it tight. He contemplated once more what exactly Vera had promised him, and began to wonder; what exactly did she promise Jin, Nika, and the fourth? OOC: Pae to Ko-Wahi
  23. IC: Pae Pae agreed silently before bringing up transportation, "If you charter a boat," he started, referring to Jin and Nika, "I can meet you ahead. Unless we continue to discuss plans as we travel." "I will find you. Unless busy."
  24. IC: Pae "We need to know the details about his death," Pae said rather simply, "We could steal official reports."
  25. IC: Pae The quiet Toa of iron hadn't sat down. He looked to Nika and then to Jin. He paused, as if deciding something. Jin talked a lot for somebody who was supposed to work in the shadows. He always hated "professionals" that worked in such a way. Nika seemed a lot more tolerable, but his lack of speaking didn't give Pae much to go off of as far as motive or trustworthiness. Jin, although still difficult to read was leaps and bounds easier than Nika to understand in that respect. He momentarily pondered if this is how others felt when interacting with him. There was no way to tell if either of his companions (and potentially a third) would cause the team to fail their objective. If so, this would not be the first time. Pae knew how to work around failures of comrades. He wondered - considering their apparently "special skills" - if they thought the same thing about him. Probably. Whether it was of pride or objective thinking, it seemed likely. It was simply too early to tell. Pae decided not to make any reservations about Nika or Jin, and simply chose to gauge them later. He opened his mouth and spoke for the first time in a while. Deeply and with strength, Pae cut through the quiet with a single word, "Fair." He turned around and walked out of the room, expecting his partners to follow suite.
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