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Everything posted by Palm

  1. Yeah. It's something we gotta work on fixing up a bit more. Welcome!
  2. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia Agrona gave Echelon a look, "Our friend here claims to be Ahkmou in another body," she returned to Ishi's gaze all the while wearing a sly smile, "Why doesn't Ahkmou recite his and Echelon's most recent conversation? That is unless he'd like to tell us something else..."
  3. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu Islets Seas I gave a wary glance, but with earnest eyes, "...OK... If that's what you want to try, then by all means," I shrugged, "I don't exactly have many options."
  4. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu Islets Sea Utu gave Cael a look, "Do you think we can use my blood to make more of this stuff?" I glanced down at my arms, the subtle purple hue of my poisoned veins appeared under my skin, "How much of it would we even need?"
  5. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu Islets Sea I gave a low humph, "Got any other ideas?"
  6. IC: Utu Kotore - Le-Wahi - Kumu-Islet Sea My heart sank. I had hoped that this group had managed to find a way to liberate me already. I sighed while nodding solemnly. I had been given life, and now there was a chance I could never live it. I didn't know what it meant to be in a world without the Kotore's (minus one). I stood up, my eyes fixed on the waters ahead, "So if I'm the only one left, and we can't break inside, it would mean making more wouldn't it?" I glanced back to the doctor, "Where could we find this 'krillactum'?"
  7. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Razgriz


      Wakarimasen lol

  8. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia Agrona's brow furrowed, Clever little ####. There was no way to confirm this, and no way to confirm otherwise. At least not with her own banks of knowledge. She had never met Ahkmou, but had heard some things about the Dark Matoran from Echelon and other associates. She scowled and gave a "hm" as if thinking hard. Agrona's put her first through the bark wall, sending some of Syvra's handiwork flying through the darkness. The Witchdoctor glanced outside, "Echelon," a hint of a smile spread across Agrona's lips. She looked back at Ishi, "Do you remember your most recent conversation with the Matoran Ahkmou?"
  9. IC: Dastana Arsix - The Dragon Room Arsix might have chuckled with the Daijuna over the Rora but she - like Shuuan - felt the same pain. There was a short and sharp burst of fire and iron to her temples. She flinched and tilted her head slightly. Arsix's repressed fears over the danger of her outfit suddenly filled out onto her face. She cursed silently, thinking herself stupid to think that the sudden strike of pain was meant to harm her specifically. Arsix's expression quickly snapped back to her rehearsed state. She straightened up, not quite as sensitive to the mental plane as Shuuan. But still there was lingering power, leaving a hard dull hurt behind her forehead. It reflected in the famous blue of her eyes. Arsix looked around the room hoping to see the disturber but without any success. She saw only Dasaka recovering from the pain, "Daijuna Shuuan, there is some good news," Arsix said, looking to the Daijuna, speaking with clear contempt for the Willhammer that fired off such a loud noise, "There has to be at least one person here who is infinitely dumber than you."
  10. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia A cover of wood grew around the pair and as the light bloomed Agrona smiled. The contours of her face collided with the shadows and made her face appear much more skull-like than before, "Well is it yours? Or is it Ahkmou's?" The Lestrin demanded. Agrona heard another shot ring out but did not shift her expressions, her sharp incisors were still in plain sight. She rattled the Matoran as venomous words spat in Ishi's face, "Speak boy."
  11. [imperial Palace, Dragon Room] I raised an eyebrow. “You don’t want to see the Princess naked, first son? I’m sure there are many a male and quite a few females who would disagree with that sentiment, except for dear Kuno over there.” I was getting under their skin, I could tell. My mask hid my own expressions, but I didn't need my legendary intuition to feel their disdain hammering down on me through their words. I'm not the kind of person who values impassion, however I knew they did and breaking down that cold wall would be all the more sweet if I managed to do it. “As for your other point, scientists are a bunch of cold fish and I prefer to avoid them...I’ve heard such things affect the intelligence before the body, in which case I’m sure you both would be more knowledgeable than me.” IC: Dastana Arsix - The Dragon Room Arsix glanced to her side to see her brother set aside his drink only for the pair to share another glance. Her eyes gave him a scornful look. He was breaking form. They hadn't agreed on this and Jasik showed no sign of communicating further. Arsix repressed her emotions by sipping her drink gracefully. Jasik leaned over and gave her a peck to her temple before he turned away, leaving his sister to deal with other members of the party alone. Yet, missing her second half, the Dastana turned once more to the Plangori as if Jasik had never left, "If what you say is true - about intellect suffering before appearance - then you are much dumber than I had heard previously." Her cold irises returned to Shuuan as they talked, "But at least we can agree on Kuno's disposition, Plangori," Arsix glanced across the room to see her brother totally disappear. She quickly realized who he might see and allowed herself a snarky smile, pretending it was meant for her "conversation" partner.
  12. People ask me what I want to be when I grow up and I just look at them with fear in my eyes like, "Inheriting a water crisis".

  13. IC: Utu Kotore I nodded, still a little unsure, "How exactly are we going to get into the temple?" I asked, "You said we all had to be there right? How are we going to use the Marks as keys when I'm the only one left?"
  14. OOC: Last jam for a while. This is actually really old soooo... IC: Akiri Kongu - Le-Koro - Village's Edge Kongu nodded, "I have heard the name before. Although the Hapaka has never been under my employment, I have associates who can vouch for the accuracy of his work." Kongu shrugged, "But it would do us all well to keep an eye on him. I would advise against allocating resources away from watching him." Kongu turned, moving to the edge of the village, dangerously close to a long fall, "However," Kongu began with a slight lull in his tone, "I must say that Ko-Koro is not the only high perch on Mata-Nui, in case you have not noticed," he gestured to his feet, "We see much from here. For myself, I have sensed changes looming over us like a dark cloud waiting to storm. And although the nature of change and adaptation is one of great virtue, I do not speak of changes for the people, but against the people. That is the poison I speak of." Oh, so he wasn't referring to the poison thrown into the water, then, Clades said. Kongu is a songwriter, Ambages thought. It's no easy to get a read on him, even for me. We must be careful. "Sorry," he apologized, "I though you were talking about the recent terror attack." He frowned tightly as he thought about Kongu's more philosophical touch. "The darkness always has existed somewhere beyond our reach," Ambages lamented, "and some might even say fighting it is a futile war, but I know it hasn't swallowed us because people fight it. I said we're in this together, the type of poison you refer to has no effect on that." "Although the work of the terrorist is of this poison, the true poison is much greater than he. There is a multitude of movements on this island, coming from places you would least expect," Kongu paused, "You are correct though. We have yet to be swallowed because there are still those who dare to fight, and those who will fight until the end of their days. Foolish or not. I only wonder if what you say is true," Kongu turned slightly to Ambages, "That this poison has no effect on the fact we are in this together." "If you feel you have reason to doubt me then speak your peace, Kongu," Ambages rebuked softly and stretched his arms out slightly in a shrug. He knew what Kongu meant clear as day. "Many good men have seen good things smeared by flickering lights in their peripherals. I'm neither adored or hated but I'm offering you my trust and friendship. And if you decide that don't want it..." He paused, a hand awkwardly hanging behind Kongu's back. The akiri's hairs bristled slightly at the unseen gesture's potential. "... Then I'd challenge you to a drinking duel to change your mind," he said and clapped Kongu on the shoulder, punctuated by a clever smirk. "I have no reason to doubt you Ambages. You must understand, much of this conversation was similar to the one me and the other Akiri shared. It is nothing more than a simple building of what is expected of those who hold power. Village leaders or otherwise." Kongu glanced back at Ambages and smirked, "As for the drinking match, I cannot take part in the festivities as much as I would like to - with such unsure times I must remain clear-minded - but I would certainly share some drink with you. It would be criminal to have a visitor in this village without allowing them a taste of our famous parties." "And I think we'd enjoy that taste, especially after traveling for the last couple days," Ambages declared. "We are weary, though—maybe we should reconvene in the morning and talk about our relations then, with clear heads?" "Yes, meeting in the morning seems more appropriate," Kongu said, "On the eastern end of the village there are much quieter resting places. I could take you there now if you wish."
  15. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia "Get more specific." Agrona demanded coolly, "I can kill you even easier than I can save you."
  16. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia Agrona smiled at her handiwork as the Matoran pulled away, "I am called many things," she lazily reached for the journal as she stood up, flipping through the pages, "Murderer, thief, freak, tramp, witch," Agrona said each word with a great space in between them before standing up, "But to you, I'm the woman that just saved your life." Agrona's warm and calming demeanor radically shifted as she violently threw the book at Ishi's head, slamming into the wall behind him. She dashed forward and gripped his collar before the book even hit the ground. Agrona bared her teeth, "But the question, meat, isn't who I am," her snarl became a smile, "I can think of a number of interesting things to ask you. What-" Agrona lifted the journal to Ishi's face, "is this?"
  17. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia Still crouching over Ishi, Agrona hummed back to him, "Yes meat, black eyes, black eyes all around." Agrona tilted her head, still releasing energies into the Matoran's body, "Stay with me my pet," the Lesterin took one hand off Ishi's neck and reached for her bone blade. She stopped the healing process and took hold if Ishi's face from moving back and forth, "Sh ssshhh... Look into my eyes little-one," She grit her teeth and held his head harder, "Look at me. Look, here, that's it." Agrona then gripped Ishi's hand and took her bone-blade and put it to his palm, "Keep looking," The blade dug neatly into Ishi's skin, etching a small into the skin, branding him, "There there, keep looking to me."
  18. IC: Arsix Dastana - The Dragon Room The twins glanced at each other. Their eyes turned once more to the Dasaka before them, showing no signs of internal thoughts or feeling. They were known within the courts for their poker faces, "I don't know... those were pretty interesting accusations to say the least." Arsix's brow furrowed, "I'm not so sure Jasik, by the looks of her gene pool she's likely to know more about that sort of thing than us." "Arsix, play nice. The Plangori here is worthy of our respect - look at all the fine dresses her family's made for this evening. What are our royal Umbralines supposed to do if she takes offense and decides to crawl back under her rock? Go naked? Nobody wants to see that any more than we want to see her."
  19. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia "Echelon!" Agrona growled as the first Rahkshi appeared. Three figures lay upon the stone floor. A bullet in a body, a broken corpse half breathing, and the soon to be servant were all at Agrona's feet. She glanced at Syvra, "You wish to serve Syvra?" Her hungry face seemed too calm for the chaos around them. She reached down as the battle looked about ready to begin, gripping Toros by the collar and dragging him closer to Echelon and the body that feel from the heavens. "You can start by watching over your pest here. Without harming him." Agrona lowered herself to Ishi's body with a level clear importance. She glanced up as the first Rahkshi jumped into battle before placing both hands on Ishi's lower neck, assessing the damage done. He wasn't dead. Not yet. Who is this curious creature? The Lesterin reached into a bag slyly (but not without urgency). Within was a journal with a black leather cover and a spine stone. She quickly flipped it open only to see a long series of numbers for the entirety of the journal. Agrona tossed it aside and reached to the other junk across the Matoran's body. Pushing around basic survival gear she came across a note. Snatching it up in her long slender fingers, the witchdoctor peered at it. There were four words on it, a title. "Ambages, Hand of Ko-Koro". She frowned. A journal with nothing but numbers was only strange, but a book of gibberish and the name of a prominent political figure made things a lot more interesting. Agrona glanced over to see a small jar, picking it up to see an eyeball within. Oh. Agrona wrapped her hand around Ishi's neck, placing the other on his chest. She focused hard, picturing the broken pieces coming back together. This time properly. Heal.
  20. IC: Arsix Dastana For twins that lived and breathed alongside each other and were rarely considered separate entities, there were often key differences. One of these differences was the way they smiled. Jasik's was warm and inviting with a sort of boisterousness to it, while Arsix's smile was much more articulated and formal. Despite not appearing fake, It was a smile which was refined for years, rehearsed alone.There were plenty of eyes on her. More than usual. It wasn't her unnaturally brilliant eyes that were attracting the attention - despite their fame - but the headdresses. She suddenly felt a second wave of fear over the choice of masks for the party. :This was a terrible idea.: :On the contrary. This was a catalyst.: :We'll die, and it will be your fault. You know that right?: :You worry too much. This will be a cinch. As easy as when we were children, trying to climb higher than our grandfather's falcon could fly. I got us through that one intact, didn't I?: :Actually, no. I got us through that one.: Arsix thought, her facial expressions refusing to give away the internal conversation with Jasik. :True, but you shook like a bush in the breeze before you did. This requires a little fearlessness. Picture them all nake--wait, no. There's the Herupa First Son. Judo? Jimbo? Either way, don't picture him naked. Whatever you do.: She immediately pictured the Herupa's First Son very much naked. Arsix then glanced at her brother, still wearing a smile before flashing the same image into Jasik's mind. Sometimes Arsix doubted her choice of WIllhammer for a discipline. This was not one of those times. :I hope you made arrangements to return home via casket.: Arsix ignored Jasik's last comment, turning her face back to the other guests. The twins had just about reached the center of the room now, using their trip across to scan the various guests as they moved across the floor. Let the games begin. OOC: The Dastana Twins are open for interaction
  21. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu-Islet Sea "Is that how you did it Praggos?" I turned my attention back to him, "You removed your blood?"
  22. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu-Islet Sea I scowl slightly. I didn't really want to get rid of the Mark unless I absolutely had to. The last one? It had a lot of implications. I decided to ask in order to keep my options open, "How did they get rid of them?"
  23. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu-Islet Sea I looked up, suddenly surprised. I ask Cael rather excitedly, "There are more people like me?"
  24. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu-Islet Sea I scratched my head, "A connection?" I frowned, "What kind of connection?"
  25. IC: Utu Kotore - Kumu-Islet Sea I had gone to extreme lengths to distance myself from them all, but it seemed that the poison in my family's veins could not be so easily eradicated. The last of the Kotore's. My blood-line slowly killing me. As if destiny wanted to finish the job. It all seemed so silly, but I remember feeling a sort of weight roll off my shoulders upon hearing this. It was for the first time in my entire life that in this moment somebody had used "unique" to describe me, other than myself. I had lived a hundred-thousand years of my life wishing that I could be different than the world I was bound to. I wanted to be different. I killed to be different. The part that makes me feel worse is knowing what transpired in those 300 years. Throughout all of my crimes, conditions, and resurrections, nobody called me anything. I was the son of a giant with nothing to his name but a few whispered rumors and a lot of passion infused envy. I was never unique. And even though it meant I might die, I couldn't help but forget about all that for just the briefest of moments upon hearing such a simple word. I tried to brush it aside, deciding that my life was more important than my pride, "What is this temple anyways? How's it going to jog my memory?"
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