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Everything posted by Palm

  1. IC: Agrona "Good. Then we are agreed." Agrona moved to sit cross legged, glancing at Rorg who shared a look of complete and utter indifference. She turned back to Toros and made a flat palm and put up her finger. The finger quickly passed the palm and became two fingers, 'Agrona.' "My name is Agrona." She signed again, 'Agrona' Agrona put two fists together bound at the wrists and gave them a shake, 'Toros' "Your name is Toros." And once more Agrona signed, 'Toros'
  2. IC: Akiri Kongu After receiving a signal from the guards below, Kongu and his three windriders began the descent to the village streets just behind the gates. Shu fell faster than the others in order to clear a landing space for Kongu's caravan, calling out to citizens below. His clear Le-Koronian accent got the attention of any who may be in the way of the birds, "Excuse us! Thank you! Please move! Yes, you as well! No worries here please!" Ka's claws settled on the stone ground softly, and Kongu stood up to his full height atop the birds back. He did not wear his Akiri's robes, so his tattoos proudly declared the village leader a Rama War veteran. He took to the ground and turned towards the guards at the gate, "Where was the damage done?" "The Lavapool Inn Akiri Kongu," the stern Ta-Koronian responded. "Thank you my friend." he responded before turning around. He passed his fellow windriders and clicked. Ka sat up to follow him. He looked to Shu, "Come with me Shu. You two, tend to the gukko." The trio moved through the streets of Ta-Koro, Ka catching the attention of quite a few people as they walked. He patted her head and she cooed. Upon arriving at the Lavapool Inn - or what was left of it- Kongu and Shu stopped. The Akiri's face seemed to fall slighty and he sighed. They observed the destruction, the hustle and bustle of the guards - chittering away at each other - and the faces of Ta-Koro's people. "We should find Jaller," Shu added to Kongu after a moment of quiet watching, "He'll want to know we're here won't he?" Kongu nodded and turned around, the trio began walking once more.
  3. IC: Agrona Agrona nodded, "I understand," she shifted to a more comfortable position, "You are afraid of Echelon and I." Agrona and Toros looked up at Echelon to see him gesture to the Hapaka's test. "After you." She turned back to Toros, slender face as warm as a summers day, "You have some cause for fear, Toros." Agrona paused for a moment, "But so long as you obey my command, not I nor the other members of our party will harm you. Do you understand?"
  4. You don't have to! Just roll with it. There is a larger Matoran count here than canon. We've kept the method of matoran to toa transformation rather ambiguous as well. Some have stated to have existed even before the Toa Mata arrived on the island but were rather secluded or not in the picture for whatever reason. Don't worry too much about it. At least not to the point that it will stop you from playing what characters you want to play!
  5. IC: Agrona "Good," Agrona nodded curtly, "Your form is gaudy, but you'll grow into it," she sat down across from Toros, hands on her knife of bone. She paused, just taking a moment to read into Toros' eyes. She felt no pity. She felt no regret for taking Toros from his previous life and into hers. There was danger ahead for herself and her companions, and now this Toa she promptly plucked from the rest of the world would have to experience that same danger. But the growing pains of power called, and nobody was exempt from it. It would exchange hands soon. Blood would spill. Her brow furrowed as she contemplated a question, "Are you afraid?" Agrona asked, "Answer honestly."
  6. IC: Akiri Kongu - Ta-Wahi Kongu could feel the hot air rise up past Ka's wings. Only minutes ago they had just passed through the border between Le-Wahi and Ta-Wahi and were now hitting pockets of hot air. He was never a fan of the heat, but found ways to appreciate it still. It might flying for the birds a lot easier. In tow behind the Akiri were three more fliers. Shu on his right, and two members of Shu's personal team behind them. In a V formation the four had made the trek from Le-Koro in good time. Kongu came as soon as he had received word. With a stern look on his face he flew above the region of fire, thinking hard. There were a number of reasons for him to be here now, and currently most pressing was to show the people of Ta-Koro that Le-Koro would stand with them. Thugs and criminals of a powerful degree had let loose their true intentions in the fortress village. Characters of such power needed to be taken seriously, and as far as Kongu was concerned had to be faced together. The same creeping thought of discord amongst the villages jumped into his head. It weighed heavy on his mind, and today was no different. The Akiri of air lifted up a hand to his comrades and they began their descent. He turned his head to Shu who reached into his pack to pull out a flare launcher. With a nod exchanging between the two, Shu gave the signal to Ta-Koro that they were approaching. The green smoke following to projectile to signify that the group was either rather small, or meant no harm. They would circle out front of Jaller's home upon reaching it until they were given the go ahead to enter the city.
  7. IC: Agrona Agrona sneered with an eye roll and turned away from the group, now moving over to Toros. If what the captive Matoran said was true, then the foundations of the island and the peace it held could be made weaker. The first idea that came to Agrona's mind was sending this information out in the form of rumors. It was the people that needed to be upset. Not the village leaders. But this could be made true even if the Matoran was lying. They could sew any string of rumors together like that. She crouched next to Toros and spoke to him with a warm and sweet voice, "I'm sorry about the bounds my friend. I didn't want you to attempt escape before we properly became introduced. Sit up please," she smiled, and reached forward, cutting the ropes, "You will speak only when you are spoken to, or what you have to say is valuable enough it garners our or my attention," the Lesterin looked to his face again and lifted up her hand. In a fist that faced Toros, she bobbed it up and down, "This means 'yes', and this," she stopped bobbing and opened up her pointer finger, middle finger, and thumb before closing them together. As if grabbing a sum of rice out of the air, "Means 'no'," Agrona put her hand down and looked at the Toa expectantly, "Now you show me."
  8. IC: Taoki - Ga-Koro - The Great Takea Taoki nodded excitedly, scrambling to his feet, "I'm hoping to unlock the secrets of its motor functions! We know the slugs make it move and think, but I think if I can create my own interface, I could maybe wear it or ride it. Sort of like exo-armor!" he frowned, "But I can't find anything that can connect the energy source to an external device without instantly exploding," Taoki shrugged, "But I have in the process come to realize something." He quickly took on a much calmer more analytical moniker, "Finding an energy source powerful enough to activate the autonomic nervous system has sort of served as a stress tester... The armor is very good, and since these shells are not organically reproduced like you or I, it makes me wonder how exactly they are made. And in such large number too! You saw how many there were when Makuta gave the word." Taoki adjusted the goggles on his forehead thoughtfully, "The mass production of such powerful shells of armor must require great energy." He shrugged, "Maybe Makuta created them himself from scratch - which I do not doubt - but if he didn't, maybe there's something down there he left behind..."
  9. I can confirm that the Rama Riders are still a thing. I will put up a post this weekend that describes the status of the group at Matau's Fist.
  10. OOC: No formatting on weekdays. On weekends is the only time I will be fixing this. I only have my mobile where I'm living/working. IC: Tuara Drigton - Sea Floor - Destroyed Mark Bearer Temple "Recreate the original event." The group all turned to the surprisingly quiet Toa of fire who had spoken with a rather dreamy tone. Upon realizing the potential for her idea she took a step forward and spoke with the confidence and strength she was known for, "We know that just seeing people from his memory isn't enough or he would have remembered us, so why would bringing him here have helped anyways?" she had the team's attention, "It isn't enough. We have to do more than show you faces and places you know," Tuara looked at Utu, "If there's the slightest chance that there's some more krillactum. Echelon couldn't have manipulated you without some. Utu you have to remember." She took a few steps back, speaking with some command in her voice, "We have to choose the point that Utu was most emotionally charged. It will increase your chances of picking it up again. Everybody who was there in whatever point we choose has to stand in their original position. The others can fill in other spaces. Angelus and I were about this far from the entrance pretty much the whole time." She looked to Dorian and Praggos, only now pausing in her speech. Her hands were on her hips and her chin was lifted in pride, "You two knew him the best," she pointed at the pair, "What point should we set to?"
  11. IC: Utu Kotore - Sea Floor - Destroyed Mark Bearer Temple "Did you maybe think to ask me?" Why did you defend the Darling of Rage. It wasn't about defending him. He had it out for me the moment I told him I didn't remember anything. Ever since I can remember, my life had been a series of events with a plan already set for me. That sort of thing was exactly why I left Tu-Koro with bodies in the snow. "This is my life isn't it? For some people who've been trying to save my life you sure seem like I'm not here most of the time." I hissed at Praggos, "Maybe I don't want to be saved. Not if we're going to kill somebody to do it. I'd rather be left alone then," My posture faltered slightly, "There's enough blood on my hands already and I don't want any more. We have to find another way."
  12. IC: Utu Kotore - Sea Floor - Destroyed Mark Bearer Temple I began to chuckle quietly and Onuzek next to me gave me a concerned glance. I lifted up a relaxed hand to cover my mouth as my chuckling grew louder but pretty soon I was laughing. I fought back tears as I struggled to speak, "I thought most of you guys weren't all there, but pretty-boy here's really off his rocker." I gave one last whoop as I gasped for air, "Can you hear yourself talk? How messed up does what you're saying sound to you?" I had begun to calm down now, "That these fine folk thought they'd drag both of us down to the bottom of the ocean where they would force you - with a wicked attitude and a loaded weapon at the bottom of the ocean - to remove my blood and then probably die," I gave him a very doubtful look, "You have got to be joking." I scoffed, "I don't think even Onuzek here would come up with a plan that stupid. No offense big guy." "I get it Dorian. You've got some complex going on here. It's clear you're not a fan of me. I've been getting some mixed signals - I'll admit you crying at my bedside when I didn't remember you kind of threw me off a little - but I can tell you'd rather pack up your bags and maybe toss me into the water so the pressure can crush my skull and chest and you can go back to your miserable life doing whatever it is you people waste oxygen on. You've been looking at me like I'm some slab of meat you've got to carry around ever since we left Le-Koro, and it's starting to get on my nerves a bit. If you've got beef with me, trying coming to me about it instead of sulking off to the side all the time. You're more pathetic than I am, and you're not the one dying. Nobody's forcing you to stick around pretty-boy," I growled, "I sure ain't." I crossed my arms, the volume of my voice slowly rising, "The Mark wants my blood to open the door?" I rolled my eyes, now talking to the rest of the group, "I'm still in control here, and if I'm completely honest, out of all the people to die so I can live I get the feeling I wouldn't mind if it was Woriab Shivass, but as far as I'm concerned it's a terrible plan." I bore angry holes in Dorian's eyes, "I don't want psycho here to die so I can live."
  13. IC: Utu Kotore - Sea Floor As we moved through the bubble I hadn't said much. I was exercising my right to ignore the witless banter the most of our party seemed to partake in. I already didn't like most of them. Onuzek was as big as a mountain and as dumb as some bricks. But at least he managed to listen to simple instruction. I wasn't a fan. Skyra was kind of annoying and the more she talked to Dorian to more I hated her. She was one of those people. We didn't have many of them in Tu-Koro, and with pretty good reason too I realized. Krayn was alright. He seemed to be along for the ride just because Skyra was. Or something? Didn't know. Didn't care. Cipher. Hmm. No thanks. Tuara wasn't too bad. She got stuff done at least. Still seemed a little stuck up, but at least she rolled her eyes about as much as I wanted to. Praggos was sufferable. He was smart at least. I could maybe get used to him but there was a part of me that told me I shouldn't. I was quickly realizing how much I didn't care for Dorian especially. All I had gotten so far from him was that he held too much influence over the others and he thought he was funny. I just got a bad vibe from the guy, like he came with bad juju. I hadn't had a real conversation with him yet and I didn't really intend to. So I walked in the back, having no inclination for small-talk with any of the people present. I just walked with my eyes fixed on what was ahead of me. We had to open up the temple or I would die. Those were the terms. My father once told me and my sister that he could achieve immortality not by flesh, but by name. He was dead set that he would be remembered forever, and that his legacy would last into the ages. I choked that idea out of him when I murdered him in the hallways of his legacy. I should mention I was everything but optimistic that the doors would ever open. Sooner or later this Mark would choke the life from me, and I would experience organ failure. The world would forget about me and with the last person to speak my name I would die a second time. Death of flesh was certainly scary, but what scared me the most was that second demise. I didn't want to be erased. And despite what you've promised, I still doubt you'll tell my story. My eyes remained fixated on the world ahead of me, but I picked up my pace to close the gap between me an the Toa of Water, "How do you manage," I quietly asked Cael, the only Toa present I had no reason to hate or be annoyed by. "Are they always like this?"
  14. [1:31:20 PM] Palm: hey so [1:31:24 PM] Palm: that matoran contest [1:31:34 PM] Palm: yuki asked a question and i don't know if it was ever answered [1:31:44 PM] Palm: did the character have to be a real warrior [1:31:58 PM] Palm: she was wondering about making like, a hunter gatherer, with really good survival skills [1:33:57 PM] Tyler St. Francis: not a warrior at all. any matoran. boom also [1:34:04 PM] Tyler St. Francis: was it in N&D? i didn't see it. [1:34:04 PM] Tyler St. Francis: could you please tell her sorry sorry I think I might enter this as well. Also, I would like to encourage as many of you here who see this to enter too! Especially the newer players!
  15. IC: Tuara Drigton - Sea Floor Tuara dropped into the bubble, her boots landing hard on the wet earth. The place wasn't recognizable to most of them and Tuara was no exception. The place had been entirely destroyed, save for a half smashed crate. She wondered to herself if Dorian knew anything about their location. The Toa of fire wiped the water off her face shook her hands out. She would've warmed herself up with a fire but had already decided the less oxygen Skyra had to replace the better. Tuara straightened up a bit more, her pole-hammer positioned neatly on her back. The only reason she brought it along was in case they needed to break down the stone door. She knew it wouldn't work, but if they tried to smash into the temple it'd be her to do it. It just made sense. She hadn't busted anything inside out in a while either and she was looking forward to the possibility. She nodded to Dorian as if only now noticing him, "Oh shoot, I thought Shaddix drowned," Tuara joked before asking more seriously, "Everybody make it alright?" Utu's feet slammed down loudly, his landing clearly without much support or strength. He fell onto one knee before losing his balance with an audible grunt. The Toa of Ice suddenly felt embarrassed as he started up to see all the party members staring at him. His gaze faltered and shied away to the side as if doing so would avoid recognition of his growing weakness. Tuara turned back to the rest of the group, "Let's get moving. I'd rather not drown today."
  16. One last thing before I leave. "You are unable to consume food or water, and thus, would die from starvation if the dehydration wouldn't kill you first. Which it will." "However I, and only I can provide you with sustenance." <3
  17. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia Agrona smiled as the Matoran elected to take Echelon's test. Proud of her work, she moved over to her newest pet project. Toros lay on the ground, eyes closed and mouth permanently shut. Agrona sat over him again, placing her bone knife at the Toa's throat. She used the other hand to slap him hard across the cheek. "Toros my friend," she said rather loudly, "You mouth has been cauterized by burning metal, and I've used my mask to heal together your lips. Your nerve endings are rather sensitive," the Lesterin spoke with a soft aggression. This truly was her favorite kind of work, "You are unable to consume food or water, and thus, would die from starvation if the dehydration wouldn't kill you first. Which it will." Agrona soothed, "However I, and only I can provide you with sustenance. I have a special way of doing it." Her yellow eyes looked at him warmly, "So if you want to live I would suggest you do exactly what I tell you when I tell you or I will let your body dry up and rot, left to the flies," Agrona's smile was warm and inviting, "Nod if you understand. Shake your head if I should slit your throat instead, although it would mean much of my hard work would be wasted."
  18. Hey all, I'm heading to a place I might not have internet access. I doubt I'll be able to post even if that is the case. We'll see. I should be back on the 13th or so. I'll do my best to keep things running. Team "get Utu under the sea" please move as far as you can until you need me (doing the thing at the doors, you all know what I'm saying). Nightfall, I'll do my best to make a few posts in the next few days to wrap up what Agrona's doing there. And to anybody else, bunny my characters as you need. Just nothing too major. Thanks <3
  19. IC: Akiri Kongu - Le-Koro Kongu reached to the bottle on the right and twisted off the cork. He took it in both hands and peeled off the wax siding to reveal a small parchment with Hahli's handwriting, "I have no doubt that you speak the truth. I have known many energetic Matoran in my time, and Cysero is no different," He said with a chuckle. He quickly scanned the letter with his yellow eyes before waving it in front of raised light-stone. The letter read: Kongu - Hope you're doing well! How are the critters over in Le-Koro? They're doing okay here, but things still pop up from time to time that make me want to jump out of my skin. Just the other day I was going through reports of what was happening in Ko-Koro and along came across the biggest spider I've ever seen! Tempted to crush it, but decided against it. I have it safe in a bottle. Friend is holding onto it for me. I have three more empty bottles saved, for a few more critters. Been wondering if there are any moles running around - fitting one of those ugly things in a bottle would be the pinnacle of, like, my entire life. But never mind all that. Enjoy the vintages! I spared no expense for your favorites. Tell Naria she's only needed when she's grown tired of your Koro (I think she's a bit smitten with one of your Kolhii stars over there) and give your people my love. Lots of love your way, too! - Hahli P.S. Don't trust the architect. P.S. Burn this. "Hahli has instructed me to tell you, you may still until you are tired of my village," Kongu started, "I suppose she will never see you again will she?" He said with a smile and a wink, "Only joking Naria... partly," Kongu finished, thinking about Cysero. "I am planning to visit the Koro's myself, so I will personally thank your Akiri for the fine drink. Thank you for bringing this too me, it is much appreciated," Kongu gave a slight bow before reaching for a capped heatstone in order to burn the letter, "If there is nothing else you wish to tell or ask me, I must be going soon. I have an announcement to give shortly and I should not be late for my own appointment."
  20. IC: Someone - one of the guests flooding from the Dragon Hall, one of the handmaidens or retainers, maybe even the royal family itself - had obviously dispersed the knowledge that the Rora had been murdered, because when Jasik Dastana stepped into the royal apartments his sister turned on him with fury he hadn't seen in years. The very sight of his irreverent, open smile set his twin off; with her mind she flung an ornament from one of the mantles at him with such force that it would have broken a rib or two if he hadn't neatly sidestepped it. The piece broke against the wall loudly. Jasik stepped away gingerly and took off his mask, setting it on the mantle. Arsix took a step towards him threateningly; his hands instantly went to keep her from throwing it at him. "I think you're having a bit of a kneejerk reaction here," he started. The mask batted Jasik's hands and fell to the ground. Arsix growled and reached out a hand to catch a second ornament. The cold slap of the vase hitting the palm of her hand sounded sharply in the air before she grunted. The Heir raised it like a weapon, preparing to strike her brother with it. The twins had fought like this before and were no strangers cuts and bruises. But just before Arsix moved to break the vase on Jasik's cheek, she elected to smash it onto the floor between them, the shards skittering across the floor. She moved awfully close to him, the ice of her eyes burning like the sun, "Kneejerk reaction?" Arsix jabbed Jasik's heart-light with her finger, teeth grit like vices, "You knew all along and you didn't tell me anything!" She hissed, trying to remain somewhat quiet, "You left me in the dark and forced me to improvise! How do you expect me to react when something like this happens?" "Something like what? Are you blaming me?" Jasik tilted his head and smiled coyly, with a single emphatic blink. "If you think I had a part, tell me so." Arsix's eyes rolled and she suddenly felt as if her eyes had never stopped rolling. They then shifted again, and she bore holes through her brother's skull, "The Rora you ####." "The Rora was murdered before the lovely eyes of her daughter and heir, from a shot that a hundred witnesses all watched each other fire," Jasik recited, pitch perfect. "It was an awful tragedy." She punched him. Her fist slapped against Jasik's cheek - hard; her blows had always been heavy - but it did nothing to dampen Jasik's enthusiasm, only darken his cheek. The Dastana First Son pouted at his sister for a second, but then his face turned into another lazy smile. "I didn't realize you placed such high value on the well-being of a decrepit old woman." "Value?" Arsix scoffed, "I valued that enfeebled pure-blood as much as you did! What I value Jasik, is your life and the lives of mother and I!" She growled, "You've put the lives of half our clan in danger with this stunt of yours, and I'm not going to let you throw yours away so easily." "This stunt of mine," he repeated. The mask flipped up into Arsix's hand, "This! This stupid mask! You couldn't have picked a worse night to wear it! Really Jasik, it's impossible to pick a good day to wear something like this!" She spoke with her words while simultaneously imprinting thoughts into Jasik's mind, :She fell with a hole in her chest Jasik!: topaz licked the edges of his sights as she thought at him. Her willhammer speaking to him under the sound of her voice, "The chojo will have our heads. If you had told me ahead of time we were going to wear something so offensive I might've saved her the trouble and cut them off myself!" :Don't pretend I've never seen you! I know the extent of your discipline! Why didn't you tell me?!: For the first time since arriving on Sado, Jasik Dastana's face grew serious, and he stood back up and tilted Arsix's head by the chin to meet his. Her neck stiffened under his touch, but he forced it up anyway, until the two twins were looking eye to eye. Her eyes had a bluish glint to their topaz depths; his were gold and gleaming, and for the first time in his life he was holding secrets back from his sister behind their folds. "Your face is the first face I saw in my whole life," he said softly, potential surveillance in their apartments be . "You were the first person who ever punched me, and the first person I ever punched. You were my first kiss, my first friend, and my first rival. You were at my side at home and you were at my side in the Yards and you will be at my side until the day we die. Look me in the eye, Arsix. Look me in the eye right now and tell me I did this." Arsix scanned the color of Jasik's eyes, looking for even the slightest hint to what he meant by it all. It was rare for the Heir to lose confidence in herself, but even rarer for Jasik to pull back and treat a situation with sincerity. It might've been that fact which caused her to believe him. Or maybe it was because she couldn't read him, and for just a second she remembered that they were eternally cursed by each other's uncanny ability to best and be bested by one another and that it was often impossible to tell who was better. She believed for only a moment that she could be bested here before throwing it all away. He was right. There was nothing more in the world that they cared for more than each other. Jasik had kept things from Arisix before. But nothing this serious. Arsix couldn't believe that she would be lied to by the only person in her world which she truly loved. She knew Jasik felt the same way. :Nod if you're telling me the truth Jasik.: Jasik smiled - almost sadly - and kissed Arsix's forehead with a slight move of his head. :You had nothing to do with it.: The Heir relaxed. "Of course it was you Jasik, you told me you already knew what we were going to wear! You asked me to let you handle it! How dense are you?" :From here, we never leave these rooms alone. Understand? We're going to be looked at. Vetted. Together, we're impenetrable.: "It's irrelevant either way," he said, all empty charm and smiles again as he sat down casually on a sofa and pulled his sister down beside him by the neck. "Yusanora's death leaves us an opportunity. A few of them, actually. Yumiwa needs a consort and she has a younger sister. From here, we have bases open. I did what I had to do." :I understand.: "I thought about that already," she confirmed, "I figured you could make it work," Arsix lifted the mask up to look at it before quickly shifting a hard expression to Jasik, "If you actually lift a single ####### finger around here." She straightened up her back and the pride in her posture returned again, and although her anger still lingered, she was at ease. All was well and now her eyes had turned once more to ambition. Jasik was right - she hated to admit - they were impenetrable, "I have a few ideas."
  21. IC: Akiri Kongu - Le-Koro "Of course," Kongu stepped back to his desk as Naria entered and closed the door, "There will be plenty of time for you see the rest of the village I'm sure." IC: Tuara Drigton - Kumu-Iselt Sea Tuara sighed, "Thanks," she gave a thoughtful glance to the waves, "I guess I'm looking to make somebody else better too. If I can."
  22. IC: Tuara Drigton - Kumu-Islet Seas While Praggos, Utu and Cael spoke together, Tuara watched as Dorian slunk across the deck. She sighed and walked over to him, speaking quietly as she leaned against the railing on her forearms, "I'm sorry I got upset," before Dorian could respond she continued, "I should've made more of an effort to keep my cool." Tuara gave Dorian's blue gaze a glance, "The last time I was doing stuff like this and things got heated, I lost the person I thought meant the most to me. And I don't want that to happen again. Not with you Shaddix," the Toa of fire said, still without responses from Dorian, "I'm just anxious about all of this. I'm anxious about him and I'm anxious about Joske." Tuara looked off across the sea into the empty void. She spoke as if she were awestruck and breathless, "I'm tired of breaking things Dor. I've got to help people again." IC: Akiri Kongu - Le-Koro The guards next to Naria gave her a concerning glance while towering over her. One said into the door, "Akiri Kongu, you have a visitor. Ga-Koronian." Outside the door, Naria could hear a shuffling of papers and the scuff of a chair. The door opened and the Ga-Koronian was greeted with the sight of Akiri Kongu. His chest and torso were covered in elaborate tattoos and his face was covered by a natural smile. "Ah!" Kongu starts happily, "How fares the village of the water-maidens? Do you bring word from Hahli?"
  23. OOC: Mobile. No formatting. Back on a computer again! IC: Taoki - Ga-Koro - The Great Takea Taoki pretended not to hear her question. He instead stretched out his arms, "I'm so close!" He exclaimed, "Just look at it Rhow! It's incredible isn't it?" On the other side of the submerged basement stood what would look like to anyone else just heaps of metal covered in burn marks and clear signs of damage. Likely intentional. It was a Rahkshi corpse, and it was hanging against the wall by crude hooks. On second thought it might look less like metal scraps and more like some form of crucifixion. Taoki's excited tone suddenly became filled with wonder, "Isn't it?"
  24. IC: Taoki - Ga-Koro - The Great Takea A softened thump sounded beneath the floorboards of the Great Takea. The sound of the muffled explosion was quickly followed by a muffled groan. Taoki sat up. All over his face was dirt, grime, oil, and now ashes. He let out another groan as he lifted the white goggles up onto his forehead, revealing his eyes which were the only part of him that wasn't covered in explosive residue. The runt coughed into his arm - gotta be polite and conscientious of germs (stop the spread of infection friends!) - as he stood up. The Skakdi ran through a quick mental checklist. Legs? Check. Torso? Check. Internal organs still working? Check. Life span remaining above average? Debatable. He'd inhaled a lot of explosive powder in the last few months, and his lungs were probably ready to collapse forever. Oh well. He'd cross that bridge when he got to it. He suddenly realized that Rhow likely heard this newest accident, and that if she had, he'd be getting a visit from her to make sure he wasn't a) dead b) scaring away customers c) killing customers Taoki, the Skakdi inventor sat cross-legged. He hummed a little tune, a butterfly knife in one hand keeping the beat as he thought.
  25. IC: Agrona - Kini-Nui - Mangaia "He says it's his journal Echelon," Agrona stirred, "Ahkmou's journal," she said, rolling her eyes, "He still hasn't told us your most recent conversation."
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