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Blog Comments posted by xccj

  1. I gotta agree with you on the description. The launcher is bendy... a little too much for my liking. Sure, the axle is more solid, but it doesn't stay in Mantax's hand very well. As for the squid launching... I can hardly do it, so I haven't yet had any missing squid problems. But I think I will pick up an extra packet of squiddies... if not to just place randomly on the characters.


    Here's an interesting tidbit. If you squeeze the heads of the squids in the Inika's shoulder armour, they stay in pretty tight.



  2. Well, BZPower e-mails used to be caught in my spam filter all the time. :P


    Yeah, it’s a bummer when stuff like that happens. I’ve lost important e-mails from CollageBoard that way too. If only spam filters would catch what we don’t want and give us what we want… but technology isn’t that good. And maybe that’s all for the better…



  3. You misread me. When I said "what's the point in that" I was talking about the school's decision to add more days, not xccj.



    What was my point here? Oh, yeah, I was ranting on about my misfortunes that don't really apply to me just to come up wiht an interesting blog entry.


    Maybe I'll post something phycological next. :P



  4. ;.;


    I have no finished epics to enter... well, technically I do... but CoVH is not exactly a literary masterpiece, Slizer and Slizer 2 are nothing to do with Bionicle... darn, I really want to enter as well...


    Well, good luck to ya, I'll be looking for your name in the polls. ;)



    Don't tell me you're not going to enter CoVH? :o



  5. Yeah, we did get alot of snow here in SW Washington. It sure beats the sprinkles we got last week. And it's actually pretty good snow for sledding. Not often that Portland sees snow like this. Enjoy it while it lasts, and drive safely. Even if you have to deal with traction, friction, and other random physics terms. :P



  6. Too true. You can complain that nobody ever reads your work and that you'll stop writing to no audience, but unless you go out and read other people's work, you're a hipocrite (sp?). Some of my best reviewers were fellow authors whose work I read as well. I used to read alot of stories, and last year I was regularly reviewing a half dozen epics or so. But now, all the authors I used to know have either stopped writting or dissapeared entirely, for one reason or another. And as much as I want numerous reviews for every story I post, I no longer go around reviewing other works unless I'm directly requested to.


    I am totally in awe of all you Epic Critic Reviewers... it takes alot of time to actually go and read somebody's story, and when you have so many of them, it must be nearly impossible. Two years ago, I probably would've joined and contributed a bit, but today I'm too busy to even write my own epics. So power to you, and I hope that more people start reviewing as well as writing. :)



  7. But, really, it's freaky how things sorta link up together, but remember that the movie is just an assumption of what would happen,

    Are you saying that Hollywood isn't an acurate representation of reality? :blink: Who knew?


    If you read the last four or so entries, you can watch xccj slowly turning insane...

    No, I've just been better at hiding it before now.


    I think this whole popsicle thing can go far.... maybe a hot topic in COT... :wacko:

  8. Well, I'm sure if we had more story contests, you'd win a few more. I mean, we're on Epic Contest #5, Short Story Contest #3, while they're on BBC Contest #97... or something like that. :P


    Anyway, I enjoyed your story, and congrads on your win. My own reaction wasn't too much different from yours. ^_^



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