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Blog Comments posted by Torchflare1234

  1. "AYE" to Article 261.

    "AYE" to Article 262.

    "AYE" to Article 263. Is this an explanation for Jaller's Company's transformation into Inika, or just a way to obtain similar results? If the first, then "NAY". If the second, then "AYE"

    "AYE" to Article 264. See explanation on Article 263.

    "AYE" to Article 265.

    "AYE" to Article 266.

    "AYE" to Article 267. The Article says power, but the description makes it sound more like it's alive. It being a parasite/virus, would make the forced side effects more convincing to me. (X-Force=X-Men?)

  2. "AYE" to Article 245. I, like Ausar, would like to know more specifics on the mask's power(s).

    "AYE" to Article 246.

    "AYE" to Article 247.

    "AYE" to Article 248. However, I would like to know how the power is immoral.

    "AYE" to Article 249.

    "AYE" to Article 250. I dislike the target's inability to fight or counter the mask's power. Otherwise, I think it's fine.

    "AYE" to Article 251.

    "AYE" to Article 252. If one considers something like morality to be of value, this makes perfect sense.

  3. "AYE" to Article 1b.

    "AYE" to Article 32b.

    "AYE" to Article 34c.

    "AYE" to Article 145a.

    "AYE" to Article 240.

    "AYE" to Article 241.

    "AYE" to Article 242.

    "AYE" to Article 243.

    243: Nay. This seems to contradict the canon storyline a little bit. I might be wrong.

    That's what I thought too. However, BS01 does mention an ineffective Turaga during the Civil War.

    "AYE" to Article 244.

  4. "AYE" to Article 190a.

    "AYE" to Article 195a. But I am curious, does the substance revert back to its original state of matter once the mask power has been turned off?

    "AYE" to Article 218.

    "AYE" to Article 219.

    "AYE" to Article 220.

    "AYE" to Article 221. Unlike a Calix, which allows the wearer to move at top physical performance, this increases the wearer's fighting ability.

    "AYE" to Article 222.

  5. "AYE" to Article 164a.

    "AYE" to Article 184a.

    "AYE" to Article 204.

    "AYE" to Article 205.

    "AYE" to Article 206.

    "AYE" to Article 207.

    "AYE" to Article 208.

    "AYE" to Article 209. Though I do have some questions. See below.

    "AYE" to Article 210.

    About Article 209:

    To Chocolvr- We've seen multiple Rahi described on such a large scale, namely the prehistoric Rahi that were studied by Mavrah, Whenua, and Onepu. Also, the Rahi Nui was capable growing to that height or larger.


    To Ausar- I believe that it is the nature of the viruses and/or the energies used in the making of the Corps Stones that causes the more bestial effects in the Corps Niveau Deux and Trois.


    What I'm curious about is the power levels and the after-effects of the Stones on the user. The purity of the protodermis used to make Kanoka discs determines the disc's power level. Do the Corps Stones work in a similiar way, the greater the concentration of viruses/energies, the higher power level? Are the Corps Stones somehow addictive to the users? Do the higher level Stones leave the user's mind in the more Rahi-like state after the Stones' energy ran out? If it even does, the Article is not very clear about the power duration of the Stones that are in existance. It only tells how long the Stones' power duration were originally designed.

  6. It is something like that, yes. Again, the user controls that an event shall happen, but how is another matter entirely. For example (I'm going to use a human analogy here), a Czevch user wanted a certain football team to win a game in hopes that it would make it to the Superbowl. Well, the Czevch would allow that team to win, but (this is what tends to happen with the mask), they lose the next game and don't make it. Of course, people would tend to use it for more extreme situations, and its power could either greatly assist them or make things even worse. That's why I want it to be a one-use-only mask; its power is too risky to use more than once per user. I'd assume there is some method to recharge it, but I have never needed a being to recharge their Kanohi Czevch before.

    The way you describe it makes it sound more like a variation of the Mask of Possibilities and if that's the case, my vote will be NAY.


    "Cloning" does not really sound all too appealing to me. Does "Simulation" sound a bit better?

    Not really. The mask power allows the user to create a duplicate of another person. A simulation would be a false duplicate, more like a hologram or an illusion. By the article's wording, I would assume the duplicate would have the same powers and abilities as the original. Cloning is a far more accurate term.


    Lastly, I vote "NAY" on Article 195 as well, again due to an immensely powerful capacity with no indicated repercussions

    It doesn't seem to be too powerful to me. It can't affect organic systems, nor can it affect things that are not within sight or that the user is not in physical contact with. Now, while using Earth logic, its power would just superheat it until it changed state, but this isn't Earth, to tell the truth, and it can force the molecules of an object to go through some other process in order to change the state. But, to tell the truth, I'm mainly writing a science fiction/fantasy story, and I don't exactly go into detail of how the process the Yyter uses works, simply that it does.

    So, the chains in the example would simply become a liquid or a gas, without the reprecussions of the user getting burned.

  7. It is my understanding that Tridax procured the Kanoha from Makuta Xarax, who acquired it on the Southern Islet of Manax Nui. ;)

    I should have been more specific. Where did he get Kanoha with the power to create Dimensional Gates? I would assume that because there are/were only two Olmaks in existance, both of which were created by Artakha, the power of Dimensional Gates must be extremely difficult to create.

  8. AYE to Article 196: If a Noble or powerless Kanohi was embued with Gether Shards, would they become amplified? Or is the amplification limited to Great masks?

    AYE to Article 197.

    AYE to Article 198.

    AYE to Article 199: I've been wanting to use something like this, but this is far better than my idea.

    AYE to Article 200: I suppose it's possible that the Shadowed One's disintegration eye beams don't work properly on EP, like with Zaktan.

    AYE to Article 201:Not saying it's a bad idea, but why not just use trained Rahi?

    AYE to Article 202:Where did Tridax get the Kanoha?

    AYE to Article 203: I don't see the need to make the game illegal though. The risk alone should be enough to keep most from playing. However, it would be a less costly way for warring factions to settle disputes.

  9. I agree that this power would best be "genie-like" despite the consequences, however I'm really opposed to a Great Mask becoming Powerless after a single-use only. Now if it simply became useless to a particular individual yet remained powered for someone else... :sly:

    My thoughts exactly.


    I see the comparison to the Komau, however I have a hard time seeing what a Matatu has to do with this discussion? Telekinesis cannot reshape an object, it can merely move it. Also, I am not opposed to altering free will here, it's not like all mask powers need to be of noble intention, it's just that I know that inanimate objects do not retain shape due to will, they have no will, they're not sapient, rather it's simply chemistry and physics that dictates those types of things. :unsure:

    The theory is that a Telekinetic could reshape an object by moving the object's individual molecules, but that would require immense control and concentration.


    I must admit that Kanohi powers don't have to be noble or rightous, but I would like them to be able to be resisted or limited in some way. ;) And I do agree with you about inanimate objects lacking will. I don't think a mask power should have such broad effects based on a philisophical view point, some ideas are just too abstract to be a sound mask power.


    You've Convinced Makar to rename the prospective Plicate, which frees up the term "Cloning" for use by Iro here on the prospective Quarar. ;)

    And my vote as been changed accordingly.


    I'm not saying that it's too powerful, just that it's power ignores repercussions like how hot liquid steel would be on an escapee's arm. :P

    I'm more curious if it merely changes the viscosity of the substance to that of a different state of matter without changing the substance's temperature or if it actually heats or cools the substance to change it. I'm hoping for the first.

  10. NAY to Article 184: Is this supposed to be like a genie-type wish granting power? It'll grant you whatever you say you want, exactly how you say it, whether you like it or not, despite the consequences. For example, a Toa uses it to stop Rahi stampeding through a village, but the mask brings down the cliff walls that surrounded the village, burying both the Rahi and the village in a rockslide. But the Rahi did stop stampeding. I'd be in support of it if it was like that, with or without a use limit.

    AYE to Article 185: If I understand this correctly, the Eniden user would need to be someone highly skilled in deduction, reasoning, and interegation in order to take full advantage of the mask power. A Sherlock Holmes of the BIONICLE universe.

    NAY to Article 186: If one really got down to the basics, the powers of the Marat is no different from Mind Control or Telekinesis. However, I dislike how it is supposed to work, altering someone's free will is not something I can support. And for the record, the Mask of Creation and the Marat are completey different.

    AYE to Article 187: Leaning towards AYE. Change the name to Replication, Cloning sounds like it can create copies of living beings.

    NAY on Article 188: I still like the power, do you think it would make sense to have the "vezon" be capable of independent thought, while completely subservient to the Quarar user's will? Leaning towards AYE. Change the name to Cloning, Imitation makes it sound like the user can Shape-Shift into a vezon.

    NAY to Article 189: There already is a Canon Mask capable of the same thing. Now, if you're wanting to say the name for the Mask of Adaptation is Rakha, I could go for that.

    AYE to Article 190: If I may make a suggestion though, have it be so the only forces reflected are forces the user is aware of, instead of trying to give it a power limit. Not that anyone's going to live through a full Nova Blast anyway.

    NAY to Article 191: It's not that I'm against the power, I'm against the understanding of the power. The metals like sodium and calcium can explode when exposed to water, but the metals like iron just rust. If you're wanting explosives, try for a Mask of Transmutation.

    AYE to Article 192: A little impractical, but whatever works.

    AYE to Article 193: Seems useful.

    NAY to Article 194: I'd like some more specifics about what it can negate before I decide.

    AYE to Article 195: Though I would like to point out that plasma as a state of matter is a substance hot enough to be a gas or liquid, but under enough pressure to keep it from doing so. Like the Earth's core. I'm not sure how useful that would be to the Yyter user. And could someone please tell how it's over powered? I mean, the user has to be touching his or her target in order for the mask power to be effective. Any more limitations and the mask would be nearly powerless.

  11. NAY to Article 177: I consider this to be an unneccesary course of action. Might it be possible that some Toa had merely avoided the census?

    AYE to Article 178: Karzahni had no knowledge of Makuta, Mata Nui, or even Toa before Jaller and his team arrived there. Not to mention the Brotherhood only suspected the existence of a third faction, they were not sure.

    AYE to Article 179: While I see no reason to oppose it, I am curious as to why it's being proposed.

    AYE to Article 180: Seeing as how it is an alternate universe, I see little reason to oppose it.

    AYE to Article 181: As this supports Article 180, it too shall have my support.

    AYE to Article 182: No reason to oppose.

    AYE to Article 183: It's good to see a name to Lariska's species.


    Since there does seem to be a concern about the 57 Toa "limit," perhaps we should create our own Toa census?

  12. Article 169: UNDECIDED, the ability to remove or create life with a thought sounds too powerful for a Great Mask. Course, I suppose you could kill through the geographic changes. :unsure:

    Article 170: AYE, I'm little iffy about it, but it sounds cool and plausible.

    Article 171: AYE, no reason to oppose.

    Article 172: AYE, an interesting power for sure.

    Article 173: AYE, although it might be more effective if it was capable of creating the necessary components out of raw materials.

    Article 174: AYE, most certainly a unique power and would definitely require teamwork.

    Article 175: AYE, though the ability to store life energy has me a little iffy.

    Article 176: AYE, I like it.


    Tohunga Tahnok: A Kaita is the willed physical and psychic merge of two or more beings by embracing their unity and working together. The Duos Stones force their users into a Fusion, like the Mask of Fusion or the Spear of Fusion.

  13. Article 112a: A reluctant AYE.

    Article 147a: AYE, I'm sticking with my original vote on this, I like the idea of Nix's death being metaphorical.

    Article 164: A second reluctant AYE.

    Article 165: A third reluctant AYE.

    Article 166: AYE, glad to have you aboard!

    Article 167: UNDECIDED, leaning towards NAY. Is it truly neccesary to have another mind-based Element?

    Article 168: AYE, I see no reason to oppose.

  14. In truth, I would prefer not to see anyone leave. I place a lot of value in the opinions of others and I feel that losing that opinion would be counter to the C.I.R.C.L.E.'s purpose. But, if a member chooses not to express his opinions then he may, at his disgression, leave.


    Seeing as how Zee has commented here and explained his absence, I feel that he, along with Erebus, should be excused for their actions or lack there of. However, I would like to hear more from Rhas before his judgement is passed.

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