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Riisiing Moon

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Status Updates posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. ohai

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      Well, I'm still trying to figure that part out. How do I write a story that's of importance without it being like really dark and mature!? WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST RM!? CAN SOMETHING LIKE THAT BE DONE!?

    3. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! You can totally write it all whimsically, like Lewis Carrol or Tim Burton.

    4. Grant-Sud


      How about something more along the lines of Mark Twain? ^_^


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      Find a picture of a sunset =D

    3. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      Do I need to be kissed by a prince and start wearing wedding dresses on a daily basis, or can I cut straight to the avatar?

    4. Grant-Sud


      I mean honestly you can take the full and slow process to make sure you get the entire feel of positive energy and make yourself prepared for the name, Riisiing Sun. But, if you're strong enough, I say you could skip right to the avatar!

  3. I see you're listening to Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings. I've taught you well.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Legolover-361


      Of course I do.


      "Got no place to go, but there's a girl waitin' for me down in Mexico..."

    3. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      It's like one of my childhood songs. Oh, you know Perfect Blue Buildings and Why Should You Come When I Call?

    4. Legolover-361


      Yes to both. I own Hard Candy and, by extension, "Why Should You Come When I Call?", but I've only heard "Perfect Blue Buildings" online.

  4. Yo.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      i am rising's guilty nostalgia

    3. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      i am tyler's ###### are you doing here why haven't you hugged me yet


      you huggable mormon huggerpants you

    4. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon


  5. Yo, about your post in the goals topic in GD--when staffies say they 'really tried to become staff,' what exactly does that mean? Y'know, for a research paper I'm writing. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      Right, that makes sense. I had in mind you sacrificing noobs to B6 or threatening to kill his loved ones or something.

    3. Eeko


      Well I mean, that happened too.

    4. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      I figured...bet it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to think that you got the position out of good behavior, doesn't it?

  6. Dude, Gambino's a freakin' genius. Also Dorian ditched Beast again D:

    1. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      and you like left me outta your interests :3


    2. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      the **** i'm doing this year: insanity


      made the beat then murdered it: casey anthony

    3. Riisiing Moon

      Riisiing Moon

      You for sure like Bo Burnham.

  7. Whoops, PM'd you twice, ignore one. :P

    1. BULiK
    2. BULiK


      I just hate it when the forum glitches like that.

  8. Dude, you were in the New Legion in Darkspace? My char founded it!

    1. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      Yes, I was there.

  9. Hey, if you're getting any abuse on BZP, report it! It's never good to be flamed.

    1. Ghidora131


      But the staff never listens. And they won't except replacements.

  10. Hey! I joined the Ambage, so thought I should let you know to put me on the memberlist and such. :P Due to religious reasons for the next couple of months I won't be able to attend the Saturday events--how would the consecutive write-off achievement work for me?

    1. Velox


      Hey, sorry for not getting back to you. But yeah, just send me an IM on Skype and you can write any time. =]

  11. Hey, welcome to BZP! You ever need any help at all, drop me a comment or PM. See you on the forums!

    1. Lachanu


      How do I get all that stuff under my profile pic whenever I post something, like that color changing kanohi in the bottom right hand corner.

  12. Yo, saw your post in the goals topic in GD--just wanted to let you know that proto's the bar under your avatar, and you get more whenever you do good stuff like help newbies, report news, and contribute money through premiership. Also, based on your music tastes I bet you like Avenged Sevenfold.

    1. BrickPharaoh


      Thanks for the tip! And true that... A7X are pretty sick but I'm more into heavy metal in general.

  13. Well, I finally figured out the answer to your old riddle in the member info box on the old BZP...the answers might strihgt up be in your overview but I still feel accomplished.

    1. Gatanui


      Better late than never, I say. :P

  14. (Just clarifying if you got that last PM about wanting to do both a logo and an advertisement, since a lot of my PMs have been disappearing lately. :P)

  15. I'm guessing you'll never see this, but on the astronomically low chance you do you gotta contact me ASAP. We have RPG ideas to discuss.

  16. Thanks, I've had a great one!

  17. ...You never know with me at the head.

  18. Being outdone doesn't make you a bad person or member. Plus, it's hard to be outdone in GD alone. I've seen you a ton around GD, and you haven't been lost in my memory any more than any other member.

  19. Know the difference between argument and discussion. If somewhat respectfully disagreed with you with an opposing opinion, it's a fun discussion you yourself can be involved in. If they just don't like you or your post and their logic sucks, it's an argument.

  20. Well, we're only doing one at a time. :P Yeah, send the PM, cuz I don't get it, haha.

  21. Firefox too. I want to get Chrome though. :P

  22. Hey! We've never talked, have we? :P What's up?

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