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Riisiing Moon

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Blog Comments posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. Well, there are religions that don't believe in human judgement whatsoever, and that a/several supernatural being(s) are the only ones with the right to judge mankind. Obviously, I'm not going to get into religion, but it's a pretty basic principle: humans, for the aforementioned reasons, simply don't have the capability to accurately judge another human. It ties in with giving the 'benefit of the doubt;' you should always assume the best of someone's actions, because you know only the end, not the means or intentions.


    Illuminatus--Those are some pretty impressive words, though I don't totally understand them; what is it you think the misinterpretation of 'walking a mile' alone means (as in, just walking a mile as opposed to understanding them). I mean, clearly we can't literally walk a mile in their body. :P

  2. Aaaaaaaa, a very happy unbirthday to you?


    To who?


    To you!


    A very happy unbirthday toooo....






    Well, a grouch's birthday party can't be beat! There are lots of rotten people, lots of stinky things to eat! May your skies be dark and grey, may you have a terrible day....!

  3. Here's an incredibly specific idea:


    A powerful sun is located to the far east of the universe. In the center of the universe, i.e. west of the sun, is a massive prism-like star, made out of an as-of-yet-unnamed substance that looks like shiny glass. This octagonal Prism Sun is surrounded by seven planets, one on each side (the eight side of the Prism Sun, facing the sun, has no planet facing it, so as not to block sunlight to the Prism Sun). The sun is the material embodiment of seven elements--fire, water, earth, air, ice, lightning, and shadow. It releases a combination of these elements in a fusion substance called Aura; Aura is invisible and made of photons, like sunlight.


    The Prism Sun, east of the sun and in the center of the seven-planet ring, acts as a mirror, and harnesses Aura from the sun. It then separates the Aura into its seven base elements, and reflects each element into a respective planet, in a beam of elemental prismlight (to clarify, sunlight is Aura from the actual sun, and prismlight is channeled light from the Prism Sun). Over millions of years, humans (or whatever species) on each of their respective planets have harnessed the single form of elemental prismlight that the Prism Sun shoots at their homeworld.


    As a result, each of the seven planets is based around one elements: for example, there could be a volcanic or fiery world; an underwater world; an electrically powered world; a sky world; etc. Whatever variation you can think of. The story takes place far into the future (relative to our timeline), so they have made enormous technological advancements. Or, to spice it up, some planets could be futuristic, and others, like a desert world, are in a fantasy-like timeline. And yes, spaceships and shuttles exist for interplanetary travel.


    Whatcha think? Too particular? :P




  4. :o


    What?! No!


    Admittedly, I was a bit lazy...I think we all were, we just sorta took this for granted. But SF was an excellent motivation, if a hard one to establish. I think there just needs to be additional sub-forms of motivation within SF to encourage writers to actually write more.

  5. Did he order the albatross in some sort of memory of the island or its inhabitants?


    Was the albatross a bird? :P (I know a riddle where the whole time you think they're human, and it turns out they're fish, so I had to ask)

  6. It's 5:25, I couldn't get to sleep so I'm stalling with my iPod. :P


    More specifically, did they eat albatross on the island? If so, was it their primary food source, or did they eat other things?


    Also, did he have that realzation of 'something' before he ate the albatross?

  7. Dear Exo,


    As I read this, I'm sad. It's not often on a website that you, or at least me personally, actually develop strong emotion. I mean, it's just a website, right? I disagree. There are people, real as you, on the other side. Exo, bearing the knowledge that you are leaving BZPower is a weighty feeling, and it gives me that strong emotion of sadness.


    You are, in all seriousness and no exaggeration, one of the most amazing people I have ever met on all of BZP. RPing is currently a massive part of my activity on the site, and I owe every ounce of my dedication to it to you and only you. I still remember that review I gave to Abyss, the one basically filled with insults, and put you in the light of a child. I've got tow secrets to share with you: one, that review was written with absolutely no prior experience with RPing at all, including reviewing entries. Two, Abyss is the best RPG I have ever played, on any site. You've showed me what it means to be a real RPer, and not just through your sheer genius and beyond unique and extreme creative thinking--you're devoted, fantastically talented, thoughtful, opinionated, and most of all, friendly.


    Let me take some time to expand on that one word: friend. Exo, in all my near-four years on BZP (four years! You can have wars in that time! That's twelve RPGs long!), I've met a select few who are as close to a friend as you. You are the standard. You're not just a genius robot RPGC winner who insults the noobs who can't play well--you guide them, help them to become amazing RPers, members, and people, with one Karz of a kind heart and guiding light. And when they reach that level, they become a true friend to you, like you are to them.


    Exo, BZPower simply won't be the same without you, and I mean that. As a community, we will miss your presence here. You thanked me for trusting you; you're the one to be thanked, for a fantastic, worthwhile time here.


    But, nonetheless, I have to say you're welcome.




    Rising Moon

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