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Everything posted by Parugi

  1. OOC: Houndoom and Ariados. There's a list in my last post. Spartan: That should be fine. You might be able to jump into the Ecruteak battle, assuming no one else cares. Will edit another response in in a minute.
  2. OOC: Mm. There's not really a set limit, so... however many you feel you need for whatever you're doing. :3
  3. OOC: That's fine, Titan. ToD: As I told Skarloth, don't underestimate the Director or the KNPD. IC - ?/? - KNPD HQ: The KNPD's alarm was sounding all around the building, alerting the police force to the attackers' presence. One was a 10-foot-tall, extremely muscular being. He was almost completely covered in red and gold armor, and carried a large, mechanical war hammer. Smoke rose from one end of the head, where a hidden booster had just assisted in the destruction of the wall. He and his companion -- a male, green and black Vortixx, who wore a number of gadgets, such as a scouter-type device on his eye and a PDA-like device on his forearm -- strode into the KNPD building. The place was a complete mess thanks for their surprise attack. A large amount of debris littered the floor, and the bodies of several beings -- Toa, Matoran, and others, some alive and some dead -- were scattered throughout, all of them burned or otherwise damaged in some way. The Vortixx pressed a few buttons on his arm pad before adjusting his eye piece, which had begun to display a map. "Nice work, Roen," he said to his partner. "The Director's chamber should be down that hallway." He pointed. "Let's do this quickly -- Dodera should be finished with Lyxek by now." IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: The Director laughed again -- if anything, this time it was worse than when he had laughed before. "'Pretty little office?' Looks like you have figured out far less than I initially thought," he said. "Do you know what the true purpose of this building is, Alan? I do not control the KNPD from an office, or even from a place that I choose to be in. I am not a clean individual; some might even argue that I am not an individual at all. I did not come here; it was brought to me. This building is not my sanctuary; it is my PRISON."
  4. OOC: IIRC we have Zach, Kyle, Sonja, Orange, Thomas and Justin, plus Shekou and Deoxys, against the 8 Rocket Pokémon, Zapdos and one more of TR's Legends. So yeah, we can send out a couple of extra Pokémon. Also, welcome back, Stoney! IC - Ethan Worth - Lilycove Jail: Ethan and the group continued on, the Rocket member looking around every so often for any Hojohsin guards. So far so good... "We should be out soon," he whispered. "Just keep going." IC - Kyle Eston/Sonja Baron/Executive Riley & Rockets - Ecruteak City: Great bolts of electricity jumped from Zapdos's wings as it let out a screech, striking and vaporizing the ice shards. Below, Cyndy's Rollout passed by harmlessly. The Legendary Bird responded to both the Froslass and Typhlosion with another Thunderbolt attack. Kyle didn't say anything, instead choosing to send out Jaeda in addition to his Gligar as a way to even the numbers out, while Sonja sent out Gaia. "Jaeda, hit that Weavile with Flamethrower! Ruji, Agility, and then Poison Tail on Jolteon!" The Charmeleon wasted no time in taking aim at the Weavile and launching a burst of fire at it. The Rocket trainer reacted quickly. "Weavile, dodge and use Brick Break!" The Weavile used his impressive speed to leap to the side, before charging forward and slamming its fist into the Charmeleon's side. Jaeda let out a roar of pain, before her teeth began to glow with fire and she clamped down on the Ice-Type's arm. Ruji, meanwhile, used Agility to increase his speed. As he was doing this, the Jolteon launched forward, slamming into Ruji with Quick Attack. Using this to his advantage, Ruji quickly lashed out with his tail, hitting Jolteon with his attack and knocking her back. "Loki, try to use Low Kick on Mamoswine!" Sonja ordered. "Gaia... er... Stun Spore on Urasaring... I guess....?" Loki didn't hsitate, running towards Mamoswine as fast as he could. The mammoth Pokémon reared up at the sight of the Timburr; Riley smirked. "Earthquake," he ordered. Mamoswine slammed down, sending out a shockwave that began to shake the surrounding area... Steelix merely shrugged off the Water Gun, before charging forward, tail glowing white... Heracross stopped for a moment, clenching its teeth at the Psychic attack, though managed to shrug it off after a moment and aim a Megahorn at the Munna. OOC: As of this post opponents seem to be: Zapdos - Rukia/Cyndy Jolteon - Ruji Ursaring - Gaia Ariados - Houndoom - Steelix - Muddy Heracross - Plush Weavile - Jaeda Mamoswine - Loki Also, just to throw this out there, feel free to control your opponents -- controlling eight Rocket Pokémon and two Legendaries (one of whom isn't sent out yet) is too much for me; I freely admit that. :3 Do remember, though, that these are Rocket Elites being led by a Rocket Executive. This will not be an easy battle. At least one of your Pokémon will likely faint -- more if they are lower levels.
  5. Khad = Khadbaen of Team Bounty. Also way to not be cocky, ToD. You're right; Khad totally carries the team on his own, with no help at all from Chyff, Seeker or Pantheon.
  6. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: ".... You...." Decaia face palmed. "Look, why don't you just leave? Leave this inn and don't come back. Don't go near the Matoran again. If you do... it won't be pretty."
  7. Oh! That's just the way Kal worded his post. Chabri (actually renamed Khazra at this point) appeared towards the end of the old topic and was hunting down AI incarnations of Lyxek, with Illuxio being the copy that he was looking for, due to him being fully intact. So no, they aren't all the same person -- Chabri/Khazra is a KNPD servant, Lyxek is this universe's Ringmaster, and Illuxio is the Lyxek of another dimension.
  8. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: Sloth cut off his attack. Indeed, they had been forced into a stalemate; water and plasma were a pair of elements that, in general, never seemed to be able to fully squash the other."I'm up for a deal," he said. "So long as that deal involves you backing off from the Matoran. Why are you even attacking them, anyway?"
  9. Nope. That's just ToD making a wild guess about the connection between Lyxek, the Director and the Collector. And yeah, I'd noticed that. Maybe the match tomorrow in-game will be a catch-up round without Team Bounty... Also, no idea. Though Silvan's character, Kaelan, and a couple of others are in the Day Run stands right now; you might be able to talk to one of them.
  10. IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: "I would sacrifice anything and anyone; have I not made that clear?" the Director said. "The weight of one life does not equal the weight of an entire universe, especially a life that has caused the destruction of his own world and whose mirrored self seeks to do the same to countless others. Why do you not see this? My primary objective -- my ONLY objective -- is to see Lyxek and the Ring's plan toppled. If I have to sacrifice you, Lurinost, Sanshou, Sensha, myself, ANYONE to see that objective fulfilled, then so be it -- the universe would be better off without the majority of the scum on this island." The room suddenly shook, though its soundproof walls and the power-suppressing material within did not allow the reason to reach the inside of the room; it would seem as if the Director had caused it to Alan. Outside, an explosion had destroyed a small part of the front entrance; through the fires, two beings entered... IC - Box/Dalmia - Warehouse: As Vertak got closer to the center, a faint rumbling and shaking could be heard; upon reaching the top he would see that it was coming from a long, thin case... Dalmia looked to the left half of his visor as a power reading began to skyrocket. Now if only he could track the source... or at the very least get these pulses to subside enough that he could stand to go near where he thought they were coming from.
  11. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: Decaia rolled his eyes, raising both hands and launching two streams of water at the plasma globs, the sheer amount of liquid quickly quenching them before being redirected towards the larger Toa.
  12. OOC: Sweeeeet. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro: The Toa of Water stopped as he heard sounds of distress and commotion from the inn he was heading to. He raised an eyebrow, continuing to walk forward until he got to the door. Peering it, he noticed a Toa of Plasma who seemed to be menacing a couple of Matoran -- none too quietly, from the looks of it. What a bother. he thought. But maybe these Matoran could help me if I help them; they look like they might be from around here... Opening the door, he moved into the building, heading straight towards the conflict. Raising a hand, he launched a short burst of water at the other Toa. "Hey, pick on someone your own size."
  13. You can begin signing up for the next event once it's announced, which it will be right after the final match of the current day.
  14. OOC: Trouble with an insane Plasma Toa... Mind if I interrupt? IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro: The Village of Ice finally came into view; Decaia would have smiled if he had known that it meant there wouldn't be trouble, which, given his track record, it didn't. Still, better than sticking around in the Wastes, and at least here he could get some warmth... maybe something to drink... He headed in the direction of the nearest inn, ignoring looks from several Matoran who were confused by his appearance.
  15. IC - Ethan Worth - Lilycove Jail: Ethan bit his lip, ignoring the Liberty trainers again. "So it's either blast a hole in the wall or go through the guards... Great." He recalled Céris. "I have an idea." Taking out two more Pokéballs, he released his Deerling, Serena, and his Weepinbell, Suya. The latter gave an angry glare to those around him, seemingly about to attack. "Suya, knock it off," Ethan snapped. "Serena, use Grasswhistle on those people down the hall; Suya, once she's done, use Stun Spore on anyone left standing." Serena nodded, moving forward. As the guards approached, noting the Pokémon, they reached for their Poké Balls; Serena let out a soft, song-like whistle, working the attack on the guards. Within seconds, the melody had made them all fall asleep, negating the need for any Stun Spore attacks -- as Ethan had hoped. "Good girl, Serena; return," he said, recalling the Deerling. "Move, now, before they wake up." He began walking again, quicker this time, tightly holding onto Archie's shoulder; he carried Suya in his arms as a measure against the Aqua Leader if he tried to escape. Ethan looked at Karin as they headed to the exit. "Send a message to Eric and tell him to head back to where we entered from."
  16. OOC: Ignore that instruction, then. IC - Ethan Worth - Lilycove Jail: Ethan's heart skipped a beat upon seeing the man, who didn't seem to have woken up yet. He stared for several moments, oblivious to the approaching guards. Eventually, a shout startled him, and he nodded. "That's him," he said, looking down the hall. "But I think we're out of time. Stand back." As the group dispersed around the cell, he held out a Poké Ball, summoning Céris. "Night Slash on the lock, now!" The Scizor looked at him and nodded, claws glowing black. A moment later, he had slammed it into the lock, breaking it; Archie awoke with a startled yell, attracting the attention of the guards. Ethan slid the door open and, ignoring the Liberty agents, walked in. "You need to come with us," he ordered the ex-Aqua leader. "Now." Seeing the glaring Scizor, the startled Archie nodded and stood up, following after them. Ethan looked at Karin. "Do you know how to get back to the exit from here?"
  17. OOC: GLaDOS: Gotcha. IC - Ethan Worth - Lilycove Jail: Ethan nodded. "This way." As the sounds of the guards became louder -- shouts and footsteps could be heard by now -- Ethan turned and began heading back the way he had come, being sure to walk quickly but quietly. "If they catch up top us or we run into anyone, I'll hold them off," he told the group quietly. "In that case, going by the current position, go down until you've passed three halls, and then follow the next all the way to the end; that'll lead you to the back door. The secretary has placed your stuff in a fake trashcan at the back of the alleyway. Got it?" They passed one of the intersecting halls. "Make that two more hallways."
  18. IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: The Director laughed -- a most chilling sound, one that was virtually unheard of. "Oh, believe me, Alan, when I say that I would never gamble with that sad excuse for a living being," the KNPD leader said coldly, truth lining every word. "I seek his destruction, nothing more, nothing less; he is an abomination in this universe, one who has plans to cause irreparable damage to everything that lives -- a faulty, black cell plotting to spread an irreversible cancer amongst this great body of a realm, whereas I am the countermeasure, the white blood cell. I will devour him, destroy his essence and his connections, kill the sickness before it can spread. I am the cure. "Your failure to see logic is what angers me. You scoff at the idea of ending one being's life -- an incarnation of a being who caused the complete destruction of another universe, just like ours, where I was unable to stop his plans -- to save our own universe. You treat the murderer as if he actually values anyone or anything here. Yet did you ever stop to consider the possibility that the being you know is just a front, a mask behind which the true monster hides? A being who, out of fear of being discovered and destroyed, tries to play off his status as an amnesiac who isn't aware of the damage he has done in the past, in another world? You are a bigger fool, Alan, than you realize. You would rather keep one being alive to keep your morals intact and sacrifice this world, rendering the being in question dead anyway, then sacrifice him in the first place to save the universe. It is illogical. This Illuxio holds the key to defeating the Ring, and that is his soul. Further, he has done to his dimension what Lyxek intends to do to ours, in doing so killing incarnations of everyone you have ever known and many more. He must pay for his crimes by providing our universe with the life it deserves. It is his duty and destiny; you can and will not change that."
  19. IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: The silence that the Director responded with was colder than the snow of the Silent Hills. There was a brief moment in which nothing happened; then the sound of the door locking sounded around the large, spherical room. "Why do you bother playing games?" the Director asked, his voice echoing while the screen that usually displayed his silhouette remained black as the deepest shadows of the room. "I know why you're here... and it angers me..."
  20. OOC:Oh yes, Decaia's back, and in more ways than one -- specifically, his energy has recharged. >=)But no, he's not here for you, Snelly -- he's being drawn to the object The Captian was talking about in the discussion topic. Not that he knows that... IC - Decaia - Ko-Wahi: Decaia trudged along through the snow of the Ko-Koro dunes. All he saw was snow and ice; while it was a nice break from the irritatingly closed spaces of the jungle, Decaia was quickly growing bored of all the sheer whiteness. The land needed some color... or at least a better path to the village; the Toa felt as if his feet would soon freeze and fall off from the snow he was stepping through. After a while of walking, he came upon a curious sight -- a sort of outpost, which he suspected belonged to the Ko-Koro Guard. That meant that the village was close; maybe he could find some answers to this feeling there...
  21. IC - Dalmia/? - Warehouse: The pulses were growing much stronger now; Dalmia couldn't quite figure out what was going on, though he had his suspicions. He lokoed over at the entrance as it opened, and a disguised Matoran -- whom he could sense, but not see -- walked in. He didn't move to hide, as he was already hidden; instead he opted to watch. Maybe the Matoran could find what the Ring member couldn't... This warehouse was, like the other one, filled with boxes, though these had no labels. A large portion was filled almost to the top of the building with layers and layers of crates, the ones in front seeming to be laid out in such a fashion that they could be sued to get to the top, almost like stairs; whatever was sending out the pulses, from what Vertak could feel, seemed to be emanating from the center...
  22. OOC: It's.... over there. So no, no specific location until someone assigns a location to it.
  23. IC - Raehn - Charred Forest: Activity in the Charred Forest seemed to be low; that was the impression Toa Raehn got as she observed the place through her scope-equipped Sanok. Such a lack of beings was perfect for her; it gave her a place to practice her aim and combat, at least a little bit without an actual Rahi or other being to fight. A bead of sweat rolled down her face from the heat of Ta-Wahi. Reaching out with his power over Iron, she create a small target some distance away. Carefully, she climbed one of the many burnt trees in the place, watching for any activity. Seeing none, she notched an arrow in her bow, taking aim with her scope. With her Sanok activated, she was sure that she would hit regardless of where she aimed; however, being able to do so without the mask was something that she needed to practice -- you never knew when your Kanohi would be disabled or lost in a combat situation... She let the metal arrow fly, and fly it did, straight and true towards its target. The small, metal apple she had created was pierce; observing it from her position, she noted that she had struck it precisely where she had intended. That was good... but was it actually her skill? Raehn sighed, taking off her mask. Notching another arrow, she took aim again -- harder now with a scope. At this point, after so much use, she seemed to have inherited a bit of the Sanok's abilities, or at least gotten a better idea of how to aim a bow.She let loose her second arrow...
  24. IC - Decaia - Ko-Wahi; path to Le-Wahi: From the forests at the base of the mountainous area where Ko-Wahi began, a Toa of Water emerged, wrapped tightly in his cloak, his dark blue hood obscuring most of his face. He looked around at the area, that feeling still in his stomach.Nothing but snow here, he thought. As usual. I never did like this place. Oh well. Time to find whatever is... drawing me... in this direction...
  25. IC - James Pierce - Hojohsin Headquarters: James smiled as he closed the door to his office. The ghost-type may have thought that he had gone undetected... but he was wrong. One of the things he had looked at on the computer was a security breach report; as an agent of Ford, James had equipped his oval office, so to speak, with detectors for everything that could possibly breach the security of the building -- and that included ghosts. So, he was well aware. What he didn't know was why the ghost had broken in, or who it belonged to. He would find out soon, though; that was something he was sure of. Documents in hand, he began walking, pressing on the earpiece in his ear. "This is Pierce," he said. "Raise the security level to Code 3, and to Code 4 in my office. I suspect something may happen soon; we have to be prepared..." IC - Ethan Worth - Lilycove Jail: Ethan slowed, grabbing a Poké Ball off of his belt and moving to the wall as he heard someone whispering up ahead. It didn't sound like guards, especially with the panic he detected, though he couldn't be sure from here. Pressing against the wall, he moved forward, until he reached the corner. Then, taking a deep breath, he turned around it. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw that the people he had heard were a group of kids, as well as a ghost or two and an Abra. He put his Poké Ball away, beginning to speak quietly and quickly before any questions could be asked. "My name is Ethan Worth; if you want to get out of here undetected, you need to follow me. Understand?"
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