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Everything posted by Parugi

  1. OOC: No, he couldn't. You're underestimating Lyxek's security, as well as the Director's, the Day Run's and Team Zero's, among others. And that makes me sad face. :/ Anyway, I'm going to strongly prod you guys to go to the other warehouse/factory at this point, since my IC hints don't seem to be working. Vertak'll get a message via the Team Crest when he needs to head back. As an added hint... IC: The factory Kayzata and Vertak had just investigated was virtually worthless, but the same could not be said for the second one labeled on Team Zero's map. From there, pulses of energy were beginning to strengthen; they had already been detected by Dalmia -- who had materialized inside of the warehouse, using his powers to mask his presence from the world -- though he was unable to locate the source even with the technology he possessed. Even as he searched the place, invisible both physically and mentally, regular beings -- Matoran, Skakdi, Vortixx -- in the general area were beginning to feel... something...
  2. OOC:.....Kay, so how exactly does Suicavel manage to constantly attack the group using so much energy without ever tiring out, or recovering so much energy so quickly when he does? This is getting extremely ridiculous, annoying and, frankly, not fair, even if it is the character's job to cause trouble for people; such rapid energy recharging doesn't seem like something that would fly on a normal player character. IC - Nostala - Being attacked by Suicavel. Again.: Nostala was, for lack of a better description that would be allowable at this point, extremely ticked off by this. Once again unable to do anything else against the shadow caster, considering he was once again hiding, she did what she could and began batting off the tendrils within the center of the dome, all the while mentally cursing and wishing a thousand deaths upon the Shadow Toa.
  3. OOC: Spartan -- what do you mean? IC - Executive Riley/Kyle Eston/Sonja Baron - Ecruteak: "Well, for one, you're mixing up words, as both options can happen and as such are both plausible," Kyle pointed out irritably. "Second-" "Excuse the interruption, but I'm afraid you aren't going anywhere," Riley said loudly. "Try to teleport and we'll track you, just like we did when you teleported here. You aren't the only ones with Psychic Legendaries under your control." "-which was exactly my point," Kyle finished. "Look at them; they were prepared for us. Obviously they knew we were here. Do you really think I hadn't considered the benefits of teleporting?" He shook his head, noticing that Zach had attacked. "Whatever. It doesn't sound like we even have an option, anyway- GO, RUJI!" He threw a Poké Ball into the air, releasing his Gligar. On the other side, the Rockets sent out their own Pokémon -- Jolteon, Ariados, Houndoom, Steelix, Ursaring, Heracross, Weavile and -- from Riley -- Mamoswine. "Greeeeeat," Sonja said sarcastically. "Loki, I need you!" Throwing his Poké Ball into the air, she released the Timburr. Despite the size and numbers that his enemies had on him, Loki didn't show any sign of being nervous; Sonja had to give him something special for that, considering she was definitely nervous at this point. She looked over at Kyle, worried about him, as well -- usually he didn't lash out like that.... As Cyndy rolled towards Zapdos, the Legendary Bird flapped its massive wings, sending a burst of wind that both caused it to rise into the air and somewhat slowed the Typhlosion's attack.
  4. IC - Niaka - Jial Island: Eremia's trick seemed to work, as most of the Niaka fled out of the minefield as quickly as they could, while others were launched backwards from the Kraata's attack. However, being as adaptable as they were, the modified Niaka reared for another attack -- specifically by launching a combined blast of fire at the Delta 51, engulfing many of the iron caltrops and quickly beginning to melt them. Likewise, a similar blast struck the bottom of the ship, followed by another and another, quickly heating up the interior to unbearable temperatures... IC - Elithes - Day Run Infirmary: Elithes wasn't conscious when he appeared in the infirmary, his equipment materializing on the table next to him. The medics wasted no time, energizing two Kanoka -- one of Healing and one of Regeneration -- before inserting the energy into his chest. Immediately, his wounds armor began to heal and repair itself; his jump pack and weapons also began to repair following a similar treatment. IC - Spectators - Arena Audience: "WIMPS!" The yell came from a black Skakdi, sitting several seats up from Kaelan. He started laughing as Swerv unleashed his electrical attack at Kairan. "What a stupid robot." His other Skakdi friends began chortling along with him. "Ay, would ya shut it?" a one-eyed being sitting next to Kaelan turned around and yelled at the Skakdi. "I'm tryin' ta watch the match 'ere." The Skakdi responded with a rather rude hand gesture. The being narrowed his eye as they laughed harder than before; a second later, a small explosion erupted from beneath them. That section of the audience screamed as the Skakdi were thrown into the air. One of them quickly recovered, snarling as he leaped at the being. OOC: Need something to do, Silvan? Feel free to try and break up this fight...
  5. OOC: Right now there's quite a bit of stuff going on in Hoenn and especially Lilycove, mostly in relation to the Hojohsin League (the group that took over following Team Rocket being toppled in Hoenn, who have recently begun a massive Order 66-like movement against Team Liberty and Team Rocket) and Team Aqua (who, according to rumors, are regrouping.) The Ancient Darkrai are also invading Hoenn at the moment, though I wouldn't try to fight them alone. There's also a group in Ecruteak right now that is going to investigate some dimensional disturbances that are somehow related to Raikou and possibly Entei and Suicune; we're a bit held up right now, though.
  6. OOC: Spartan: Yes. And Yes. GLaDOS: OMG IT'S GLADOS!! *head asplodes* Alrighty. Well, glad to see you back. As Blade said, Buzz is pretty much in a time loop at Paradise so nothing's really happened with him, though with the Darkrai invading Hoenn that'll probably chance soon; Sabba, iirc, is still with the Shaymin people, though I don't know if they're still around; and Takeshi.... hasn't move at all. IC - Kyle/Sonja - Ecruteak: "Hm..." Kyle said as Sonja appeared. He threw a sideways glare at the Deoxys. "Yes, we did; we asked several times if we should use you to teleport and you didn't say anything, so... And why aren't you in your ball? We're in the middle of a Rocket-controlled town! We'll be lucky if-" "Freeze!" A blast of electricity struck the ground close to the group's feet, sending a cloud of dust into the air. Kyle coughed, trying to see through the cloud. On the other side, a group of eight trainers stood; the one that had called out was standing in front of a Zapdos, He was dressed in a red and black uniform, and on his head he wore a black hat. An "R" insignia was present on his chest. "You're under arrest on the grounds of suspicious activity." "Shoot!" Kyle said quietly, cursing the karma of the situation, while also recognizing the Rocket Executive. "It's Riley! Should we teleport or fight?" IC - Ethan - Lilycove Jail: Ethan walked slowly down the opposite hallway, heading in the direction of the lower-security cells. He took off his sunglasses; in the dim light they weren't a wise choice of gear to wear, as they were making it extremely hard to see. He stopped at a map on the wall, seeing which direction he needed to go in. After finding the most likely area, he began walking again, listening for the sounds of any Hojohsin guards.
  7. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: "If it was Suicavel who killed the one controlling it -- which, judging from that shadow sphere and the body, it was -- then he'll probably have already taken anything inside at this point," Nostala pointed out, shouldering her staff. "I agree with Greel -- the sooner we move, the higher our chance of actually being able to get off this half of the island. We don't need any more distractions at the moment."
  8. IC - Kyle - Ecruteak: "Ah," Kyle said, quickly hiding his surprise. He looked around for an excuse. "Where did Justin disappear to?" IC - Sonja - Route to Ecruteak: "I see. Well, we'd better teleport before someone comes along here and challenges us to a battle or something." IC - Ethan - Lilycove Jail: "We're not here," Ethan said quietly, pushing Karin and Eric around to the back of the building. There was a camera there, as well as a door. He looked at it and nodded, uncovering his eyes for a moment. He looked back at the other two agents. "Apparently the Hojohsin League is running this prison now and doesn't want anyone getting through; the secretary we were talking to -- Silvia -- is an undercover Rocket agent. According to her Morse code message, we can get in around here." The sound of a door electronically unlocking rang out; Ethan moved over to it and opened it, checking for guards before beckoning for Eric and Karin to enter. "She said something about them holding a bunch of kids as prisoners; if you two can find Archie and ask him what we need to know, I'll go help the kids break out -- I can't in good conscience leave them in the League's hands."
  9. RotR is going fast? Maybe my perspective is skewed due to having been in it when it was moving faster... Anyway, don't all good RPGs move quickly?
  10. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: Using Kairan as an excuse, Nostala politely ignored Irriane. "I never said I was going to kill him now," she said. "I said eventually. More likely than not, he'll follow us to the other side of the island, since he seems to be so intent on killing the two of us ever since the first time he failed. For now, we're heading across the bridge; we'll deal with him the next time he finds us. Any objections?"
  11. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: "He's an irritating Shadow Toa... monster... Rahkshi... thing that has a tendency to pop up and attack at the most inappropriate times," the Artanian said. "And, frankly, I'm getting sick of him -- which is why I'm eventually going to kill him."
  12. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: Nostala slapped Orssa's hands with her staff, forcing him to free the Toa of Iron. "Stop, Orssa," she said. "Killing him isn't going to do us any good -- all it will accomplish is weakening us for when Suicavel decides to come after us again."
  13. IC - Kyle - Ecruteak City: "What I meant was, what do you mean by 'it was either you or her'?" Kyle clarified, though trailed off as something caught his attention. In the shadows of some trees a fair distance behind Zach, someone stood; while their face was obscured, their cloths and posture was familiar. An icy feeling gripped Kyle's stomach as he saw the boy, remembering their last encounter; a blink later, however, and he had disappeared. IC - Sonja - Route to Ecruteak: Sonja nodded. "Yup," she said. "So this Pierce guy and the Hojohsin league are related to that man, Ford. I wonder how he convinced people to let him take office with that kind of information lying about..." IC - Ethan - Lilycove Jail: Ethan nodded. "Not everyone chooses to specialize, and that's fine by me," he said, opening the jail house door. "And you appear to be right." He let Karin in before entering after her, looking around. Wasting little time, he moved over to the secretary window thingy. "Excuse me." The attendant didn't bother to look up from her magazine. "What do you want?" "It's my understanding that Archie, the former leader of Team Aqua, is incarcerated here. We need to speak with him about a rumored Team Aqua revival." The lady glanced up before looking around, putting her magazine down. She seemed to recognize Ethan. "I'm sorry, but we've been under lock-down for the past week." As she spoke she tapped a finger against the desk with a calculated pace. Ethan paused, and then nodded. "I'm not supposed to let anyone through. To my knowledge, Archie is not actually being held here." She continued to tap the desk. "I have to ask you to leave immediately, unless there is another prisoner who you bear a relation to located here." She stopped tapping. Ethan nodded again. "All right, then," he said, nodding at her as he put his sunglasses back on. "Thank you." He headed back out the door, Karin in tow. As he left, he muttered, "Well, that's a great development..."
  14. IC - Ethan - Lilycove City: Ethan turned his head to look at the younger Rocket member, a grin on his sunglassed face. "Glad you asked; I'm a master of the Bug and Grass types!" he said this with proud enthusiasm. At a possibly confused look from Karin, he grinned and explained, "I grew up in Azalea Town, with Bugsy. So I know a lot about Grass and Bug types. So yeah." IC - Kyle - Ecruteak City: Kyle raised an eyebrow. "Really? Why's that?" OOC: Will reply to Orange in a little bit.
  15. IC - Kyle/Sonja - Route to Ecruteak: "You want to leave Sonja here with this guy?" Kyle asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't you think that's a little...?" "Oh, hush," Sonja said. "I can take care of myself. Besides, we're friends; we worked together in Isshu." Kyle opened his mouth to say something, though was forced to resign himself to her decision after receiving a look from her. Rolling his eyes, he moved over to Zach, teleporting with him before the Abra went back to fetch the other two. "I still feel uncomfortable with this," the Liberty agent said quiety. "Even if I did work with another Rocket just yesterday..."
  16. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: Nostala, unable to get near enough to attack due to her lack of powers, was forced to watch as her friends attempted to subdue Klax. Opting to make herself useful, she took a defensive position among the group, using her agility and staff to knock away the metal spikes being launched at the group.
  17. OOC: Fo' sho'. IC - Ethan W - Lilycove: Ethan looked at his watch. "All right, well, if we're going to talk to Archie, we'll need to talk to the sheriff... guy... main head guard... person... dude... yeah," he said. "Whatever. I'm going to head to the jail to set up an appointment or whatever; anyone care to come along?" Karin seemed to step forward. He nodded. "All righty, then; your two can meet us there in a few minutes." He headed in the direction of the jail.
  18. Oh well. To get myself to actually do my homework that I've been putting off, I've stopped being stubborn and kicked Elithes out of the arena. Now it's down to Swerv and Kairan.Who will win the title... of DEADLIEST WARRIAH!?
  19. IC - Elithes - Arena: Elithes let out a shout of pain as the bullet struck him in the stomach, breaking through his armor. He had enough time and strength left to throw his spare bayonet at Kairan's leg before he was teleported out of the arena.
  20. OOC: Konuju: Roger roger. I'll just have Ethan ditch his group since they seem to be in stasis... Nuju: All right. Well, if at some point in the future you want to reform the group as a smaller organization, let me know. IC - Kyle/Sonja - Route to Ectrueak: "As long as the Abra doesn't try any tricks, sure, I'm fine with that," Kyle said. He threw a look to Sonja, essentially saying, We can trust him, right? She nodded. Kyle blinked and then looked around at the area. IC - Ford/? - ?: "Is that so?" a soft voice said. The man was speaking to someone on a phone; behind him, Ford sat in his usual spot, focused on a screen. The other man chewed on a toothpick as the person on the other side of the line spoke. He nodded. "I'll let him know right away. Good bye." He hung up. Sighing, he walked back to Ford, running a hand through his long, blond hair, under his bandanna. "It seems we have a problem." Ford raised an eyebrow and turned his head slightly. "Really?" The other man nodded. "It seems Ho-Oh has acted against the Searchers; their entire base was just destroyed," he reported. Ford smirked slightly, though didn't say anything. "Obviously that puts a bit of a damper on the invasion plan; without their forces we'll have to rely entirely on Teams Energon and Galactic. Not to mention we're down on the equipment we need. No more mind control orbs for us to use..." "Perhaps," Ford said, tapping his fingers on the armrests of his chair. "Perhaps not. Plans can change; and as a matter of fact, the plan was meant to be modified the moment I proposed it to the Hojohsin factions. We still have the Blue Chains and the power absorption machines from Energon and Galactic, as well as a prototype of the mind control orbs from the Searchers. All we need is a faction willing to fill the Searchers' shoes... and there is one that may very well be willing to do so." He looked at the trainer. "On top of that, we have the plan behind the scenes to enact. You are the Fourth; the time has come to locate the Fifth, and from there, the remaining four. By chance, Nine believes he may have found a candidate for the fifth position." "Really, now?" the trainer said, a new hint of curiosity in his voice. Ford nodded. "Who?" "You wouldn't know him," Ford said. "He's a powerful trainer, one who has shown to be completely opposed to Sombra's plan -- something that Nine is undoubtedly drawn to in him. Regardless, his power is true, and his abilities fit perfectly for what I have been looking for in the possible Fifth." "I see. So does that mean...?" "No," Ford interrupted. "We must wait for this one; something tells me that he won't be willing to fight for our cause without first completing his own mission. We shall contact him soon; but first, he must prove himself, just as you and the others have. Should he manage to defeat the Ancients, we shall recruit him; until then, we must wait."
  21. Not going to bother with anything formal or whatever today; for some reason looking at ROTR has worn me out. Day Run Not much to say here; things are rolling along nicely. If things go according to plan, it'll be done by January -- and with a lot of twists and turns thrown in. Heck, even in the short amount of time that it's been back, we've already had a couple of major discoveries... kind of. While I'm pretty sure this post (coincidentally post #66) breaks a couple of rules, it very clearly turned the public view of Lyxek around as a villain -- and that's awesome. With luck, things will keep going smoothly. Rise of the Rockets Sigh. As I said before, for some reason, every time I go to reply to the RPG, I feel all worn out. Before anyone asks, it has nothing to do with the players that have been posting a lot lately; you guys are awesome. But I seriously feel as if the downtime did some terrible things to the RPG. Interest was already waning immediately before the forums went off-line, which stinks by itself; but now that the forums are back, it feels like I -- as well as a couple of the others -- have just... lost a bit of interest. I don't feel the same energy I did back in April when I would go to post; it seems like trying to come up with a post is now a tedious duty or something, and it's really aggravating me for a number of reasons -- the biggest of which being that, as the game master, especially with the number of plans that I want to put into action in the game, I shouldn't feel so worn out about the game. The biggest problem, I think, has to do with another downtime-related thing. As a result of the archiving thing, we essentially had to leave behind all of the information we had put together in the old RPG topic and start anew -- which in many ways is a good thing, except for the fact that, because of the whole "log you out when you go to the archive" thing, a surprising number of people seem to suddenly be uninterested in the RPG, just because they don't want to have to log back in; I've actually had to push a couple of people to just suck it up and go get their profiles, since I don't follow their logic of not doing so, but eh.... I don't know. I guess my main point is just this: I really don't want the topic to die, especially just because we had to relocate; that seems like a terrible reason to let something as big as ROTR die. Consider this a reaching out of sorts -- the point at which the old topic was cut off is now a new milestone for us to reach again. So let's pull together and keep on playing until we beat that page record -- it's senseless to me to consider that as something that can't be done again, considering we've done it before, and with the experience that we've gained since then, this will provide an opportunity to come up with even better plots and role-playing experiences than we've had in the past. Art and MoCs Since school started, I've begun taking an art class. I'm happy to say that I'm improving at a very rapid pace -- I've already made a couple of really awesomesauce pictures (including one of a Breaker from Day Run) that I'll eventually scan and post here. Needless to say, Lady Kopaka and others were right in saying that everyone is an artist -- they just need to find something that works for them. But yeah. Due to failing in all of my attempts to draw Dalmia from Day Run, I've recruited a friend to try her hand at it; most likely, knowing her, it'll be amazing and I'll have to accept it as the official artwork of the character. That, too, will eventually be posted here, whenever it gets finished. I've also improved several MoCs over the downtime, including Lyxek and the Toa Exa; I'm not sure when I'll get those posted, though rest assured that they will come eventually -- the Toa Exa, in particular, tie in with my Broken Unity reveal below. Anime This'll require a blog post in and of itself; however, over the summer I watched the entirety of Neon Genesis Evangelion. My reaction? ............................................................................. ARGBOOM. More information once my head reforms and I make a blog post with a more in depth explanation. Finally... the reveal about Broken Unity: I've decided to restart it. I know at least one person is probably going to be upset by that sentence. However, after rereading it and weighing some things, I've come to the conclusion that it's... well, just really badly written. It's been on-going since 2007, and since that time, due to events in Day Run, Night Ride, Gladiator, Thaken and other stories, a lot of my original plans just don't add up anymore; there are a number of plot holes that I really want to fix, but can't, due to the fact that it would require the rewriting of several chapters to effectively do, anyway. On top of that, ever since its last update, I've found myself in a position where I just can not continue the story -- I had a chapter written up back in June, but the thumb drive that it was on was stolen and ever since then I just don't have the will to put back together what I had at one point. So... yeah. I'm going to restart it. With new forums to post it on, as well as with everything on the other forum, anyway, and newer, better ideas that can be written far better now that I've improved my writing abilities, a fresh start seems like the right choice. I'm planning on starting the rewrite sometime within the next few weeks, so if you're interested in following it.... yeah. Be on the look out. (And Kal -- again, I apologize. But to be honest, you basically are my only reader... )
  22. IC - Decaia - Swamp bank: Slowly, Decaia stirred. After the action he had been through, he didn't feel rested, despite how long he had slept; still, he was glad to have gotten the opportunity. As his mind began to clear, he wondered what had woken him up; usually he would go far longer without waking up but now... something seemed to be tugging at his mind. He rolled over, standing up slowly. A feeling in his head was telling him to head north; like there was something there of great worth to him. Like something was calling him... The Toa of Water wasn't sure what was causing it; after all, the only thing of worth to him was his rose... and it didn't have telepathic powers. Deciding to investigate, he looked to the sky, trying to get an idea of the direction he needed to go. Finding a familiar star, he turned and began to head in the direction of the land of ice and snow. OOC: Decaia to Ko-Wahi.
  23. IC: Kayzata still didn't pick up on anything unusual. Whatever was causing the feeling wouldn't be revealed until later. IC - Elithes - Arena: Elithes raised his robotic arm to block the bullet, taking the hit; the metal embedded itself in his arm, damaging it further. He frowned, aiming at Kairan and preparing to fire. A second later, the Cordak exploded, the force knocking him back several feet; unlike Swerv, he didn't have magnets to use to hold his position. Hopefully, Kairan's attack on Swerv would keep him occupied long enough for the Matoran to recover. IC - Niaka - Jial Island: The electricity caused the Niaka to screech in pain, thoguh it only gripped onto the ship harder. Angered, it whipped its long tail around, slamming it into the Delta 51's wing. Others began to catch up, some latching on and attempting to tear at the hull while others aimed more swipes and fireballs at the Ring members inside.
  24. Spink: Ah. Sorry; last I had heard Cool-Aid hadn't received word from you or Vorik, so...
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