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Everything posted by Parugi

  1. Tod: Good luck. iBrow: Good luck. Vakama: Good lu- I mean, all righty; thanks for the heads up. In case you end up deciding to leave, is there anything in particular that you would like me to do with Dartick? I'd rather keep him around just in case you return later, but... yeah. Your choice and stuff. Kal: Like you guys, I wasn't sure how lighting + magnet shield would work, so I decided to kind of... overlook it by having Elithes also jump out of the way, negating the need to say what happened. So... yeah.
  2. Me - Sloth.Cool-Aid - Pride, possibly Envy; I'm not sure if he's keeping the latter.EW - Lust.Eyru - Greed. Right now we aren't actually a group, since we're working on characterization this time around before actually joining together. However, we still need a Wrath and Gluttony for the group; if you're interested in taking either one you should probably PM Cool-Aid.
  3. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: "Well, regardless of who caused it, he seems to be busy with someone else, because I can't see him anywhere," Nostala said (OOC note: To the best of my knowledge... Suicavel seems to be away from the group. If my interpretation of this battle is wrong, tell me, please.) "Regardless, that 'bridge-making' deal gave me an idea. Rynekk, you control iron. Maybe you could try to create another bridge while that monster is occupied."
  4. So... out of the fortress group, who is still near the fortress, aside from Irriane? I know that the entire fortress negotiation/attack group is still around, but I'm confused about the other one...
  5. OOC: Indeed it is. =) IC - Elithes - Arena: Elithes pressed against the ground with his shotgun arm and pushed, rolling out of the way as Kairan fired his shot; it grazed his shoulder, exposing the circuits that connected the arm to his body, though he ignored this. Pushing himself to his feet, he aimed at Kairan again, firing a simultaneous burst of plasma and ice from each of his guns.
  6. Oooh... What Wahi would this object currently be located at, Snoopy? I need something for Decaia to do. >=P
  7. IC - Elithes - Arena: The bounty hunter quickly dropped to the ground as Kairan moved to attack, firing a burst of plasma at the Toa of Lightning as he went down.
  8. Cool, a fanclub. iBrow: Unlikely. I feel like the only battle involving a PC against Lyxek, with the exception of the fight with Fangahrak, would be the final one I'm planning, which won't be a one-on-one.It will be a musical of sorts, however, involving the rest of Lyxek's band. 8D And nah; whatever damage Vertak does won't be noticed. It's not like what the plan involving the Protosteel is requires that it be intact.
  9. OOC: Nuju: I don't mind if you use Ho-Oh, but you don't need to get rid of the group or Ariana that quickly -- there's lots more stuff that could be done before you decide to end the group. Besides, it's not exactly fair to you considering none of the other player factions jumped up to offer themselves up for removal, is it? Spartan: You're back!? Welcome back! Ordaku: Hm.... You might be the one whose name was on the character list but whose profile I couldn't find. If you can't really find anything about the character, then feel free to rewrite the profile and repost the character for approval -- new forum, new chance to be newish and all that jazz and whatnot. IC - Kyle/Sonja - Path to Ecruteak: Kyle was a bit surprised at how much this guy talked. "Um... This is Johto," he said after a brief pause. "Specifically the route between Goldenrod City and Ecruteak. We're debating whether to teleport or walk the rest of the way."
  10. OOC: ToD, Kerid's still not at the Day Run; she's talking to Draka at the base of the mountain where you guys fought Khazra. JSYK. IC - Elithes - Arena: "Zhat's an... intervresting vay of putting it," Elithes replied. He rotated his arm, trying to get it to pop. "How are you doing in terms of equipment? I've lost my jump pack and used up all of my vials of-" He stopped talking as he noted the sound of someone moving through the grass. Turning slowly, he raised his plasma pistol, ready to fire at a moment's notice. IC - Factory/Warehouse - Factory/Warehouse: There was still nothing interesting to be found for Kayzata -- all of the crates contained the exact same thing: Spare Protosteel parts, all of them the property of the Ring. Whatever was causing the strange feeling in the air didn't seem to be observable at the moment -- or, it seemed, even physical at all. IC - Niaka/Vailian - Jial Island: Vailian ignored the Kraata's taunt, focusing instead on the raging Niaka around him. Arriving at the base of the hill, he rolled forward, underneath an approaching Niaka. As it ran over him, completely oblivious to his presence, he thrust his arm up, charging his Vertigo power. It connected, knocking the dragon forward, though not seeming to have done much harm. In a few minutes, however, its head would be spinning too badly for it to keep moving. The Niaka following the ship, meanwhile, dodged around the lightning blasts; the one that was closest was struck by a glancing blow to the wing, though it managed to right itself at the last minute -- by latching onto the Delta 51. Roaring its high-pitched shriek, it launched a fireball directly at the door from which Cheiz was firing.
  11. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: "No," Nostala said as she moved over to Kairan, removing the Kualsi form her face. "He's not." Grabbing the wolf's face, she removed her Mask of Disguise, disabling the illusion around the Toa of Lightning, before giving his Kualsi back to him and replacing her own Kanohi. "That's better," she said. "Now to find that beast again..."
  12. Skarloth: Oh. Woops. XP Sorry; thanks for correcting me. TPTI: VakamaMetruNui was running it; no idea where he's at, though. Kal: So I guess we're not friends? Thank you. I'll be in all week! Whoa! I don't know how you did it... but that's it! That's exactly right! Congratulations on the guess, ToD -- I guess I'll have to take this as a sign to hide my twists better! XP All right, well, sorry everyone, but at this point I'm going to have to close the RPG down -- I can't keep running a game with my biggest twist spoiled and all. Oh well; it's been fun! Be sure to PM ToD with your thanks and congrats on the way out! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Credit to Kal the Guardian for the banner.)Broken Unity/ReviewCurrent Status: Updated as of 12/14/10 (Chapters till completion: 6)Night Ride ~ Day Run: The Garden ~ Rise of the Rockets And you thought I was serious.... No. That's not right; Ruaki's dead and Lyxek and the Director have both been around for at least ten years, not to mention the whole deal with Illuxio. Though you are on the right track... kind of. As for you, Blade -- follow the story and find out.
  13. IIRC Tertrax is Vorik's character; I don't know if he knows that the forums are back up or not, and if he does and just hasn't posted anything, there's a chance he isn't planning on returning to the RPG. But yes, Teams Tech, Zero and Superior are up next to fight in the arena, meaning the combatants, assuming everyone is back when it starts, will be:Vertak and Jale (Zero)Kayzata, No Heart and Tertrax (Tech)Marx (Superior) Sol will not be able to participate in this match if he joins before it starts due to the fact that he was just in one. For the explanation about Elithes -- see ToD's post. Also, I'm very surprised at the lack of shocked responses towards my last Lyxek IC. Anyway, no ICs for another three hours -- lunch is just about over and I won't get a chance to post until 4:20 at the earliest.
  14. Yeah; tbh a rather large number of teams are actually no longer actual parts of the game due to their players leaving. So I'm definitely going to do a purge to get rid of the inactive ones in the future -- probably tomorrow when I go back to my dad's house or tomorrow morning at school, as the internet at my mom's house is kind of slow.
  15. IC - Decaia - Le-Wahi: After what felt like hours -- though in reality was only around ten minutes -- Decaia resurfaced in another part of the Le-Wahi swamps, far away from where his confrontation with the two Toa had been. He gasped for breath as he looked around, trying to get a bearing of his surroundings; once he was sure that the coast was clear, he swam to the edge of the water, moving onto land. Though tired, he managed to draw the excess water out of his cape and armor, forming it into a glob of water that he threw into the swamp. Worn out, he lay down again, thankful for the chance to rest. If there was one thing he absolutely loved, that was able to overcome his constant emotionless state, it was sleeping. Figuring no one would be walking through the area at the current hour (he could see that it was beginning to get dark,) he let his thoughts overtake him, eventually falling asleep on the bank of the swamp.What to do now....
  16. OOC: I'm not sure there was any specified target on the map; just a note that Zanth and Suya were planning on scoping the place out. To clarify what they're looking for -- the weird feeling in the air is essentially all Kayzata and Vertak are likely to find in the first warehouse that bears any importance at the moment. IC - Crate - Warehouse 1: The print on the box seemed to imply that the crate contained spare metal scraps, all of them made out of Protosteel. The other boxes, if observed, would yield the same information. While a couple of them seemed to possess the emblem of the Ring, it didn't seem as if they were being used for anything. What made the scene strange was, as mentioned before, the strange feeling in the air that didn't seem to be affecting anything in any way. The other oddity was that this Ring-material housing warehouse was still intact and being used despite the fact that it was located in a KNPD patrolled area. IC - Elithes - Arena: After cutting his way through the grass (having retrieved all of his equipment first) Elithes finally located Swerv again. "Don't let zhe injuvries deceive you," he said to the robot. "I'm still good to fight." OOC: To avoid being sued... Be aware that the following confrontation is rather brutal. If you didn't believe how ruthless Lyxek was before... you will after reading this. IC - Lyxek - Ring HQ: Lyxek walked slowly into the Throne Room; something didn't feel right to the Toa of Sonics. There were no guards outside the door at the moment -- a direct contrast to the usual presence of a permanent guard. The voice, as well, had been one he had barely recognized -- while he was certain he had heard it before, he couldn't remember who it belonged to... Gripping his guitar tightly in his hand, he opened the door and walked inside. The place was empty. He narrowed his eyes, looking around. A slight dripping sound, like that of water in a cave, reverberated against the walls. Behind him, the door closed; at the same time, a drop of red liquid splashed on the ground in front of him. He frowned as he looked at it, following its path back upward..."That's harsh," he said quietly. Above him, the five guards who usually stood to guard the Throne Room had been killed and strung up, blood dripping down the helmet of one of them. He looked around, smiling as something clicked behind him, "Understatement of the century," a voice said as a Toa of Earth materialized behind him, his Mask of Concealment deactivating. "Regardless, your time is up, Ringmaster." "Cheesy boast... familiar voice... Is that Dodera behind me?" Lyxek asked, completely oblivious to the Toa's threat. "I'm honored. And here I thought the Director considered me such an easy target that he thought low-ranked whelps from the Guild could take me out. I've never been so happy to find out I was wrong." "Funny," Dodera said, his eyes narrowing. "But you're wrong on that second account. I'm here on orders from the Guild itself -- not for the Director." Lyxek raised an eyebrow. "Rest assured, though, my comrades are on their way to KNPD headquarters as we speak. The council has decided that your antics, as well as the Director's, have gone on for too long; it's time for your little power play to end." Lyxek was silent for a moment, his grin becoming bigger and bigger with each word. Then he began to chuckle, quietly at first before erupting into a full-on fit of laughter. Dodera gritted his teeth at the sound."Oh... man. You are so mistaken, dude," Lyxek said as he regained control of himself. "See, there isn't a power play going on at all -- I have the Director under my thumb." Dodera's eyes widened. Lyxek turned his head to look at him. "Oh yeah. Probably not in the way that you think, but... You know. I'll fill you in on the secret since you won't live long enough to let it leak out." The Toa of Sonics whispered something to Dodera, using his powers over sound to carry the words clear over to the Toa of Earth. The revelation rang in his ears like the chiming of a bell; his eyes widened in shock and surprise."That's... not possible..." he stammered. "Oh, yes, it is," Lyxek answered. He turned, taking a step forward; Dodera fired a blast of energy with his pistol, though the burst -- as well as the ones he fired immediately afterwards -- merely seemed to shift around the Toa of Sonics, never touching the crazed Toa's armor. With a snap of his fingers, a controlled burst of sound caused the gun to shatter. "You shouldn't have come here, Dodera; it really is a shame to have to kill someone as skilled as you are, especially since that skill is going to waste with the Heart protecting me." The Toa of Earth moved to draw another weapon, though another snap of Lyxek's fingers sent another sound wave at him that launched the bounty hunter into the wall. Dodera tried to rise to his feet, his hands pressed against the walls for support; he screamed as two smaller guitar-axes -- essentially razor-edged banjos -- stabbed into his hands, trapping him there. When he reached for his control over Earth, he felt nothing -- his elemental power seemed to have abandoned him. Lyxek launched another burst of sound at him."Karma's cruel, isn't it?" the Ringmaster asked. "You killed my guards and strung them up like meat, not to mention the fact that you broke into my house and are attempting to kill my pawns; for that, you relinquish your life-" Another, more powerful blast. "- your equipment-" The next blast caused Dodera's armor and mask to shatter. "- your will-" One more blast. "- your ability to hear..." The Ringmaster let loose a much more powerful blast as he said this; Dodera continued to scream, his audio receptors no longer working as the sound waves continued to crash upon him. Lyxek watched him until the Toa stopped making noise, finally cutting off the attack. To the bounty hunter, Lyxek's final declaration fell upon deaf ears. He raised his hand, his mouth moving though seeming to make no noise; the last sight that Dodera saw before death came was a green mist shrouding him, followed by the appearance of a skull-like face right in front of him. As his body slumped and a bright blue orb of light appeared in the mist, Lyxek's words echoed around the chamber. "And your soul."
  17. OOC: Zehvor... I hate you. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: "Wait - Rynekk and Plagia!" Nostala yelled, noticing that out of the group, no one seemed to have grabbed either of the two Toa, who were only slightly further along the bridge than she and Orssa had been. She would give them half a second to see if they could get to safety; if they didn't she would have to try to get to them using Kairan's Kualsi. Still, she was extremely irritated at this point; if this was Suicavel again, she was going to make sure that he didn't escape the scene intact like he had on the previous two occasions.
  18. OOC: Oh, but that... I can't move, then. IC - Decaia - Le-Wahi Swamps: As he saw Snelly correct his path and fly towards him, Decaia pushed himself to the limit, just as he felt the Kinetic absorption beginning to take hold. He took as deep of a breath as his Ga-Koran lungs would allow, before waving his rapidly-slowing arms above his head. The result was a massive wave of water that erupted from his left, washing over him and coming up to just below the other two Toa. As the wave subsided and cleared, they would see that the Toa of Sloth was gone, disappeared into the vast, swampy waters. Not bad for do-gooders, he thought as he willed the currents to lazily pull him away from the scene, hidden beneath the murky water. Not bad at all...
  19. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: As the others emerged from Shadowtangle and headed towards the bridge, Nostala looked at the other group one last time. "Thank you again," she said. "To be honest we were expecting a less peaceful reaction; I'm just glad to see that we were wrong. Maybe we'll cross paths again someday." She nodded at the group and headed towards the bridge, beginning across it.
  20. IC - Decaia - Le-Wahi Swamps: While his physical movements were slowed down, Decaia's mental ones were not -- and luckily for him, his arms were moving enough to be used by his mind to still control the water. As Snelly dropped, the Toa of Water forced his personal wave to a stop, abruptly cutting him out of the Air Toa's trajectory, as well as bringing him out of Zealokan's line of sight again. His speed slowly returning, he bent down and reached out, willing a column of water to launch towards Snelly; another came at the Toa of Kinetics from the back, aiming at one of his glider's wings, while Decaia's personal wave dispersed. He had one more trick up his sleeve; whether or not he used it depended on how the Toa reacted to his respective attacks.
  21. IC - Decaia - Le-Wahi; running: The Toa of Water looked back at the sounds of shouts behind him; he snarled at the sight of Snelly and Zealokan, stumbling slightly as the terrain transitioned into Le-Wahi's famous swamps. "Why won't you GIVE UP!?" Decaia yelled in anger. Reaching out with his power (which, he noted, was about half way down at this point from all of the exertion) he willed a vast amount of moisture towards himself, creating a personal wave for transport. He hopped on, willing it forward while directing the waters of the swamp to lash out at his air-borne opponents. At the same time, he focused on Zealokan with his mask, once again attempting to slow him down.
  22. IC - Warehouse - Warehouse: The warehouse looked like it hadn't been used in a while; a thick layer of dust covered the majority of the huge crates stored within it, none of it disturbed in the slightest. Shadows seemed to grip the walls where the light did not reach; aside from a hardly noticeable buzz-like feel in the air, it didn't seem as if the place had anything special to offer.
  23. OOC: Konuju: Alrighty. Well, even in light of Detranix's correction... Expect a PM from me in a bit; as I said I've just had an interesting crossover idea, one that might possess a solution to the break out problem. That is, if you'd rather use something that doesn't pose a huge danger to your characters' well-beings. Blade: Niiiiice. IC - Kyle/Sonja - On the way to Ecruteak: "Yeah, that's true," Kyle said, at the same time that a shadow suddenly appeared above the group. "In that case, Thomas, why don't you- LOOK OUT!" He had glanced up and noticed the falling Orange and Abra -- as well as heard Orange's yell. As such he pushed Thomas and Zach out of the way while jumping back himself; Sonja and Justin merely moved backwards to avoid being landed on. Kyle coughed, looking up. "What the...? What was that about? And who are you?" He looked over as Sonja raised an eyebrow and said, her arms crossed, "Orange? What are you doing here?" "You know him?" the other Team Liberty agent asked; Sonja nodded. Kyle pushed himself to his feet and then offered Orange a hand to help him up. "Still doesn't answer my questions, though." IC - Gavin - Lavender Town: Rain continued to fall as Gavin walked, the grey clouds above blotting out the setting sun. Dothe floated beside the Team Rocket member, eerily quiet as they both moved towards Gavin's destination. The time had finally come to settle an old problem -- Gavin was stronger now, both physically and emotionally, his determination was dead set on getting this job done. He stopped in front of the old, broken down home of the man he was seeking. Dothe looked at him worriedly for a moment as his trainer glared at the old building. Then, together, they went to the door.
  24. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: Well... That was unexpected. "Very well," the Artanian said, nodding. "That seems like a reasonable solution to me." She bowed. "Thank you; we'll make our passage quick." She turned back to Shadowtangle, whistling to signal that the way was clear.
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