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Everything posted by Parugi

  1. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: "Hm..." Decaia thought for a moment. He wasn't sure about this arrangement; on the one hand, he detested traveling with others -- in his experience they tended to slow him down, and in a lot of cases their presence wasn't even useful, anyway. On the other hand, this larger being was much more powerful than most of the beings he had fought in the past, and if another group of vigilantes decided to try and stop him, either due to a new crime or because of his reputation, he could certainly use the help -- especially if he ran into another else who could match Water in combat. "All right; I'll let you tag along for now," he decided. "But be warned -- I'm a loner by nature. I don't care for other people; as soon as it benefits me to split from you... well, you can expect me to be gone. Got it?" In the deeper part of his heart, the Toa of Water had another reason for agreeing to this: He was drifting too far away from the expectations that had been set up for him all of those years ago. He needed to remind himself that he could still keep in tune with them. Even with the rose as a reminder... he wasn't sure if he was still who he thought he was...
  2. Same difference. Regardless, I have major stuff planned for the next in-game day to set up the RPG's finale in December, so the sooner this entire event ends, the better. Just so you two know. ;P
  3. OOC: Blade -- just a way on noting in-game that this is taking a little while longer than I thought it would. Skarloth: Whenever the current one ends. Badger Kal and Blade. Flynn: In....deed... Although, for future reference, there aren't any Vahki on Kai-Nam; no point to have them with the power levels of the vast majority of KNPD officers. And the Day Run has an alliance with the KNPD, so betting there isn't illegal... IC - Copy of the Sword off Ybrus - Outside of the Warehouse: "Gynel was once a place of sanctity for lost and newly-dead spirits, assisted in their travel to the next life by the Matoran of Ectoplasm," the Sword chimed. "Even when I and my other half were a normal being, that much was true. But ever since its ruler, the God Ruaki, was overthrown by the God of Arrogance and the God of Pride all those years ago, a great shadow has hung over the place; even with his supposed slaying in the past year, darkness still looms about the island. I doubt you would find anything but death and a place of misery were you to go there." Vertak's Team Crest suddenly crackled to life. "Vertak, it's Za... and... ya.... rn it...." There was a quick clicking sound, and then the static cleared. "Do you read me, Vertak? It's Zanth." A metallic clang sounded on the other end as someone seemed to slam a weapon into the wall. "We need to talk."
  4. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: To say that Decaia was surprised at the question was an understatement. No one wanted to travel with him; that was just something you didn't do, and if you did you certainly didn't ask him. "Why?" he asked flatly. "I mean, I'm not opposed to the idea... Well, actually, yeah, I am; I don't get why you would want to. So, why?"
  5. Oh, nothing. I'm just glad to see some logic and knowledge of past events being used in-character to figure things out...
  6. IC - Vailian - Jial Island: Using some of the additional nets that Dartick had brought with them, Vailian bound the other, fallen Niaka, binging the total number up to 15. He smiled as they loaded them onto the ship. "Don't worry; you'll be free tomorrow," he said quietly, patting the snout of one of the stunned wyverns; it growled at him. The Ring member looked and nodded at Eremia. "Let's go." Climbing into the Delta 51, the ship took off back toward the mainland. IC - Sword of Ybrus - Warehouse, by Tumbler: The new sword didn't say anything; after a certain point it seemed as if Dalmia had not included the ability to speak within its powers. However, true to his word, it suddenly shifted in Vertak's grip, a darker, more regal voice speaking instead of the Sword of Ybrus's calm and soothing one. "I am the dark side of Ybrus's heart; that does not mean I know my other half's secrets," it said. "For what light shines upon one side of the moon does not illuminate the other. I doubt that I can help you in any way that is not combat or spiritual guidance -- though I will say that I fight for what I deem to be the stronger side..." IC - Elithes - Day Run Infirmary: Elithes opened his eyes, finally awaking. Slowly, he looked around; judging from a screen on the wall, the match was still on, Kairan and Swerv both still in the fight. He raised an eyebrow.Eizher I vasn't out for very long or zhey're defying zhe laws of zhe Team Crests... IC - Sanshou/Lurinost/Syn - Outside of the Garden: As Syn teleported them out of the Garden and back to the factory they had entered from, Sanshou couldn't help but wonder about the safety of the two beings they had seen. She also wondered who, exactly, they were; if they had managed to get into the Garden without a Keeper... or had they gone there with one and he had been killed...? Hm... this will need to be investigated... IC - Rode/? - The Garden: After a long and grueling fight, the "Fehrshak," as Syn had called them in conversation with Lurinost and Sanshou, had been defeated -- though not for long. Rode and his partner stood amongst the bodies of the dead, having barely managed to avoid being injured in the fight. Even now, however, they could see the bodies beginning to recede into the ground; it was only a matter of time before they were back. "We should get moving," Rode said. His partner nodded. "Teleport us to the exit spot; from there we can get out of here and record our findings." "Right," the other being said. "Though we'll be lucky if this doesn't happen again. What drew them this time? Usually they don't appear without a Keeper around." Rode frowned, turning to where they had seen the three beings earlier. The other being followed his gaze, silent for a moment before nodding. "That would make sense... That means we'll have to watch the KNPD -- or at least Lurinost -- more closely from now on." A second later, they had disappeared, transporting to the top of the hill; from there, they vanished once more, appearing in the Barrens.
  7. So long as the super computer virus thing is a joke, yes, approved.
  8. Indeed. In other news, I have just been made very happy.
  9. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: "Oh, should you be invisible to me? My bad; allow me to just pretend that never happened," Decaia said. "Anyway, if no one else needs to confront me or whatever, I'll be on my way."
  10. IC - Nostala - Parched Wastes: Primarily as a way to show that she was still around and not dead due to her player's absence, Nostala was busy ignoring the conversation and observing the area for anything useful -- particularly something that might point them in the direction of water, as that was the group's biggest concern. She stared at the ground, raising an eyebrow. "Be right back," she called, using her mask to transform into a coyote-like Rahi and running eastward.
  11. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: The Toa of Water just chuckled. "Yeah, good luck with that," he said. There was a short pause as no one said or did anything. He glanced at Wraith. "So... sup, bro?"
  12. IC - Ethan - Lilycove Park: "Oh, I was told about it earlier; according to Silvia a group of Darkrai have started invading the regions. Sinnoh's already fallen," he said. "Like I said, though, nothing to be worried about at the moment -- we'll deal with it when we deal with it. For now, you're right -- let's find somewhere to talk to the man." "I can walk perfectly fine by myself," Archie said, pulling his arm away as Ethan moved to grab it. The Rocket member raised an eyebrow before shaking his head and looking towards the city. "Where to, though?"
  13. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: "Will the run-ins never stop? I washed myself away in Le-Koro to get away from you guys, not to run into both of my primary aggressors in rapid succession," Decaia said, feigning annoyance in a very dramatic way. "Regardless, I was helping some Matoran. Am I allowed to?" He looked at Baron. "Don't worry about me, former enemy; I took care of this guy once already, I can take him down again if the need arises. Though I do appreciate the extra help."
  14. OOC: Sorry for my absence, everyone -- stuff going on the past couple of days. Nuju: Hey. Just so you know there's a post form Alku that you need to reply to; I think it's on page 2 or 3. Stoney: Umbra's still playing; he's having trouble catching up, though, so you may have to wait a little bit until he's ready to play. IC - Ethan - Lilycove Park: "It's probably best if I don't answer those questions in order," Ethan said. He looked at the clouds. "Well, to start, it looks like a bad forecast with a very large chance of rain. Beyond that, it probably has something to do with those invading Darkrai; until they become my problem, I won't worry about them, though." He looked away. "As for Team Aqua -- there are rumors that they're trying to come back into power. We're investigating them for Team Rocket." The Rocket member sat up, stretching. "And I think that answers your first question pretty well. We're Team Rocket agents. I'm Ethan, this is Karin and Eric, and we have a fourth member somewhere around here; her name is Jamie, though you probably won't see her. We're going to question Archie and then we're returning him." IC - Gavin - Lavender Town: Gavin knocked on the door, after looking at Dothe for support. The noise rang out, loud and hollow, around him in the empty street. "Come in," a deep, tired voice said. Gavin didn't enter quietly so much as kick the door in, lightning in the background emphasizing his point perfectly. The man he was staring at was sitting in a shadowy corner of the house at a table, his eyes hidden under the visor of his cap as he chewed on something. He merely glanced at Gavin as he barged in, a slight smile crossing his lips. "Took you long enough..." OOC: And I finally got permission to do what I needed to do in relation to that curb stomp/big post I mentioned a while ago, so... Yeah, getting that rolling. IC - Quincy Adams - Azalea Town: Quincy couldn't help but let her jaw drop in shock, anger and surprise at what Dara had just done. A new portal had been opened, one that was pulling Witch towards it in a strong gust of... Reverse World wind, as far as she knew. All this in spite of what she had just told her! "Are you crazy!?" she demanded of the bounty hunter. "Just because Ford commissioned the creation of a Mewtwo that can create portals-" Her voice was caught in her throat as a sudden chill came upon the area, and the sky above turned grey with clouds. She looked around, worried. This didn't tend to happen unless he got angry... but where was he? And when had he even gotten here? The answer to her first question came in the form of a black shadow that rose from the forest behind the Pokemon Center. Oh, boy... Dara noticed it, as well. "Mewtwo, we've got company. Use-" The psychic never finished her command, as a pillar of shadow shot towards her and knocked her back. Mewtwo -- currently standing inside of the Reverse World -- sensed the newcomer; feeling his power, he moved to go back through the portal. Chaos erupted. Quincy was spared from the Darkrai's wrath, but Dara and Mewtwo were not so lucky. Fueled by rage at the careless tearing of the dimensional fabric, a gigantic whirlwind of shadow engulfed the entire upper floor of the Pokemon Center, shielding the exposed area where the walls had been destroyed from the outside, blotting out the sunlight. The only light that pierced it came from the Reverse World, and that didn't last long. Mewtwo stopped, watching through his portal. "What is this...?" He moved closer, careful not to exit just yet. Just then, an eye appeared in the darkness, green in color and rapidly followed by the phasing in of first the white hair of the Pokemon, followed by the red necklace, and finally his full form. Mewtwo gawked at the Darkrai -- and almost quaked in fear as it spoke. "You fools!" A hand of shadow launched forward, grabbing Mewtwo by the chest and slamming him into the floor. Waves of shadow crashed upon the DNA Pokemon as more hands forced the portal closed; the Darkrai whispered an apology to Giratina as he worked, before turning his rage and anger back onto Mewtwo. "This world is weak enough as it is, and yet here you have the audacity to continuously rip apart its very fabric!" Mewtwo was slammed into the floor again, before being knocked backwards by a Flamethrower. "The power to manipulate space and time are not toys passed on to beings lightly; if you cannot respect the fabric of your dimension, then you, in turn, shall see no respect!" Mewtwo was thrown back before being caught by another shadow arm and rammed into the ground; by this point he was too weak to fight back and too shocked to move. "Beings who rip and tear on a whim for their own purposes, never mindful of the consequences of their actions, are not deserving of the powers of the gods! You will not, on my account, destroy the fabric of the world that my brothers and sisters threaten -- that I have worked far too hard to preserve!" The Darkrai geared up for another attack, ready to finish Mewtwo off-- "That's enough, Nine!" Quincy called sharply. "You've made your point and he can't fight back; are you going to let this drop now while the lesson is learned, or act as your siblings do and show Mewtwo what it's like to have mercy withheld from them?" She glared Nine down as she spoke, the Darkrai having turned his head to stare angrily at her. After a few moments, the shadows began to disperse, retracting into his being. "Checkmate," he said quietly. Quincy shook her head, ignoring Nine and recalling Witch to her Poke Ball. She stared at Mewtwo for several long moments before looking back at Dara. "So... Looks like he fulfills Ford's expectations, at least."
  15. OOC: Kal -- it's fine. But also be aware of just how big the bodies you're dragging are -- a Vortixx and a really big, heavily armored guy aren't gonna move that quickly. Related deal with the Mask of Emulation, ToD -- it takes time to copy powers. IC - Dalmia - Warehouse: Dalmia went oddly still for a moment and then teleported behind Kaelan. A second later, he burst into his dust form again, reforming at the door of the warehouse... as well as in front of and behind Kaelan, five around Kayzata and several more floating in the air around the building. Others blocked the entrances and exits to the building, preventing movement through them, though by this point Vertak was already outside; two more Dalmias appeared between him and the Tumbler, blocking his path. "Hello," they said. "Your threats amuse me," the Ring member said to Kayzata, voice echoing around the place, though it was impossible to tell which Dalmia it came from -- evidently it was a mental voice. "But you do not understand me as an individual. You see, I'm virtually all powerful on this island; a Toa, a Matoran and a.... thing with his pet bird have no chance of beating me at my own games, especially when it comes to recovering my property." The Dalmias launched into a rapid series of attacks, aiming punches, kicks, energy attacks, everything they had at Kayzata and Kaelan, keeping them too off-balance to use their powers. The Dalmias outside likewise moved to distract Vertak, moving extremely quickly due to the Ring member's Kakama abilities. "As for your question, little Matoran -- the garden is the place of birth; birth brings with it death; the plague will bring about that death," he said. "Lyxek succeeds in his plan and brings about the events of Keremutu; Keremu's return heralds the second release of the Great Plague; and that plague opens the way for the world to crumble. From the standpoint of an... anarchist, such as myself, it's a very amusing notion..." A blast of energy struck Vertak's hand, knocking the Sword of Ybrus into the air. A Dalmia materialized behind it, grabbing the hilt with a cloth before observing the sword. "What a magnificent object. Be aware of how much you've contributed to the Heart by finding it for me, Bo." "The Heart!?" the Sword suddenly screamed, sending out another pulse that managed to disrupt Dalmia's helmet again, temporarily stunning him. "The HEART!? NO! NO! YOU CAN'T! I-!" Dalmia had recovered, sending his own pulse of energy into the sword. It screamed in pain. "Ma-Matoran! You mustn't let... this Lyxek... ARGH! THERE IS A WAY WITHIN THE GARDEN! THERE IS A SECOND! THE HEART CAN BE STOPPED -- YOU MUST BREAK ITS OTHER SI- ARG! THIS PLAN... CANNOT BE COMPLETED -- YOU CANNOT LET HIM REVIVE THE DEA-" "Shush," Dalmia cooed, sending even more energy into the sword. "That's enough. They can figure the rest out from here -- as we all have before them..." The copies of Dalmia disappeared, merging with the one holding the Sword of Ybrus. "Well, this was fun. I guess I do owe you for finding the sword, Mr. Matoran. Here's a copy." Energy engulfed the sword for a split second, before melting off of it and forming a perfect replica of the blade -- though instead of being gold with rubies, it was black with purple crystal embedded in it. It shot towards Vertak, planting itself in the ground at his feet. "You'll find it's almost as powerful as the original, just as darkness and light balance each other out. Ciao -- and remember: There are two sides to every story!" He stepped back in the air, disappearing again -- leaving behind him the sword's copy and a new layer of clues... IC - Vailian - Jial Island: "Coupled with the other ones I caught over there, yeah, that should be enough," Vailian said. "Let's load 'em up and move." IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: Try as they might to bend the Citadel with their powers over Iron, the walls and floor would not move; it was as if the very metal had a mind of its own. After a little while, they arrived at the entrance; freedom was near... "I must commend you on getting this far, Toa," the Director's voice said sharply. "But that's as far as you'll go without a scar to prove your abilities." Several of the floor panels on the ground in front of the group lifted, much like those that had been in the Director's office. They, too, launched cables at the Toa and Kasuba; while they dodged, two sliced into Alan's left wing, taking chunks of armor and flesh with them. Another struck Waiter's side, very narrowly avoiding a death sentence. Slate was the only one who managed to avoid harm, as a quick reaction transformed him into sand at the last second, causing the cables to shoot right through him. The cables retracted, having left their marks. "I have diverted the KNPD officers who would normally be apprehending you to a different portion of the Citadel; be aware of the mercy that I am showing you -- and pass my message on to the Guild while you're at it."
  16. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: "Baron Stabbington? That's an odd name," Decaia said. "Whatever. Be on your way; I have stuff to do."
  17. Nope to both Kovian and Elithes. You should take note of the fact that the Director didn't flat-out kill Alan like he did with Nenda and Roen. That'll be important later on. Also, to answer your question in the RPG topic, ToD -- no, the Day Run doesn't recharge elemental power. Physically healing virtually anything, yes, because if they didn't there would be a whole lot more dead contenders, but they basically have no reason to try and figure out a way to create a public re-energizing system.
  18. OOC: Kal just broke a plot point. IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: Waiter's escape was not as easy as the above post had implied -- the metal within the Director's assignment room would not bend to his will, and even as he bolted the entryway shut with metal outside of the room, the cut cables -- somehow having been cut through -- were regenerating. Ten seconds on and the door would be open again. OOC: This is why you give people a chance to respond to moves, Kal. Dalmia IC later -- don't have time to write one right now.
  19. But he didn't know that Waiter was coming until after making the comments, so...
  20. IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: "You know what the other big advantage of being an AI is? I can hyper-analyze all of the abilities, powers, energy levels, characteristics and body language of a being -- all at the same time." Some of the screens began to play recordings of the fights that Alan had taken part in in the past couple of hours -- the fight against Khazra and the Arena fight. "As such I know that you're going to try and leave this room unscathed using your powers, and I can tell you that it won't work. You're low on elemental energy." A dozen cables launched from the walls -- while temporarily stopped by Alan, they were all around him and pushing forward, all aimed at nonvital areas of his body -- his wings, arms and legs, primarily. With his lowered elemental energy at least two were going to give the Kasuba "souvenirs" before the Director allowed him to leave. "Good luck enforcing your claim, by the way -- you're a rain drop among an ocean; what difference can you make alone?" IC - Niaka - Jial Island: Out of the 25 or so Niaka that were flying in the group, about twelve split away at the mere sight of the net. The remaining thirteen launched a conjoined ball of fire at the net before realizing the futility of the attack; three more managed to get away from it before they were past the point of return.
  21. The character is still alive and is a DR/NR character. At this point I think I'll give one more hint before stopping my hint-giving; otherwise I'm eventually going to end up spoiling it. Also does Alan have a death wish or something? Considering he's low on elemental energy from the Arena/Khazra fights I would think he wouldn't have been so keen on angering what appears to be one of the most powerful beings on the island.
  22. OOC: Dalmia's not a Matoran. ;3 IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: "Do not pretend like you understand me as a being, Alan," the Director said sharply. "Do not believe that you can bargain with me or use any sort of leverage against me. Despite my hints, the sheer ease with which I just destroyed two of the most dangerous members of one of the universe's most skilled bounty hunting groups, surpassing you and many others in strength and ability -- you still do not understand what I am, what my limits are, what I am capable of, or why I am here." Behind Alan, Nenda sputtered, blood gushing from his wounds. "R-Ro... en...." he coughed. The Director launched another cable at the Vortixx's chest, stabbing him in the heart; his heart light went out as he died. "Cry about this so called 'mindless killing' all you want, but do not act like you do not realize its necessity. Survival of the fittest is fought through the deaths of the weak by the hands of nature and those who are strong. I perpetuate my own existence by destroying those who would threaten me so that I may fulfill my purpose and save this universe -- something that it is evident that you are unwilling to do. You would rather leave beings such as Lyxek and myself to continue fighting than step in and end the conflict by destroying either of us -- which, admittedly, is in one way a wise move, as you would survive an encounter against neither me nor him -- despite the dangers we pose to the rest of the universe. One step to the left instead of the right, one afternoon spent in an area an hour too late or an hour too early; these are the things that influence the destiny of the universe. While your morals may be seen as noble to many, they are meaningless -- for every enemy you leave alive is free to resume or newly begin their reign of shadows and terror. "I am an artificial construct; this you realize. However, I am not one to be toyed with. In the deepest pit of your heart, you know that your boast is false. You do not understand my limits. You do not comprehend my abilities. This is not a matter of not being able to survive outside of the walls of the Citadel, nor is it a matter of being imprisoned by the walls of this room. I am connected to the circuits, but my current body prevents me from leaving -- it is, as you would agree were you to ever locate it, too large, immobile and specifically designed for that purpose -- to prevent my escape, for lack of a better word, through all but one method. That is how I am imprisoned. The Heart will give me the energy I need to power a new body that I can then use to finish off the Ring -- and this Illuxio is one component that I need to jump start that energy transfer." The screens in the room all lit up now, the Director's connection having been fully established. They all worked in unison to create one massive image, all around the Kasuba -- one of the Director's silhouette, eyes glowing red within a black, featureless body, casting an ominous red glow upon the bodies of the fallen Guild of Tyis members "And one last thing, Alan: I play by no ones' rules but my own. You do not command me. You no longer work for me. You certainly do not seek out the Heart for my use -- that is a job that was never placed unto you, and never will be. Kai-Nam is my board, and I control all of the pieces. I play into no one's hands any information that I feel can not be kept a secret from the rest of the world. And those that think otherwise -- such as Nenda and Roen, the Council of Tyis, and even yourself -- always find themselves in for a nasty surprise once the truth becomes clear." IC - Dalmia/Sword of Ybrus - Warehouse: Having already teleported behind the light wall, Dalmia was unaffected by it. He was, however, affected by the superheated air, though he avoided it in a split second by teleporting directly to the sword above -- which, thanks to his own force of mind, hadn't gone nearly as high as Kayzata had hoped it would. "You'll find out what kind of plague soon enough; let's just say that the Curse of the Garden will be unleashed once more," the Ring member said. "For now, you just worry about your own self. And for the record, no, I wouldn't mind if Lyxek died -- the fool doesn't see the true worth of what he intends to do, regardless of what he tells the Heart. I, on the other hand, do." Launching a charged burst of energy at the shadow shield, Dalmia caused the cover to burst, freeing the sword -- which immediately swiped at his hand as he attempted to grab it. "Hold still," he ordered, holding out a hand and forcing the sword to freeze in place. As soon as it did, he reached forward, grabbing the hilt...
  23. I'm obligated to reject Flynn as a character on multiple accounts. Please address the following points and resubmit your profile. -The computer network thing needs to either be explained to me in PM or in the profile; there's not really any information on it right now form what I can see.-There aren't any higher types of Masks beyond Nuva, and even then I think Nuva power would melt a Matoran's brain. Change him to a Matoran with regular-level control over an element or just make him a Toa.-What is this "Master Key Attachment"?-Multiple blank EP'd bodies in storage at.... waitwhat. Transfer consciousness!? Nononono. That's a bit way too overpowered, especially for a Matoran, on top of the fact that the profile seems to imply that there are multiple facilities with more of these things lying around. Please remove that altogether.-A segway that can go up to 100 mph in under two minutes... yeahno. For one the speed is too high -- I don't think there are any other vehicles that can go that fast in the RPG -- and for two the acceleration period is way too short to go that fast, especially for a segway. The type of vehicle can stay, but both the max speed and acceleration period need to be drastically changed to more realistic numbers.-Tying back into my first point, I don't understand this wireless connection thing. Kai-Nam has been industrialized for a number of years now, and its already been shown that they have a very large wireless network set up; I'm not quite sure how Flynn would have invented the entire network on the island...-Less to do with the character, the coding needs to be fixed. JSYK.
  24. He was not created by an alternate Lyxek, nor is he the result of all the beings that were killed by the Lyxeks of other dimensions, though he is an AI. You guys are thinking too far outside the box; think about who, in this universe, might have made him. And yes, the Director is the Director. You have that part right, Kal.
  25. OOC: It's a standard energy blast attack. The dust appearance is purely aesthetic. IC - Dalmia/Sword of Ybrus - Warehouse: Dalmia merely countered the gravity change using his own control over gravity, negating the effect. The sword was almost within his grasp now... He genuinely laughed at Vertak's retort. "Oh, believe me, Matoran, I truly would love to see the Ringmaster die; that is something you and I both have in common," he said. "What's the point in spreading a plague if you aren't going to use its effects to their fullest potential? Regardless, no; I don't need to worry about the Director and his little game being ended. If you knew them as well as I, you would realize that nothing survives battles against him or Lyxek." IC - Nenda/Roen - KNPD HQ: "Ignoring the jab at the Guild, which is interested purely in the well-being of the island, yes, I am a hacker -- the best you'll find on Kai-Nam and, to be honest, quite possibly this entire dome," Nenda said, activating his PDA again. Roen glanced around at the room nervously; something didn't feel right... "Now, obviously the Director isn't here. It shouldn't be too hard to triangulate his location from here -- I just need to access a control panel and we can be on our way." "Were it so easy," the Director suddenly growled. Faster than the eye could see, a dozen panels opened on the walls and floor around the two bounty hunters; Nenda had barely any time to react before razor-sharp cables launched from them, impaling the Vortixx through his mid-section and chest before retracting again, causing him to crumple to the floor. "I am not some traitorous Toa who can be overwhelmed with sheer force." More cables shot out at Roen, stabbing his arm; he roared in pain though still managed to use his free arm to slam his war hammer into the wall, denting it. "I am not a Matoran who can be chased down and apprehended without a fight." More cables stabbed into Roen's leg, bringing him to a knee. With the last of his strength he hurled the hammer at the various screens on the other side of the room. It bounced off harmlessly, landing with a thud on the floor. "I am certainly not weak enough to be defeated by a random pair of side-story thugs on this island. Let this be a message to the Guild of Tyis: You are all dead." A cable to the back of his head finished Roen off. The Director addressed Alan again as his weapons retracted back into the walls. "This fight against me is meaningless. Those who would oppose me and attempt to keep me away from my prey shall die; it is as simple as that."
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