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Everything posted by Parugi

  1. Nope. He isn't representing Kai-Nam. Or anyone, for that matter.
  2. Hmm....I'm not terribly sure of anything at the moment. Though as the KNPD building was just attacked and there are a couple of injured beings who need help, you could possibly go help Slate with that. Or you could go do what Waiter is doing and investigate what actually caused that part of the building to explode. Or you could say that Kaelen felt the same pulses as Vertak and Kayzata and go investigate the warehouse in North District. Or you could go to South District for whatever reason and I could whip up something for you to fight. So yeah. Those are a few possibilities. Other than that, you might have to wait a little while longer -- it'd probably help activity if the Arena match would end...
  3. IC - Ethan - Lilycove: "Indeed it is," Ethan said as he headed off. "I'll meet back up with you guys in a bit." Twenty minutes later, Ethan stumbled through the trees of the park, sweating and panting, though he was smiling. "Whew..." he said. "All right... The Hojohsin guards... are running... in the completely... opposite.... direction...." He fell over. "Whew, gosh. I haven't run like that in a while... Anyway, Silvia told them where we 'headed,' so we have a couple of hours at least to talk..." OOC: Battle posts tomorrow.
  4. IC - Dalmia/Sword of Ybrus - Warehouse: Dalmia stepped backward again, teleporting on the other side of the barrier to avoid Vertak's light attack. Raising a hand, he launched a burst of dust-like energy in the shape of his hand at the Matoran of Gravity, rapidly pulling the Sword of Ybrus toward him. Despite the relaxed style in which he fought, the Sword was straining against the pull, and it was taking effect -- Dalmia had to force the bubble to move with as much of his will as he could while not compromising his ability to fight. "Do you feel that?" he asked Kayzata and Vertak, recognizing the bigger being from their earlier encounter. "A life signature just got cut off in the Ring headquarters, and three beings seem to have gone to confront the Director... how interesting. Shame the dead one isn't Lyxek himself."
  5. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: *stabbitystabstab* As Greel and Rocky made it to the end of the bridge, Nostala kept a steady pace, quickly arriving on the other side. She dug the end of her staff into the ground before lifting it up again."Finally. Maybe he died."
  6. Ha. Haha. Hahahahah.....Attack Dalmia's mind... XP It's very unlikely. Unless you manage to disrupt his helmet somehow, since that would temporarily render him blind. But you should know from his profile at this point that the mind is his greatest weapon -- it's what most of his abilities derive from.
  7. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: "If anything else happens, then I'm knocking someone off the bridge," Nostala muttered, her irritation having yet to subside. She raised her voice and called to the others. "Let's move!" Holding her staff tightly, she followed after Kairan.
  8. IC - Ecruteak trainers - Ecruteak: "Loki, use Low Kick again!" Sonja ordered. Riley chuckled at the attacks. "Cute, but they won't help you," he said. "Mamoswine, catch that beaver with Ice Fang." Knocking the Timburr away once again, the mammoth opened its mouth, ice energy appearing around its fangs as Oshawott shot towards its open mouth. Of course, I have an ace up my sleeve, anyway, regardless of if that works or not... Kyle, meanwhile, found his words caught in his throat as he went to give Jaeda another order, since Gallade had just punched his opponent away. Regaining his composure, he looked at Zach. "Zach, thanks, but focus on your own battles." He looked back at Ruji and Jaeda. "Jaeda, hit him with Metal Claw! Ruji, keep on using Agility and Sand Attack!" "Pin Missile, Jolteon! Don't let him get you!" the Eeveelution's trainer ordered. "Block that Charmeleon with your own Metal Claw!" the other Rocket said. Weavile and Jaeda charged towards each other, claws glowing silver. As the Dark/Ice-Type moved to try and hit Jaeda in the side again, the Charmeleon dodged, slamming her claws into his face and knocking him back. At the same time, Ruji continued to try and get Jolteon with Sand-Attack, dodging around the needles; he finally landed a hit as the Eeveelution was struck in the face, blinding her temporarily. "Good, now finish Weavile off with Flame Burst! Ruji, take a moment to recover, and then use Night Slash!" "Gaia, Mega Drain!" Sonja called, turning to the Ursaring battle again. "Slash attack!" the Rocket ordered. Ursaring growled as Zangoose charged forward, though found himself slowed down from the shock of his energy suddenly being drained. This was enough to let Zangoose slam into him; the Ursaring roared in anger and pain before grabbing Orange's Pokemon around the waist and hurling him over his shoulder. Zapdos, meanwhile, simply moved higher to avoid the Eruption, gathering energy as it prepared its next attack. IC - Ethan - Lilycove Jail: Finally, Ethan could see where they had entered from. Checking for the last time for any guards, he moved to the door and opened it. "Head to the park," he told everyone. "Archie and I will meet you all there."
  9. A'ight, so I have a sort of bounty hunting Toa of Iron who is basically a Lawful-Good character in Ta-Koro. Anyone got anything I can jump into with her at the moment? That topic is too long for me to look through.
  10. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: Decaia smirked. "So we'll agree to leave each other alone until one of us does something that the other absolutely cannot let slide," he said quietly and thoughtfully. "So be it, Toa of Kinetics. So be it. Just hope that that day never comes to light." The Toa of Water looked back at the insane Toa. "So... what's your name, anyway?"
  11. IC - Roen/Nenda - KNPD HQ: "Calm down," Nenda ordered to Alan and Roen as the latter raised his war hammer into a threatening position. The larger being scowled, though complied nonetheless. The Vortixx looked at him before turning back to Alan, addressing the Kasuba. "My apologies; we didn't know anyone else was in here. My name is Nenda; my partner is Roen. We're top members of the Guild of Tyis who are partaking in a joint mission against the Director and Lyxek, as both of them have put the island in a peril that the Council of Tyis has deemed too dangerous to leave left alone; at the moment Dodera, our friend, is at the Ring HQ and is most likely fighting Lyxek at this very moment in an attempt to assassinate him. Judging from what you just said, it sounds like you're a former KNPD officer; maybe you could help us out here or something. I'll admit that we were sent here to kill him, but if you can give us a hand in simply catching the Director, which may actually be the better option, then we can still end the war." Behind Alan, a couple of the screens silently flickered as the power in the room corrected itself, one of them displaying a glowing red eye for a fraction of a second -- too quick for anyone to notice. Likewise, his attempts to use his element revealed that his powers still could not penetrate the walls, though they could be used through the entrance that had just been made. IC - Dalmia/Sword of Ybrus - Warehouse: Dalmia chuckled as Vertak held him. "Now that is just plain funny!" His laugh faded away as his body turned into a sort of fine dust, before picking up again as he rematerialized a short distance away. "For future reference, Matoran of Gravity, it's not nice to attack people just for playing a joke on you. But if it softens you up at all, my name is Dalmia. I was here before you were, looking for what you, too, were searching for -- the source of that energy noise. And it looks like I found it! Or, well, you found it, but still. I was looking first. Do you know just what you have released?" "I sense a great evil from you..." the Sword of Ybrus said, pointing at Dalmia now. "I sense your motives! I know what you intend to do! AND I SHALL NOT ALLOW IT!" The sword zipped off towards the Ring member, straight towards his midsection. Dalmia merely stepped back and moved through a self-portal to a spot above the group, unfurling his wings to slow his descent. "Oh, you spoiled it," Dalmia said, his tone reflecting his disappointment. "Fine. Yes, I'm evil. I'll break my plan, skip the monologue and say it flat out: That sword is coming with me." He raised his hand, willing a shield of dust-like energy to form around the ancient sword before beginning to pull it towards himself. "And I won't take 'no' for an answer; I've been searching for too long and encountered too many annoyances at this point to let you have it, hero or not." IC - Vailian/Niaka - Jial Island: Eremia's ploy worked, as most of the other, already panicked ground-bound Niaka took notice of the mind-controlled one, instantly flying after it; as Vailian had predicted, a few of the others stopped for a moment, noting the unnatural response from their brethren before taking flight with the others, waiting for the opportune moment to strike at the Delta 51's weak spot.
  12. ToD: Nope. That's a step to the left. iBrow: Assuming you manage to keep it away from Dalmia, then sure. But then, there is the issue with that plan.
  13. The Director is imprisoned in the Citadel. The Heart will somehow give him a way to free himself. In a massive body, the island and the Director are not computer viruses and Lyxek is not the cure; those should be switched. Even then, it's Lyxek's corruption and what he plans to do that the Director is referring to as a disease. As such, he genuinely believes himself to be the cure to the infection that Lyxek plans to spread. The Director deals in absolutes, logic and reason and does not understand the concept of morality on the level that regular beings do, so yes, he is probably an AI. The main questions at this point are who built him, what did they program him to do, how did they know to give him that directive, why specifically target Lyxek, and why is he unable to leave the Citadel without the Heart. That clear stuff up for y'all?
  14. Not a copy of Lyxek, no, but you have the general idea down...
  15. OOC: Maaaaybe. IC - ?/Dalmia - Warehouse: "AT LAST!"A great shout sounded from the box as Vertak opened it. As well, a bright, golden light shone from within, temporarily blinding the Matoran. When he could see again, what he was met with was the sight of....A sword. A floating, golden sword, with large rubies embedded in it at various places. The tip of the blade was pointed at Vertak, though the sword was giving off a... curious aura. Not threatening; merely curious. "I AM FREE AT LAST!" it shouted again, the words seeming to be telepathic, yet at the same time, sounding as if they were physically being spoken. "I have been freed! After so long... If I had tear ducts, I would almost certainly cry!" It went silent for a moment, floating around Vertak. "Oh, excuse me. I am the Sword of Ybrus, the ancient Deity. You have freed me, and therefore, I am at your service." "It talks? HA! That's adorable!" Dalmai said, clapping as he phased back into existence behind Vertak. "Cute, even... So that is what was causing the pulses..." IC - The Director/Roen/Nenda - KNPD HQ: "The Heart is the key to my release," the Director said. "I am tied to this place... because I am this place. But once I get the Heart and its components... Oh, yes, Alan; the Heart is real. And it shall bring about my victory. But I am not a religious artifact myself; I am-" "One more second..." Nenda said, watching. "And.... There." The door to the Director's room suddenly blew open, electrical surges cutting off the Director's speech and, at the same time, deactivating the energy rings. Pushing the doors open the rest of the way, Roen and Nenda entered, weapons in hand. "All right, Director; where are you, you son of- Oh. Hello." "I don't see him," Roen said quietly. He looked at Alan. "You. Where is the Director?"
  16. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: Decaia stared at Zealokan, and he at Decaia, for several moments, waiting for the other to move. Then, Decaia smiled, placing his knife back its place on his belt. "You know what? Forget this. I don't need to dirty my hands fighting you again; I think my crime has been paid off by now considering the Matoran I just saved." He reached out a hand. "So what do you say, Zeal? Truce? Or do you really want me to sweep you away again?"
  17. OOC: All the clues are here, ToD, not in the other topic; you just have to put them together. Now, what do we know about the Director so far?-He either is, or at least feels like he is, imprisoned in the KNPD base.-In his words, he was not brought to the KNPD base, but instead the KNPD base was brought to him.-He is very closely tied to his room, especially, apparently, the electronic aspect of it, seeming to be able to control the entire place.-All of the beings who were around when he first appeared on Kai-Nam, however few there were, have mysteriously died.-He has not been seen in person since these beings died, and even then they were the only ones who ever physically saw him.-His single objective, as he says, is to kill Lyxek; this is the only thing that he has been shown to desire.-He is willing to sacrifice any and all life to see his objective fulfilled.-He does not understand Alan's insistence on keeping to his morals, seeing logic and reason as the be-all-end-all.-He does not see the value in Illuxio, an AI, as an actual person.-Likewise, he insists that others might not see him as an individual, either, if they were to figure out who/what he actually was.-He sees himself as the calculated cure to the disease that is Lyxek. Honestly I'm surprised the entire topic hasn't erupted into massive "OH! I understand now!"s when it comes to what he is as a being. IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: A white hot energy shot through Alan's sword, transferring to his body, as he touched the ring. This feeling was... different... from regular pain. It was as if his very molecules were heated and began to violently shake apart before cooling down and forming back together upon being released from the touch of the rings. The feeling was extremely nauseating. "I wouldn't touch those for too long," the Director warned. "Lest you wish to end up like Chabri...." IC - Roen/Nenda - KNPD HQ: The Vortixx and his partner finally arrived at their destination, right outside the Director's room. To their annoyance, though they were not surprised, the door was locked. Nenda looked at Roen and gestured to the door. "After you." The larger being stepped forward, taking a swing at the door with his rocket-boost hammer. As it made contact, an explosive energy shot forward, knocking the hammer back and toppling Roen. Dazed, he struggled to get up. Nenda merely placed a hand on his chin, observing the door. "Interesting," he said. "I've never seen that kind of energy before... Maybe it's what's causing these two signatures. Hm..." He thought for a moment before shrugging. "Whatever. I've yet to find a door that I couldn't hack through. Roen, stand guard." Pulling two cables from his arm pad, he moved over to the control panel to the right of the door, plugging them in and getting to work. His partner watched the hall behind them with careful eyes, ready to fight off any resistance. IC - Vailian - Jial Island: Hearing the question over the comm -- and as his was the only higher-up in office these days who could answer -- Vailian answered Eremia's question, using the large group of Niaka chasing after him as a demonstration. "It varies from group to group," he answered, using his Intangibility Card; the group of wyverns charged straight through him, allowing him to run the opposite way. "The Jial Niaka tend to stick together due to a number of factors, the experiments preformed on them by the Director only enforcing this tendency. However, they're also extremely sly and can figure out a trick when one is used on them; even if we got one to follow the ship and the others followed, some -- mainly the bigger ones -- would no doubt fly off and try to flank the Delta." He stopped. "That actually gives me an idea. Dartick, try to get them to chase after you again, but fly low -- once a few leave the main group we can ambush and trap them."
  18. OOC: You shouldn't need a blog entry with an updated policy to know that beating an Elite's Pokemon in one post is a form of god-modding; even without the policy change that would never be allowed. It's common sense. =\ My apologies if I sounded rude in my last post, but that just really ticked me off -- I didn't spend the downtime beating down the stats-dictate-all idea just to have it used once again, especially considering I had brought it up even before the forums went down. =/ Don't worry about it, though; I overreacted. Ignore the now-erased Rocket IC in my last post. Anyway, just a note, even if I'm part of the battle, take control of the non-Executive Rockets -- the main point in having my characters fight opponents separately from you guys was that I was trying to decrease the workload I would have to do, which doesn't work if I have to respond to extra attacks from people joining in. If my characters end up doing very little, then fine, but the Rockets need to stay active. IC - Rockets/Kyle/Riley/Sonja - Ecruteak City: Sonja nodded her thanks at Orange as Oshawott slam into Mamoswine, forcing it to take a step back from the impact, though it seemed mostly unfazed. As the Water-Type landed, it launched another Earthquake into the area around it, stopping Loki from making another move. The Ursaring didn't seem to have been affected by the Stun Spore, though the Night Slash forced it to raise its arms in defense. Taking the hit, it responded with a Take Down. "Ruji, hit Jolteon with Sand-Attack!" Kyle ordered. Gligar swooped low, as Jolteon ran forward; swiping at the ground, he sent a burst of sand forward, missing the Eeveelution by inches. Jolteon was quick to use the miss to her advantage, biting the Gligar's wing. "Shake it off!" Kyle looked to Jaeda, who, in waiting for an order from trainer, was forced to try and block the Weavile's attacks, with little success. "Jaeda, Fire Fang again!" Glad to finally get instructions, the Charmeleon launched forward again, trying to bite her opponent, though the Weavile merely dodged before laying an Ice Shard attack into her side, a smug smile on his face. Not good, Kyle thought, his teeth clenched in frustration. What is wrong with me...? I need to calm down... calm.... calm... Gosh, what is going on!?
  19. OOC: iBrow: No, and you'll see why once it opens. Titan: Slate wasn't knocked away; he was literally teleported out of the building, unharmed, as a warning not to interfere. :3 IC - The Director - KNPD HQ: The Director didn't say anything for a moment. "You truly do not understand..." he said quietly. "I have laid out every hint that I can without directly revealing just who or what I am, and yet you still don't see the truth..." A ring appeared around Alan, glowing bright red in the darkness. Another appeared, elvel with the very top of his head yet just as wide as the first, and a third appeared on the floor. "Worry not about the shaking; I shall deal with its cause shortly. Instead, perhaps you should focus on your own predicament." The circle flashed violently for a moment, ever threatening. "Do you understand what I am, Alan?" IC - Roen/? - KNPD HQ: The two assassins were nowhere to be seen when Slate arrived again, having moved on. Moving quickly, they had already made their way down several hallways, heading towards the heart of the Citadel. A short distance away, the Vortixx stopped, a look of concern appearing on his face."What's the matter, Nenda?" Roen asked. The Vortixx looked up from his arm pad. "I'm detecting a couple of really high energy signatures, one from the Director's office and one from North District," Nenda answered. "I can't identify the source of either, nor what the energy itself is." "It's not our problem to worry about," Roen said. "We'll find out soon enough, anyway, won't we?" The Vortixx nodded. "So let's go; the Guild is counting on us." IC - Vailian - Jial Island: As the answer to Eremia's question was 'no,' Vailian would have to act. Noting the various Niaka shooting at the ship, he took aim, launching low-energy paralysis bolts at each of them in rapid succession; while they did little to help the Ring's cause, it distracted them long enough for Vailian to lead them away, cutting off their attack...
  20. IC - Decaia - Ko-Koro Inn: Decaia raised an eyebrow, before grabbing his knife and whipping around, eyes narrowing at the sight of Zealokan. "You again? I thought I told you to back off!"
  21. OOC:Uber.... No. No no no no no no no. I don't suppose you paid attention to the wiki during the downtime, did you? If not, then please, by all means, go read my little... opinion on the stat matter. As a matter of fact, I'd really prefer it if everyone read what I wrote about the stats -- and by extension, Godmodding - before continuing to post anything else. Seriously. The games are NOT the law on what can and can't be done in the RPG. And guys -- Make. The. Enemy. Attack. I am not playing this game again. They are professionals. They are Rocket elites. Beating them this easily is godmodding. You are not allowed to do that. Konuju: That's fine. You've actually opened the road for me to say what I've been meaning to say. IC - Ethan - Lilycove Jail: "Stop," Ethan said. "We're not breaking him out, we're borrowing him to find out what's going on with Team Aqua right now. I'll explain later. Keep moving."
  22. NP, ToD. This is just something that absolutely has to go a certain way. :3
  23. OOC: I really have to flat-out say "no" to this. For one, you're still overlooking the sound-proofed walls. The only indication that anything is happening was that the room shook, which, considering the KNPD's security in the past, is far more likely to have been caused by an earthquake than anything else. Considering the amount of control that the Director has demonstrated over the room, what Alan now thinks he knows about the Director and the fact that there is basically no way for Alan to have that accurate of a guess... It's borderline meta-gaming for him to jump to that conclusion, to put it simply. :/ IC - Roen/? - KNPD HQ: The Vortixx barely glanced at Slate before looking away and continuing to walk. "Roen, take care of the straggler." The being turned to Slate and raised a hand, sending out a pulse of some sort. A second alter, Slate found himself a block down from the KNPD headquarters. The assassins continued on.
  24. IC - Nostala - Stony Leap: "You know what? Forget what I said earlier," Nostala said. "Everyone who can make some form of light, do it. The beast obviously doesn't like it; if we can pin him in a corner by eliminating a large enough area of shadow, maybe we can finish him off."
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