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Master of Ice and Sonic

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Everything posted by Master of Ice and Sonic

  1. Being a Tohunga fanatic, I must point out that Kivi's feet (and mask, but you can't do anything about short of calling Flintsmith) is brown, but dark orange goes better with the trans-orange mask, I guess.
  2. I will disagree with that statement. I'm going to miss your blog.
  3. I think the horns would be better in dark grey. Do they come in dark grey? I seem to remember some dark grey ones... And I think I like your coloring better than the official coloring. It's good to see that I wasn't the only one who thought the top of the head was a Tohunga arm... EDIT: And is the body of the Mahi a dark grey Slizer limb (the same as on the legs)?
  4. I believe that's Steve Witt...? He has a Flickr and an account on a LSW fansite.
  5. Well, snowtroopers only come in $50 sets or more, and even then, the most you get in a single set is two. Which leaves you with a hole on top of the fig's head.
  6. Wait, you got rid of your old blog? [voice=vader]noooooooooooooo!!![/voice]. But seriously, you got rid of your old blog for this?
  7. Only from that view. Still looks more like a Kraahkan to me.
  8. I like the name of the category for this entry .
  9. Lets not forget something here. It doesn't look like Tahu, but the fact is, it is Tahu. Lego wills it. 'Nuff said. I realize this entry is half a month old, but I hope TtW doesn't mind me continuing the discussion. @Lektho: So are you saying we should unconditionally praise Bionicle for whatever they do, no matter how many doubts or disagreements we have about it?
  10. I love Nocturn so much I can't live without looking at him every hour.
  11. I'd always thought the weaver (Shasa) used her weaving skills to weave the leaves together. Or maybe I'm thinking of another technique used to hold things together with string. I always get confused around these things... Anyway, I love the idea of the Ko-Matoran having the slightly different dialect. I support it full way . This whole slightly different dialect reminds me of Nuju's bird-speech, though that's a different story.
  12. Agreed with the second line. I immediately thought Hau when I saw it. It's even Mata red! Oh yeah, on the subject of the blog entry...I'm just not seeing it...
  13. Besides the cool mask (the fins help it so much look more like similar, though trans-orange would've been better for him) and the orange slim Inika armor, I find him to be boring. On the figure itself, if they were to use a backwards torso, the fat Inika armor would be better, as it covers the gap in his sides, but overall, I'm glad they went with slim since overall it's a much better piece than the fat, which I've always considered quite ugly.
  14. The new one is too small (but brown chainlinks are nice), and the old one is too big for minifig scale. They will never get it right. And finally someone who agrees with me on flickfire missiles. Though I have yet to get a set with the new type of missiles. EDIT: And is there a reason there are 17 guests viewing your blog?
  15. is you a sertifyed jeenyus??/ is I a sertifyed jinyus??! Yes? Maybe? I can has Arpy's kumquats? Certified, no. Genius, if I applied myself. Certified, no. Jinyus, definition needed. Perhaps. A bit. MY KUMQUATS A jinyus is like a jeenyus, only not as smarticles.
  16. Did you know that on average, lefties live ten years shorter than righties? No offense meant.
  17. Note that Vultraz has a new mask. BtB Note Vultraz is not a store exclusive like Mazeka and store exclusives rarely have new molds (last store exclusive with new molds was the Hagah).
  18. *tells PK that it's too early for even leaked images * The sets have masks? That's good. And I hope the weapons are as cool as you say. *hopes they will go back to the old socket mold even though it's probably not gonna happen* Mazeka is Onu? That's good. I expected red or green, since special editions have mostly been red and green (with one exception from '06, all from '05 and beyond were red or green mainly). I was hoping for white since we've had three black titans already from '04 beyond (Roodaka, Nivawk, Hydraxon) and this year will mark the first white titan (Taka) and another white set wouldn't hurt. Still, Onu is good. I hope he's black and his secondary color is not dark grey or silver (both are overused). Preferably dark grey over silver.
  19. It looks like you have a few misprint purple Krana there. Are you gonna collect the misprints too? But congrats anyway.
  20. Um, that is what they use. Nuva armor, pretty much exactly the way you described. (and @ Kame, I'll post a picture of the redesigned Nuva pieces tomorrow or so – they attach to the back, so the left and right pieces are mirrors of each other.) I was thinking something else, like they'd go into the O-hole, not the +-hole, but I like your idea better. To you and ChocolateFrogs alike, if given completely free rein that's how I'd do it – each Toa with his or her original color scheme intact. But since I'm keeping the adaptive armor idea, the dark grey is there to stay, I'm afraid... I still don't see why adaptive armor has to make everyone dark bley, but oh well... I had been going to give him his full armament initially, but this is what changed my mind: he'd be way too cluttered. If he had a sword, shield, wings, and a blaster over his shoulder, there would be so much going on he might fall over. As a result, one of them has to go, and the most dispensable is the sword in this case. (Why? Because, if the shield went, dual-wielding a double-bladed sword and a gun is a bit odd, so it makes more sense to have a shield and a gun with a blade in it rather than a full sword. I wish I didn't have to keep the blaster, but that's focus groups for you.) That makes sense. I'd still prefer a sword and shield, but it probably would be too cluttered. I agree, the mask's not my favorite, but I'm just working with what I'm given... @ CF, the eye-stick wouldn't be so bad if only, say, a stud or two of it were showing and the rest were inside the lens, I think. Okay. Mata feet are great, but since the wings make him rather heavy, he really needs something that gives more support – thus, Inika feet. I've also been wanting white Inika feet since 2006, and we just had white Mata feet last year. As to Rahkshi shins, they'd be on the skinny side... and I wanted a slightly stronger look than that for Kopaka. Metru heads in more colors would be amazing, but think about this – if he has a white head under a white mask, there's not much contrast in the eyehole. The dark grey had provides that. And white on white in such a situation is always a bit weird to look at. One last thing to CF – he has a shield... and the rest was addressed above. You know, I was thinking the same thought about the heads last night after I went off BZP. That it would be too bland. So I guess dark bley is good, even if I'd prefer him to have light bley with a light bley head. I can see your reasoning behind having Inika feet, but I think the problem would be the weight of the blaster. And if he's not using Mata feet, smooth Inika feet are the next best choice IMO. Although the white smooth Inika feet would be in Takanuva anyway (albeit with only one and three times the price, but you could get a bunch secondhand). And as to the Rahkshi shins, I can see why, but eh. Still want him to have Rahkshi shins (some weird idea that I refuse to let go of).
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