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Master of Ice and Sonic

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Everything posted by Master of Ice and Sonic

  1. Whoa, that's cool. The leaves, the sawblades...very nice. Only thing I notice at this moment is the upper arm. For some reason, Bohrok arm does not agree with me, though the front view does a good job of hiding it.
  2. Pardon my ignorance but where is the dark blue Miru from?
  3. cool macbook. I just got one. Is the German (it's German, right?) flag because of your class or ethnic background, or what?
  4. I'm guessing you mean gay marriage being allowed in Iowa and Vermont? Indeed!
  5. That's brilliant! Your quote reminds me of a short story I read when I was much younger from a book that was a collection of short stories. This guy goes on a fishing trip and keeps on saving his dessert to eat later but something happens to the guy.
  6. It's obvious. She dies. I don't like Ahsoka's character. It raises too many questions for me. Rather, she no longer exists in my version of the story. Also Rex is not Rex, he is Alpha. Because Alpha deserves it more. I <3 the original series. Especially the shark gunship. The animation on the new one isn't bad, I just don't like all the continuity stuff. Like why does Plo Koon have a newer version of a starfighter then uses the older version in Ep. III? Why are the gunships changed in here, then changed back in Ep. III? Also the battle droids talk way too much and some of the stuff that they say a battle droid wouldn't say. Like intelligent conversation for example. Plus now the new Lego SW sets have ugly anime faces. =(
  7. Thanks for the password checking thing. I changed mine and now it's stronger. You guys will never guess it!
  8. That blue that came with Vezok originally came with McToran and MoLtoran Matoro. (So in my opinion on it being an ice color it should have come with Thok. And Matoro Mahri.) But are we calling it sand blue? Or perhaps ice blue? Either way, it rocks. (Hmm...that would be interesting instead of the dark blue in Gelu, though Kiiva already has light blue.) -CF It's been sand blue as far as I remember. I would like more dark tan too. Maha is awesome. Though I think I'm preferring the legs and body in dark grey and eyes like you had on your original. And dark grey horns. (yes I know the eyes are on the horn and the legs are tan in the MNOG)
  9. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary). I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life. Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc. Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box! Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist... I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described. I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate. I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain? Anything with a Maxilos mask or Lhikan mask fits what I'm trying to describe. Semicircle-mouth=/=ellipse mouth. Hau=/=Hau Nuva. As for the swords, I just figured stickers would be a neat way of evoking glowy Matoran majicks. Perhaps a silver blade with a trans-orange center and silver stickers over top? How about just the silver blade with trans orange center and no sticker? Sounds better than stickers to me, though I still prefer my solution. Without the sticker you don't have the flame motif, which I felt was the biggest loss from the real Mistika Tahu Nuva's tool. The tool in itself is awesome enough, and it being a bladed weapon is all I need to establish continuity with his old tools (sure, it's not a sword, but Tahu's only real swordfight in story was less than impressive). But you know what they say: no flame, no gain. Or maybe nobody says that. But I can pretend they do. Oh, I thought you meant with a flamesword. How about a new flamesword design, trans-orange with a silver outline?
  10. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary). I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life. Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc. Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box! Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist... I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described. I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate. I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain? Anything with a Maxilos mask or Lhikan mask fits what I'm trying to describe. Semicircle-mouth=/=ellipse mouth. Hau=/=Hau Nuva. As for the swords, I just figured stickers would be a neat way of evoking glowy Matoran majicks. Perhaps a silver blade with a trans-orange center and silver stickers over top? How about just the silver blade with trans orange center and no sticker? Sounds better than stickers to me, though I still prefer my solution.
  11. Thanks =). I didn't expect to win a plushie. *wishes he could use his blog right now* And congratulations to everyone else and all that stuff =P
  12. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary). I've always actually preferred stickers to decals, since my stickers have rarely come off of anything but round parts. In fact, it's often hard to remove them when I do want to, which is rare. Playing with them has as of yet not been the cause of any sticker-peeling-- the only stickers that have ever peeled from my sets have been a result of shelf life. Meanwhile, I was very much a fan of the Magma Sword, which actually had a physical blade, as while a bladeless hilt might be easier to carry, it's fairly unattractive to draw Tahu holding a lightsaber-like jet of flame by a tiny hilt. Silver would have been necessary for a Tahu set's weapon-- you're not only destroying the unity of the Nuva by giving him a non-silver weapon, you're destroying the continuity of the story by effectively downgrading his weapon. I think it's a crying shame how many people saw the new sets as an excuse for the Nuva to stop being Nuva, what with their ridiculous non-Nuva-like mask choices for MOCs, granting of claws to Onua as his primary weapon, etc. Yay! Probably the first post to have zero spoilers outside the quote box! Another Nuva discussion, but I can't resist... I don't think the colors of a sticker can compare to an actual flame sword, especially if the flame is transparent or has a well-blended color (have you seen the Tahu swords in red and yellow-mixture? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about). A fire sticker would just pale in comparison to an actual plastic flame like I just described. I think silver in the hilt is plenty enough. And while drawing it may look awkward, keep in mind TLC's not focusing on keeping things simple for artists (sorry if I insulted any artists out there). Also, though I see how you may see my design as a "downgrade", I still think having it in orange or red-yellow is appropriate. I haven't seen that many Nuva MOCs, can you show me some with un-Nuva-like masks? And giving Onua claws isn't a bad thing IMO. Care to explain?
  13. Actually, I think he looks better with the KKII armor on his shin. But of course TLC would never do that. And I would change the feet.
  14. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, a bit refined, but I think the general shape would be a great substitute for Tahu Mistika's actual weapon. And no, no stickers. No stickers at all. They peel off eventually (consider it's a toy meant to be played with), and they don't look as hot as actual pieces. Plus, why throw in silver in the blade? Just keep the silver in the hilt (if silver be necessary).
  15. My thoughts (careful long post): » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Gelu is boring build-wise, but I just love how he looks. I'm a sucker for T-visors, and of course the matching snowflake patterns are nice as well. I like the sword, think Inika legs would be better and some other feet (round Inika feet, Toa feet) other than the spiky ones because I don't think they go with the sleek image. I'm not sure how I feel about the snowflakes on his arm, might be better as a throwing weapon. I will definitely get him. I prefer him to Strakk for looks. Others: Vastus is kinda confusing. I liked him at first, didn't like him, and with these official pics think he's jumbled and messy. No buy. Kiina has a different body without a giant body plate, and that's good, but I'm not sure I like this one. Light blue Vahki leg is good though. What do you think of the new joint? Mata Nui I don't like in yellow or the new mask but I'll wait until I see pics of the big one before deciding. Anyone else thinking that Ackar's sword would've made a good one for Tahu (with red hilt)? Ackar's very nice like Gelu but boring build-wise. Ankle cover looks good to me. Berix helm fits I guess. Plus bright red and orange yay! Stronius I like, though not sure about his torso armor. I like the club, and overall he's pretty good, not sure about the spike pieces used for his thighs. Maybe it'll be better than Hewkii Mahri because they're the right color this time. Don't like most of the vehicles except maybe the big one (the tank-walker), double-cycle, and yellow thing, which are okay. Two-headed dog is a mess. I like the helms of the motorcycle and yellow sandmobile riders though.
  16. If that's their reasoning I must admit I'm pretty sad and disappointed.
  17. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Agree. I prefer the Toa Ignika Ignika to this one. New one is not as sleek from what I can see. The shape doesn't look...right. As you said, it would've saved a mold, plus ice blue eyes. Also, gold should've been definitely used.
  18. Therein lies the problem =P Ooooooooooooooooooo-hio. Ohio.
  19. Ice blue chainsaws > orange chainsaws. <3 ice blue anything.
  20. If I ever need quotable material for my sigs, your blog entry provides plenty of them.
  21. The only thing I can say I don't like (not having watched any of it besides a small part of an episode with clones in snow) is that Anakin has an apprentice. Just doesn't seem...right. Also, several droids have R7 designations, which I thought came out after the movies took place. Rex looks cool though, can't say same for his name. And clone snowtroopers I like.
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